Hmm. What a surprise. Yet again, NO RECORDS FOR ANY OF THEIR CAPPERS. It used to be they'd tout one or multiple records if any of their guys were doing well in the intro. Now they simply skip over it without any mention. Hey ESPN, why aren't you talking about the season performance of ANY of these guys? Why should we listen to ANY of these nobodies? Buncha scrubs.
No record for Tuley, though he's the one guy generally respected in the business out of their assortment of scrub cappers. No record for Erin Rynning (FAILED tout for SportsMemo), no record for "Rufus Peabody" and of course, none for Wiseguys. But hey, I'm 12-4 this season (75%), let's listen to these jamokes who ESPN can't even provide a record for (prob because most of them suck).
What a joke