I guess you have to walk in my shoes to get the cooker. It not about leaving the house/office. You can't bring 3 laptops and 6 screens. But it is the pressure of making every right move, every DB alert, which positions should you get, which ones should you get off, which ones are balanced. Then the halftimes are just a free for all, not much time to think. One bad move or hesitation could cost you severely. Weekends are usually 2 12's for me, especially with football. Can't tell you how many times I have left the computers just for a minute and boom, position completely reversed. After 12 hours of investing, grading, matching results and looking over next day openers, you are just mentally done. I can turn my bankroll over 2 or 3 times a day if I work hard, take cheap positions. Again, I may be scalping, 10 minutes before post is non stop. Maybe middling, betting, hedging, shopping for futures, speculation, the OMNIVOROUS approach. But when I am working, I focus. When I leave, the business stays home. It is not that I am unhappy now, but the perks in the old days were fantasyland for a street punk like me. But you evolve or die off. Just miss the highlife, the easy opportunities, constant line moves, wide open limits. I was even house player for awhile. Just bought a big new house with a jacuzzi in the master so still do my scarface impression. By the time my day is over, it is unwind, usually cigar, brandy, message, jacuzzi, you name it. No socializing, hard to put on happy face and make small talk after living on the edge for 12 hours. It is a cooker, with your own money, you produce or work for free. Training my wife for second set of screens now. Should ease some of the burden. Best Wishes...OF