This is an abomination.
A new report being released today finds that millions of citizens and illegal aliens will apply for tax refunds that they don't deserve. I know you are shocked, right? The report's official title is The Earned Income Tax Credit and Illegal Immigration: A Study in Fraud, Abuse, and Liberal Activism, and it was conducted by financial analyst and economist Edwin Rubenstein.
Rubenstein found that the Earned Income Tax Credit is "the largest anti-poverty program in the United States -- and the most illegal-immigrant friendly." He found that about 30% of all Earned Income Tax Credit claims were improperly paid. That equates to about 6 to 7 million households and $12 to $14 billion in fraudulent payments. The Earned Income Tax Credit is "the most accessible of the major entitlement programs and used by more people than food stamps and welfare combined."
A new report being released today finds that millions of citizens and illegal aliens will apply for tax refunds that they don't deserve. I know you are shocked, right? The report's official title is The Earned Income Tax Credit and Illegal Immigration: A Study in Fraud, Abuse, and Liberal Activism, and it was conducted by financial analyst and economist Edwin Rubenstein.
Rubenstein found that the Earned Income Tax Credit is "the largest anti-poverty program in the United States -- and the most illegal-immigrant friendly." He found that about 30% of all Earned Income Tax Credit claims were improperly paid. That equates to about 6 to 7 million households and $12 to $14 billion in fraudulent payments. The Earned Income Tax Credit is "the most accessible of the major entitlement programs and used by more people than food stamps and welfare combined."