How can anyone bet on CAROLINA this Sunday?


New member
Sep 17, 2011
Week one I felt strongly about Buffalo +5.5 against KC. Last week I felt equally as strong with Detroit -9 against KC. This week I am straying from my predictions of KC having an extreme down year and moving to a team I am absolutely drooling to bet against. I think there is a very large betting opportunity here I am taking full advantage of it. I know I am going against ALOT of people here.

Kansas City, Indianapolis, Miami, St. Louis, Minnesota, Seattle.
Is anyone talking positively about any of these teams? Have you heard one good thing ANYWHERE about any of these teams? All I have heard is how, Indianapolis is a 4 win team without Manning, Kansas City is the worst team in the league, loaded with injuries and lacking talent. Miami is a flawed system with a useless quarterback. St. Louis is St. Louis. Minnesota chokes late and is nothing but trouble on offense. Seattle is the worst team in the NFC West, which subsequently is the worst division in football and cant score a single point.
Yet, when it comes to CAROLINA who HAS THE SAME RECORD AS THESE SIX TEAMS, all of the sudden were talking about one of the most exciting and best teams in the NFL. Cam Newton is one of the best quarterbacks in the league and is a shoe in to break all sorts of records, and hell, if teams take away the pass well he is going to run for 150 yards and break records with his feet.
Just a few weeks ago everyone was burying Cam Newton saying he could never play at an NFL level. Now, he goes out and has two big passing weeks and all of the sudden he is the biggest news in the NFL. Did nobody notice that he has more INT's then he does TD's? Did nobody notice that every single one of his passes has been to either a safety valve tight end/running back or a safe sideline route to Smith. Did nobody notice that every time those routes were taken away he was AT BEST a very below average quarterback. I can remember one series in particular against Green Bay where he had Smith in coverage and his two safety valves taken away on three straight plays. He went incomplete, incomplete and interception. Andy Dalton in Cincinnati has thrown for the same number of touchdowns as Newton through two weeks, with ZERO interceptions. Both of Dalton's games have been on the road in Cleveland and in Denver. There are eleven quarterbacks with a better passer rating then Newton through two weeks of the season. Hell, that does not matter because Newton is saying all the right things in press conferences and really believes that he can win and succeed at the pro level. ESPN, NFL Network, CBS, name a network, they have been absolutely POUNDING this kid into everyone watching. The hype meter on Newton right now is OFF THE CHARTS. More people are talking about Newton over Tom Brady. What kind of world are we living in? This is the only thing that any of us are hearing about, and apparently all anyone is betting on.
Now, I do not need Covers or Vegas Insider or any "claimed" consensus website to tell me how the public is betting. Mainly because these numbers are completely false and really have no relation to anything and are for advertisement and promotion purposes more then anything. I can simply tell by looking forum to forum and base a very strong opinion based on the extreme media attention that Carolina and Newton have been getting that the volume on this line is EXTREMELY one sided in favor of the Panthers. Carolina has been a favorite once in the past 25+ games. Never in my entire life (15+ years of NFL betting) have I seen everyone, and I mean everyone so excited and willing to blindly bet an 0-2 team coming off a 2-14 season the year before with no major changes or improvements. There is a crazy perception on this team like nothing I have seen before. Between the media and the hype, people have got the impression that Carolina is a good team this year. For example, today at work (Golf Course Greens keeper) I was talking with a co worker of mine about who looks good this week. I said I like Jacksonville to beat up on the Panthers. His response to me was wow, aren't the Panthers really good this year.
NO! They are an 0-2 football team who have an extremely good chance at going 0-7! After they lose this week to Jacksonville they go to Chicago, home to New Orleans, in Atlanta (0-6) then home to the upstart Redskins. That is screaming 0-7 start, their worst start ever as a team. Carolina this week is a bookmakers DREAM. Everyone is talking about how good Cam Newton is going to be and how well this team is going to do. This line is an absolute gift. Carolina should not be favored against anyone in this entire league. The fact that they are favored against this Jacksonville team is bizarre.
