How Biden would have responded to 9/11: Send 200 million to Iran! LMFAO!


Militant Birther
Nov 29, 2005
Biden’s foreign-policy chops

posted at 10:30 am on August 23, 2008 by Ed Morrissey
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Many believe that Barack Obama chose Joe Biden for his running mate to address a profound weakness on foreign policy. Power Line points out an example of the Biden prowess on foreign relations that first appeared in The New Republic’s profile of Biden from October 2001. In a vignette at the end of the article, Biden ponders mightily over how the US should respond to 9/11:
At the Tuesday-morning meeting with committee staffers, Biden launches into a stream-of-consciousness monologue about what his committee should be doing, before he finally admits the obvious: “I’m groping here.” Then he hits on an idea: America needs to show the Arab world that we’re not bent on its destruction. “Seems to me this would be a good time to send, no strings attached, a check for $200 million to Iran,” Biden declares. He surveys the table with raised eyebrows, a How do ya like that? look on his face.

The staffers sit in silence. Finally somebody ventures a response: “I think they’d send it back.” Then another aide speaks up delicately: “The thing I would worry about is that it would almost look like a publicity stunt.” Still another reminds Biden that an Iranian delegation is in Moscow that very day to discuss a $300 million arms deal with Vladimir Putin that the United States has strongly condemned. But Joe Biden is barely listening anymore. He’s already moved on to something else.
First, Iranians aren’t Arabs. They’re Persians, as both Arabs and Iranians would quickly point out to anyone ignorant of the distinction. They have no relation linguistically or culturally, except that both are predominantly Islamic. One would expect a foreign-policy expert to know at least that much. Team Obama ridiculed John McCain when he inadvertently mixed up Sunnis and Shi’ites, but this is much more fundamental.

Beyond that, what would a check for $200 million have bought us with the Iranians? We know what it would have bought for the Iranians — more resources for the nuclear-weapons program already in progress in Tehran. Bear in mind that this was shortly after the attacks on New York City and Washington had caused billions of dollars in damage and perhaps trillions in economic impact, not to mention the 3,000 lives that terrorists ended on that day. If Biden wanted to spend $200 million, maybe he would have thought to spend it on Americans, and not the nation that even then was the acknowledged leader in financing terrorism around the world.

I’m sorry, but a man who thinks it appropriate to send hundreds of millions of dollars — “no strings attached” — to a terror-sponsoring regime in order to make America a supplicant of radicals is no foreign-policy genius. (via Power Line)

Militant Birther
Nov 29, 2005
I swear to God, you can't make this stuff up! :ohno:

"Hope" and "change"???????

No, no, no, no, no....

More like W-E-A-K-E-S-T presidential ticket -- EVER!!!!

You doorknobs should have picked Hillary. And then, when she lost because of the nut jobs, Obama should have had the proper judgment to pick Hillary as his VP. But we already know Obama's judgment and character is worse than John Edwards' as documented in the The Case Against Obama.

Hillary would have shown Americans that Obama was serious about becoming president.

Folks, there are two parties in this country. The adult party and the party of whining, immature CHILDREN who will get more innocent Americans killed.

"Privately, aids concede Obama needs to shore up his foreign policy credentials....blah, blah blah..."

Hey! Let's pick Joe Biden!

Joe Biden: We've just been attacked. Let's send 200 million to Iran!

You can't make this stuff up!


New member
Sep 20, 2000
He also came up with the idea,jumping up and down about it in Biden fasion to split Iraq up into three different states a year or two ago.

What kind of a cluster fuck would that be now? Iraq would be 5 years behind todays gains now.

All thing being equel the only guy who said we needed more troops to get the job done in Iraq was MCCain. Wether you were for the war or against it.His approach turned out for the best in a shitty situation.

Militant Birther
Nov 29, 2005
So Biden's judgment is just as bad as Obama's -- seems about right.

The only sane choice was Hillary and apparently she wasn't even vetted which demonstrates Obama is more concerned with pettiness and hurt feelings than doing what's right for the country.

Tony Rezko, Bill Ayers, Rev Wright, the list never ends...


Barack Obama isn't qualified to be POTUS and the American people are starting to realize it.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
He also came up with the idea,jumping up and down about it in Biden fasion to split Iraq up into three different states a year or two ago.

What kind of a cluster fuck would that be now? Iraq would be 5 years behind todays gains now.

All thing being equel the only guy who said we needed more troops to get the job done in Iraq was MCCain. Wether you were for the war or against it.His approach turned out for the best in a shitty situation.

McCain says if he had to do it all over again he'd still go into Iraq in '03. He's learned nothing and favors wars without justification.No weapons of mass destruction? No problem.

Militant Birther
Nov 29, 2005
McCain says if he had to do it all over again he'd still go into Iraq in '03. He's learned nothing and favors wars without justification.No weapons of mass destruction? No problem.

No problem, indeed. Getting rid of Saddam and his psychotic sons was long overdue. Your boy Colin Powell is one of the main players who got us into that mess in the first place.

If Vladimir Krushchev invades Ukraine or Poland tomorrow, who do you want representing the United States of America?

