My girlfriend/fiance, her mother & father, her brothers & sisters, her aunts & uncles, and all her nieces & nephew are Mexican - American & all of them get the immigration thing, all for it, and even plan to vote for Trump.
I dunno, maybe it's where i live, but almost every Mexican - American is against letting more immigrats of any kind in, even their own from Mexico & many Mexican - American's are even ashamed of it.
Now, i must say, I've poked fun at my gf by asking how is that fair when the only reason you're here is because you're grandparents or great grandparents came over lol.
She gets it.
They all get it, but understand at some point it has to stop.
But it's time that all current Americans, especially Mexicans/Hispanics get on board with blacks, whites, etc. by realizing how how critical things are getting & how immigration into the U.S. in general now needs to be shut down completely & understand its not really because of them, but because of the threat from terrorists & Muslims.
Right now many Hispanics/Mexicans take the immigration thing personal & don't get it, like some who do as i explained further above.
This sounds bad, but 50 years from now, when their kids or family members can't walk down the street without being blown up, raped, or kidnapped & their heads cut off by a Muslim, then they will finally understand & look back thinking how they should have listened to the blacks, whites, Asians, other Mexican - Americans, and everyone else who tried explaining.
And Pocket there are clearly exceptions to the rule & you're American as everyone else who is. If you want to be that is lol.