Anyone taking stock in how the Panthers matched up against the Packers last week needs to give their head a shake. First of all, we have seen the bounce-back/rebound theory at its finest through two weeks this season. Green Bay coming off a Superbowl victory playing at home on Thursday to open up against New Orleans was one of the most thrilling games we will see all year. They then had an extra three days off before traveling to the worst team in the NFL from a season ago to play a road game before a rivalry division game and rematch of last years playoff game against Chicago. If you think you saw the true Packers team in the first half of that game, your kidding yourself. Furthermore, that box score is VERY misleading. The Panthers did take a 13-7 lead into halftime. What it does not show is the unbalance and struggle the Panthers had in the Red Zone. The Panthers were 2:1 on pass run inside the Red Zone. As we have all seen in the past, teams that are one dimensional, almost always to the pass get burned in the Red Zone. How many times have we seen teams fly down the field and go 70 yards in four plays then end up three and out from the 10? These yards and stats are misleading. As soon as the yards count and as soon as the angles change and the defense can focus on the pass, the Panthers become predictable and easy to stop. Also as we have seen in both games the Panthers have played this season, as soon as the other team "wakes up" after spotting the Panthers a touchdown plus lead, the tides turn on the Panthers. Green Bay went into the half down 13-7 and came out with four scores in the third quarter on four drives. The Packers really had this game won by two touchdowns and only played 1.5 quarters. The last touchdown by Cam Newton was on a four yard run with 30 seconds to play on a drive littered with preventive prevent defense by the Packers. Like I said, unless you watched both of these games you do not have a true feel for the Panthers. People who are betting the box scores and betting the hype (90% of bettors?) have a false perception and are going to get burned.
Another thing you will notice if you watched the games is that the Panthers have been owned in the trenches for seven of eight quarters this season. The supposed dynamic duo of Williams and Stewart have rushed for 74 yards on 30 carries. This is not going to change this week as the Jags have allowed sixth best or 3.4 yards per rush defensively and fifth in total rush yards at 72 per game. Unlike Carolina you can put stock in these stats. Jacksonville has shut down the best rusher in the league in week one (Chris Johnson) and shut down the notorious smash mouth pound the ball up the middle Jets on the road last week (despite the loss). There is not a single thing that leads me to believe that Carolina will not yet against be extremely one dimensional. First week in the NFL, okay Carolina's offense is a surprise. Second week, adjustments were made. Ignore the first half, when the Packers woke up they were on a different level then the Panthers. Third week, I do not care if you have the Toronto Argonauts from the CFL on the field, these coaches and coordinators in the NFL are all way too good to fool for a third week. The gimmick is up this week.
Jacksonville is going to have a hay day running the ball this week. Carolina has two rookies, one was just signed to start on defense. MJD is at full go this week and will really have his say as to how far he wants to run. The Jags hung 163 yards on the Titans and 113 on the Jets last week. I wouldn’t be shocked to see a number higher then either of those on Sunday. For those giving the Blane Gabbert rookie argument, your all suckers to the hype of Newton. "Well it is Gabberts first ever NFL Start!" CAM NEWTON made his first ever start TWO SUNDAYS ago. If Gabbert comes out and throws for 400 yards (very unlikely but against this Carolina team, possible) and then puts 400 more up against the Saints in a let down game that even 5% of the people backing Newton right now will even notice? No chance in hell. We are talking about two games more experience here guys, come on. Pre draft Gabbert was expected to be the best quarterback coming out of the draft. Where did all of that hype go to? All signs coming out of Jacksonville is showing that he is more then ready and more then capable of starting in this league. What a better team to do it against then the Panthers. Combined with this running attack that Jacksonville has, he should be more then comfortable in the pocket throwing against this secondary. Don't expect huge things, but I know Gabbert is capable of keeping the ball safe and hanging a win on the board for his team. Two things god, err Newton is incapable of doing thus far.
The perception on this game is absolutely RIDICULOUS and this line is setting up for an absolute blood bath. A friend of mine who is a bookmaker told me that 8 of every 10 bets he took last week had the Ravens involved in it, I expect this game to be even higher. How did the Ravens do last week? Cam Newton fails to show up this week, and come Monday there will be a lot of sprained ankles from people jumping off the bandwagon. Carolina loses this game, and loses each of their next four and rolls to an 0-7 start.
Three points, a free hook. Ill take that all day long.

