I saw a picture of Will from Hollywood, and he had greased back hair like Travolta, a scar like Pacino and a belly like Paul Sorvino.
He looked a little mafioso.
btw - Willy, thanks for taking care of that thing with the guy that time. I won't forgettaboutit.
Roberto from Royal seems like Sonny from Bronx Tail. I hear that why they're giving away the Vette - it might have been wired when Roberto was out taking care of that thing. One time I called in a bad line and he said, "Max, if you ever disprespect me a line like that again I'm gonna smack you".
Major is like Henry Hill - he's definately the rat type.
Ken seems like Tommy DeVito - loud and annoying
Somebody call a hit on this guy before he's a made man.
BettingProphets is "Mush" everything he bets is jinx.
The Godfather is Billy Walters - I can picture his guy sitting in a smoke office smoking stoggies all day.
He looked a little mafioso.
btw - Willy, thanks for taking care of that thing with the guy that time. I won't forgettaboutit.
Roberto from Royal seems like Sonny from Bronx Tail. I hear that why they're giving away the Vette - it might have been wired when Roberto was out taking care of that thing. One time I called in a bad line and he said, "Max, if you ever disprespect me a line like that again I'm gonna smack you".
Major is like Henry Hill - he's definately the rat type.
Ken seems like Tommy DeVito - loud and annoying
BettingProphets is "Mush" everything he bets is jinx.
The Godfather is Billy Walters - I can picture his guy sitting in a smoke office smoking stoggies all day.