Barack Obama and Joe Biden? :ohno: :smoking:

New member
Dec 16, 2004
McCain says if he had to do it all over again he'd still go into Iraq in '03. He's learned nothing and favors wars without justification.No weapons of mass destruction? No problem.

Don't waste your energy.....the choice isn't meant to satisfy these people.

The right wing slamming Biden means very little....he's a pretty strong choice

And atleast a few right wingers don't have their head in the clouds and will admit it (below)

On another note, I can assure you the Obama campaign did their due diligence and both polled this & focused group this very important choice.

<nyt_headline version="1.0" type=" "> Hoping It’s Biden </nyt_headline>

<nyt_byline version="1.0" type=" "> By DAVID BROOKS
</nyt_byline> Barack Obama has decided upon a vice-presidential running mate. And while I don’t know who it is as I write, for the good of the country, I hope he picked Joe Biden.

Biden’s weaknesses are on the surface. He has said a number of idiotic things over the years and, in the days following his selection, those snippets would be aired again and again.

But that won’t hurt all that much because voters are smart enough to forgive the genuine flaws of genuine people. And over the long haul, Biden provides what Obama needs:

Working-Class Roots. Biden is a lunch-bucket Democrat. His father was rich when he was young — played polo, cavorted on yachts, drove luxury cars. But through a series of bad personal and business decisions, he was broke by the time Joe Jr. came along. They lived with their in-laws in Scranton, Pa., then moved to a dingy working-class area in Wilmington, Del. At one point, the elder Biden cleaned boilers during the week and sold pennants and knickknacks at a farmer’s market on the weekends.

His son was raised with a fierce working-class pride — no one is better than anyone else. Once, when Joe Sr. was working for a car dealership, the owner threw a Christmas party for the staff. Just as the dancing was to begin, the owner scattered silver dollars on the floor and watched from above as the mechanics and salesmen scrambled about for them. Joe Sr. quit that job on the spot.

Even today, after serving for decades in the world’s most pompous workplace, Senator Biden retains an ostentatiously unpretentious manner. He campaigns with an army of Bidens who seem to emerge by the dozens from the old neighborhood in Scranton. He has disdain for privilege and for limousine liberals — the mark of an honest, working-class Democrat.
Democrats in general, and Obama in particular, have trouble connecting with working-class voters, especially Catholic ones. Biden would be the bridge.

Honesty. Biden’s most notorious feature is his mouth. But in his youth, he had a stutter. As a freshman in high school he was exempted from public speaking because of his disability, and was ridiculed by teachers and peers. His nickname was Dash, because of his inability to finish a sentence.
He developed an odd smile as a way to relax his facial muscles (it still shows up while he’s speaking today) and he’s spent his adulthood making up for any comments that may have gone unmade during his youth.
Today, Biden’s conversational style is tiresome to some, but it has one outstanding feature. He is direct. No matter who you are, he tells you exactly what he thinks, before he tells it to you a second, third and fourth time.

Presidents need someone who will be relentlessly direct. Obama, who attracts worshippers, not just staff members, needs that more than most.
Loyalty. Just after Biden was elected to the senate in 1972, his wife, Neilia, and daughter Naomi were killed in a car crash. His career has also been marked by lesser crises. His first presidential run ended in a plagiarism scandal. He nearly died of a brain aneurism.

New administrations are dominated by the young and the arrogant, and benefit from the presence of those who have been through the worst and who have a tinge of perspective. Moreover, there are moments when a president has to go into the cabinet room and announce a decision that nearly everyone else on his team disagrees with. In those moments, he needs a vice president who will provide absolute support. That sort of loyalty comes easiest to people who have been down themselves, and who had to rely on others in their own moments of need.

Experience. When Obama talks about postpartisanship, he talks about a grass-roots movement that will arise and sweep away the old ways of Washington. When John McCain talks about it, he describes a meeting of wise old heads who get together to craft compromises. Obama’s vision is more romantic, but McCain’s is more realistic.

When Biden was a young senator, he was mentored by Hubert Humphrey, Mike Mansfield and the like. He was schooled in senatorial procedure in the days when the Senate was less gridlocked. If Obama hopes to pass energy and health care legislation, he’s going to need someone with that kind of legislative knowledge who can bring the battered old senators together, as in days of yore.

There are other veep choices. Tim Kaine seems like a solid man, but selecting him would be disastrous. It would underline all the anxieties voters have about youth and inexperience. Evan Bayh has impeccably centrist credentials, but the country is not in the mood for dispassionate caution.

Biden’s the one. The only question is whether Obama was wise and self-aware enough to know that.

New member
Sep 20, 2000
McCain says if he had to do it all over again he'd still go into Iraq in '03. He's learned nothing and favors wars without justification.No weapons of mass destruction? No problem.<!-- / message -->

D2 agree with the war or not. Hussein and sons (No not Barack and Ayers)were without a doubt in anyones mind international terrorist.And after losing 3000+ civilians to international terrorist all bets were off.
And to truly know for sure that there were no WMD we found out for ourselves.
There still have been no attacks on the US since 9/11.Thank you George Bush...even though your still one the worst presidents ever.