Jacksonville Jaguars +3.5


New member
Nov 20, 2007
Don't necessarily agree with all your points because I think some are exaggerated. For one, I can see thinking they shouldn't be FG+ favorites over Jacksonville, but at home I think you'd expect them to be slightly better than a pick. Also, Newton has made some pretty good throws when the coverage has been terrible. He's still completing over 62% while throwing a ton, for a ton of yardage, in his first two NFL games. The thing is guys like him do command some additional responsibilities for defenders and in turn that stress can open things up.
Additionally, I'd caution in that I feel like your angle is VERY reliant on FADING Carolina, and I actually touched on this subject in my own write-ups, that I've been burned before forcing fades even when I'm ultimately right...when I haven't considered the team and angles I'm actually backing.
Point being - clearly you've put a lot of thought into this and clearly talking you out of it at this point is probably impossible. I just wish I saw more angles in favor of Jacksonville here. Basically all I see of concrete evidence is that you think MJD will run wild.

Well, ultimately I agree with you 100%. The value is on Jacksonville. It's Jags or nothing to me. I don't know if I'm all that excited about backing this Jacksonville team on the road though, even with the points. I have no reason to not believe in the Jags run-defense stats since we know CJ and Green are good...but I'm not entirely sure how they're getting it done. They're also not nearly as good against the pass on the year which is scary against a guy with 800+ yards already, no matter what. Ultimately, Cam Newton is going to run into some defenses that will give him nightmares. I'm really far from convinced that the Jaguars in Carolina HAVE to be the first to really do that.

Again, I like the Jags as well, though as of now I lean to no play. Good luck, enjoyed the well thought-out read, just my two cents.

New member
Sep 30, 2010
Thomas Davis and Jon Beason have both gone down for Carolina. I'm on the jaqs with you. I can see Jackonville pounding the ball opening up some pass plays even with a rookie qb. Mr Newton can only do so much this is a team sport. Thanks for the write up.

New member
Sep 20, 2011
Wow your playing the Jags on the road. Who is there Quarterback?


Oct 1, 2005
People said Cam would suck at was a joke as a #1 pick.
As you know, people can be wrong.

Carolina is an improved team with Cam at the helm. The defense doesnt have to work as hard, the running game as more open space to roam and Steve Smith actually cares now because the ball gets to him where it should. The team has confidence now.

Jacksonville is no creampuff, but starting Yo Gabba Gabbert this week seems a bit desperate. Cutting Garrard was a clown move but the only way Del Rio could get his precious treasure to start.

For me, it's hard to back a rookie QB in his first every NFL start on the road (and hence why I played Arizona -3.5 way back when in week 1 over Carolina).

Good luck though. It should be an interesting game to watch

Dec 12, 2006
I'll take Miami and the points this week and St. Louis could/should have beaten the Giants, even with all their injuries.

Jul 27, 2010
well written and spot on!

i saw the same thing you did...

New member
Sep 20, 2011
Like I said before "Who is there Quarterback?"

Carolina 27, Jags 13

New member
Jan 13, 2011
Gabbert is the better qb in my opinion. Ham Newton comes back down to planet Earth. Jags 21 Carolina 17

New member
Sep 17, 2011
It's not about who the quarterback is for Jacksonville, this is the fact that I'm getting a line that is six points off where it should be against an 0-2 team. Everyone is jumping on a rookie quarterback starting while they are backing a rookie quarterback themselves. Massive public burial just like Baltimore was last week.

The Juice is worth the squeeze
Sep 15, 2008
It's not about who the quarterback is for Jacksonville, this is the fact that I'm getting a line that is six points off where it should be against an 0-2 team. Everyone is jumping on a rookie quarterback starting while they are backing a rookie quarterback themselves. Massive public burial just like Baltimore was last week.

