How old would you guess this kid EGD is?

told you i <perused> your post

no fade>>>> included oh well

i wish i was 21
Hows that vibrator you got for Christmas treating you?

[This message was edited by DickyW on 01-17-03 at 05:29 PM.]
may i ask you a serious question???

how can you talk to a woman like that? using the language you use and the filthy talk. it is so rude and inappropriate... you are a piece of garbage of my book, which explains why ur still a virgin at 25
I wish, i just act it from time to time. I answered Sick Gambler questionaire I'm 37.
Do you get to Myrtle for golf? Have'nt been in about 10 years, I'm thinking about a trip in the spring for a little golf

Don't get your panty's in a bunch sweetheart. I got a perfect match for you theres a poster named Dr. Cravemoredick who finds your interesting. Lose some weight, take care of that hygene(try the spring scent) problem and go for it.
i am trying to figure out why you feel the need to insult me. does it make you feel better? your ego must be REALLY low to constantly make comments like that, not to mention youre always on this thing chattin away with your boyfriends lol

I've known you now for 2 years, and all these years, I really had NO idea you were a girl.You used to always say you were a guy, but now, it seems like you've come out and admitted to being a girl, wow!!

Which leads me to my next question... When are you and I going to have phone sex, or at least Chat room sex. It's good enough for me. Who knows, maybe you're decent looking. Well, if you are not, just dont tell me, I don't want to know. I hope at least you have a nice voice. I think you and I will get along just great, sweetie.. Hurry up, I'll be waiting for you in the chat room. Now don't keep me waiting too long.

New member
Feb 20, 2002
Tokens guess is 9.

Never forget when the going got rough the words "LETS ROLL" rang out.......Late, GMON
finally someone has the balls to make a move on ID. I am proud of you for taking the bull by the horns, and calling out ID. Either two thing are going to happen either ID is a guy and is going to get freaked out and leave or you might get some good phone sex. Even if ID is a girl and is'nt good looking it's still phone sex for you. If Id is a female I guarantee you she's trash. I bet she is'nt that good looking but I bet she gives out blowjobs like there tic tacs.
She would be cool to bang because you would'nt have to hide your gambling. You could say "FVCK I just blew the Islander total on that empty netter ID come over here on the couch and blow me. Sadly enough as much as she likes to get abused on this forum I gotta believe she likes it a little rough, and I think you might be to much of a gentleman for her. Dont be suprised if she asks you to do some fvcked up kinky shit during the phone sex
dicky, if only all you said was true, but here is the bottom line. You left out one option for ID, and that is he/she will completely avoid me and pretend she never saw that post. Now if I can have ID the way you just described her, I'd be in heaven. I wouldn't mind ID blowing me after an empty netter that made it 4-2 final, and I had the dog +1.5 -55 and under 5.5 -45. But here is the truth of it all..

Will ID blow me.

NO -1200
Yes +800


Will ID ever have phone sex with me

NO -580
YES +440


Will ID ever respond to this post.

NO -130
YES +110
ID, hurry up, I am waiting for you in chat room, I swear. Come on..don't make me wait all day..

The -130 no looks to be a play.

Heres the deal if ID does not reply we know he/she is a dude and a homophobic one at that.

If ID responds with some flirting he/she is a dude and is trying to meet a man.

IF ID responds with a insult he/she is a prude.

If ID responds with some curious questions your in like Flynn
I wish I was in like Flynn, but that is not looking good now. ID will not even talk to me, let alone have chat sex with me. I have been sitting there alone in a stupid chat room awaiting ID, but yet, NO sign of him/her.

I really want ID now more than ever.. I am feeling very horny now...
figured no way on the 25
you know to much about some of the older golfers to be that young

yea i get down ro myrtle beach a good bit
used to be almost every other week
but my wife put a stop to that

there is a tremendous amount of action down there

a couple of my best buddies live down there

let me know if you decide to go

by action i mean <gambling<
golf to poker
I think I went five straight years to Myrtle used to love it. I've played a bunch of courses but I'm told I woud'nt even recognize the place now. Can I still get a cheap all you can eat crab leg dinner with cheap pitchers in Calabash? What are you favorite courses there?
there are so many
north end marsh harbour
oyster bay , pearl

the big gambling games are at the north end at river hills and sometimes bay tree
mostly river hill now

south end debordieu, litchfield, pawleys plantation
and central located the dunes is still great and pine lakes is very nice also

the guy that was president of the pga lives down there and he is good friends with that a buddy of mine there so i can probably get you on any place you want

i have spent alot of time down there
played in a <calcutta. down there last year that had over 750 large in it
played in groups of 8
took about 10 hours to play

seriously if you want to go let me know and i can suggest some coures if you want and arrange tee times
Played the Pearl and loved it forgot wich 18 I played, if I remember there was 36 correct! Played Marsh Harbour as well I'm not very good and pretty eratic with the golf swing so target golf does not set up well for me, I seem remember alot of landing areas . Always played Arcadian Shores just because it was always in spectacular shape. another course I enjoyed was the Witch. I'll kep you updated would love to set up a tee time play a little golf and laugh at Newhen all day

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