Militant Birther
Nov 29, 2005
Thank you George Bush...even though your still one the worst presidents ever.

One of the worst communicators ever.

He just can't sell his ideas and win over people who don't happen to share his views.

He hasn't even tried since he was reelected.

Fact is, there are video tapes of Saddam openly discussing attacking NYC with biological weapons that the administration never pushed to release. John Negroponte (Bush's own intel czar) blocked it. The fact is, there are thousands upon thousands of documents our troops and Iraqis have discovered post-Saddam that haven't been released.

Most State Dept employees were for John Kerry and have been undermining this administration ever since.

Of course it was the right decision to dispose Saddam -- but we're well beyond that debate by now, and if Obama believes he can make this his main selling point on why he has the right judgment to lead, he will lose.
Aug 7, 2008
D2 agree with the war or not. Hussein and sons (No not Barack and Ayers)were without a doubt in anyones mind international terrorist.And after losing 3000+ civilians to international terrorist all bets were off.
And to truly know for sure that there were no WMD we found out for ourselves.
There still have been no attacks on the US since 9/11.Thank you George Bush...even though your still one the worst presidents ever.

Without a doubt in whos mind? They were the furthest thing from international terrorists. Iraq was a nice country even though JoeC and others were brainwashed by the news that Iraq was this awful place to live and we liberated those people.
Aug 7, 2008
One of the worst communicators ever.

He just can't sell his ideas and win over people who don't happen to share his views.

He hasn't even tried since he was reelected.

Fact is, there are video tapes of Saddam openly discussing attacking NYC with biological weapons that the administration never pushed to release. John Negroponte (Bush's own intel czar) blocked it. The fact is, there are thousands upon thousands of documents our troops and Iraqis have discovered post-Saddam that haven't been released.

Most State Dept employees were for John Kerry and have been undermining this administration ever since.

Of course it was the right decision to dispose Saddam -- but we're well beyond that debate by now, and if Obama believes he can make this his main selling point on why he has the right judgment to lead, he will lose.

Sure there is.:lol:

Militant Birther
Nov 29, 2005
Without a doubt in whos mind? They were the furthest thing from international terrorists. Iraq was a nice country even though JoeC and others were brainwashed by the news that Iraq was this awful place to live and we liberated those people.


New member
Sep 20, 2000
One of the worst communicators ever.
He is just as bad as any liberal ever in office when it came to spending.
He was turned into a whore because of the war by both parties and I think against his will if ever even new the difference.
His pathetic stance on immigration.
He blew all his political capital to the point where the bandits on both sides of the aisle piledged and raped right under his nose and left himself hostage to his own incompetence.

the bear is back biatches!! printing cancel....
Mar 31, 2006
biden was a bad choice from this neutral parties standpoint but what do i know

New member
Sep 20, 2000
Without a doubt in whos mind? They were the furthest thing from international terrorists.

He harbored international terrorist and also wrote checks to suicide bombers families.
Does Kuwait ring a bell?

Militant Birther
Nov 29, 2005
He is just as bad as any liberal ever in office when it came to spending.
He was turned into a whore because of the war by both parties and I think against his will if ever even new the difference.
His pathetic stance on immigration.
He blew all his political capital to the point where the bandits on both sides of the aisle piledged and raped right under his nose and left himself hostage to his own incompetence.

Well put, Pat.

The GOP will recover and rebuild -- hell, with the morons on the other side of the aisle we're already on the comeback trail. :103631605

the bear is back biatches!! printing cancel....
Mar 31, 2006
whatever it'll be more bush liberalism until the problem gets too big it can't be fixed with debt anymore

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
Without a doubt in whos mind? They were the furthest thing from international terrorists. Iraq was a nice country even though JoeC and others were brainwashed by the news that Iraq was this awful place to live and we liberated those people.

Super place to live………..
During the Iran–Iraq War, the Iraqi government again implemented anti-Kurdish policies and a de facto civil war broke out. Iraq was widely-condemned by the international community, but was never seriously punished for oppressive measures, including the use of chemical weapons against the Kurds, which resulted in thousands of deaths. (See Halabja poison gas attack.)
The Al-Anfal Campaign constituted a systematic genocide of the Kurdish people in Iraq. From March 29, 1987 until April 23, 1989, Iraqi army under the command of Ali Hassan al-Majid carried out a genocidal campaign against the Kurds, characterized by the following human rights violations: The widespread use of chemical weapons, the wholesale destruction of some 2,000 villages, and slaughter of around 50,000 rural Kurds, by the most conservative estimates. The large Kurdish town of Qala Dizeh (population 70,000) was completely destroyed by the Iraqi army. The campaign also included Arabization of Kirkuk, a program to drive Kurds out of the oil-rich city and replace them with Arab settlers from central and southern Iraq.[13] Kurdish sources report the number of dead to be greater than 182,000.[14]
Sure it was………

New member
Sep 21, 2004
I think Biden is a good man and himself would make a fine president, but I don't think it was a great choice strategically. I don't see any swing states that he moves in Obama's favor. Actually the pick tells me that Obama's team is confident in the electoral map. I don't know if that confident is misplaced or not, but they seem confident.

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