I'm with you! I do find it funny how people keep saying Jax is starting a rookie! Ummm Cam is too lol and he's eventually going to have a bad game. ( not throwing for 400 3 weeks in a row ) And the fact that Carolina's top 2 linebackers are out = a lot of base defense's, keep it simple which plays into helping Gabbert read the defense. I'm all over this game and who cares if they don't win ( they will ) they just got to cover!

New member
Jan 4, 2006
It's not about who the quarterback is for Jacksonville, this is the fact that I'm getting a line that is six points off where it should be against an 0-2 team. Everyone is jumping on a rookie quarterback starting while they are backing a rookie quarterback themselves. Massive public burial just like Baltimore was last week.

To confirm, you think Jax should have been set as a 2.5 point favorite in Carolina off a 32-3 loss, with Gabbert making his 1st start, after Newton's Panthers were leading the Super Bowl champion 13-7 at half as a 10 point dog, while Newton is on Sportscenter highlights every night?

New member
Mar 9, 2010
its not betting on carolina as much as it is betting against the jags...they are HORRIBLE, i watched the entire jets jags game and the team is just bad

carolina rolls

New member
Sep 17, 2011
its not betting on carolina as much as it is betting against the jags...they are HORRIBLE, i watched the entire jets jags game and the team is just bad

Another one of you guys. Carolina is so much better, yet they have a winless and worse record then Jacksonville? What are you thinking?

What about the game Jacksonville won the week before where they looked very impressive and proved many people wrong?

If you want to base things solely on last week, how about the Panthers second half? This was the only half that the Packers actually played, specifically the third quarter?

This is not even close.

Nov 15, 2006

Gabbert should do okay , but i prefer a rookie Qb at home (with 2 starts under his belt)over a rookie qb on the road(firrst start). Jacksonville's opening day win is meaningless and they looked like shit against the Jets. I'm not putting my money on a team that scored a total of 19 points in 2 weeks. covering neither. Newton has thrown over 400 yds two weeks in a row. it was the punt return for a td that cost them that win @ Arizona as much as Newton and last week he threw for over 400 against the packers (in case you haven't heard, they won the last super bowl). and that was with Clay Mathews rushing a good part of the game.
you say newton uses dump offs to the tight ends, but the jags gave those plays to the jets all day long. TE Keller had over 100 yds and relic Tomilinson had over 70 on dump offs. and Newton went over the top to Smith plenty .Newton will get plenty of lumps against the Falcons and saints in their dome stadiums but not this week. Good luck but i see the Panthers winning this by 10.

New member
Jan 13, 2011
Hey people if he is throwing for 400 yds a game and losing what does that even matter?? Carolina stinks and so do the jags. Better games on the board though!

New member
Sep 17, 2011
The point I am trying to make is that passing yards are over valued and clearly over hyped which is leading to a major inflation of this line. This year passing yards are off the chart, everyone is racking up yards and just because Cam Newton was so under rated and under respected that he is now blowing up because he well exceeded expectations in weeks one and two.
Passing yards dont win you games. Bottom line is that red zone effeciency and turn over ratio does. So far Cam Newton has a ton of yards, TERRIBLE red zone effeciency and a negitive turn over margin, in turn 0-2 start. Everyone can move the ball between the twenties, that is not what counts, inside the opponents twenty does. He has yet to show me he can. This is still the Carolina Panthers. We are making this team sound so good and have so much promise. They have yet to show anything to prove this. I do not understand what you guys have seen in them. They are still the worst team in the NFL in the past season and two games, and they will finish as one of the worst this season.

New member
Sep 3, 2011
Funny that your argument is redzone efficiency yet the Jaguars haven't scored a redzone touchdown yet this year not to mention 3 of their 4 fieldgoals are from 40+. I'm not saying it's obvious the Panthers will win but first game for Gabbert on the road. I'll stick with the team that has looked more consistent personally probably would avoid this game gven the extra .5

New member
Nov 7, 2009
Just because it's not a good idea to bet on one side of a game.....doesn't mean it IS a good idea to be on the other side.
Pretty basic concept there that you're overlooking.

I don't have a good feel either way on this game, but I sure wouldn't back the Jags here on the road.

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