Who are you hoping to meet in Las Vegas at TheRx.com `04 Bash?
I started thinking about which poster`s will be the most interesting to finally meet , many come to mind...too many to list, thats for sure....
How will all these massive ego`s fit in one baquet room in Vegas? We`re talking about some of the biggest ego`s on the internet, I could list 50 poster`s one ego bigger than the next...there won`t be any room with all the big heads wondering around....
Who are you looking to finally meet?
I started thinking about which poster`s will be the most interesting to finally meet , many come to mind...too many to list, thats for sure....
How will all these massive ego`s fit in one baquet room in Vegas? We`re talking about some of the biggest ego`s on the internet, I could list 50 poster`s one ego bigger than the next...there won`t be any room with all the big heads wondering around....
Who are you looking to finally meet?