How a serial liar suckered Dems and the media


New member
Sep 20, 2004

Well, the week went pretty much as I predicted seven days ago:



But it turns out JOE WILSON LIED! PEOPLE DIED. Of embarrassment mostly. At least I'm assuming that's why the New York Times, MSNBC's Chris Matthews, PBS drone Bill Moyers and all the other media bigwigs Joseph C. Wilson IV suckered have fallen silent on the subject of the white knight of integrity they've previously given the hold-the-front-page treatment, too.

And what about John F. Kerry? Joe Wilson campaigned with Kerry in at least six states, and claims to have helped with the candidate's speeches. He was said to be a senior foreign policy adviser to the senator. As of Friday, Wilson's Web site,, was still wholly paid for by Kerry's presidential campaign.

Heigh-ho. It would be nice to hear his media boosters howling en masse, "Say it ain't so, Joe!" But Joe Wilson's already slipping down the old media memory hole. He served his purpose -- he damaged Bush, he tainted the liberation of Iraq -- and yes, by the time you read this the Kerry campaign may well have pulled the plug on his Web site, and Salon magazine's luxury cruise will probably have to find another headline speaker, and he won't be doing Tim Russert again any time soon. But what matters to the media and to Senator Kerry is that he helped the cause of (to quote his book title) The Politics Of Truth, and if it takes a serial liar to do that, so be it.

But before he gets lowered in his yellowcake overcoat into the Niger River, let's pause to consider: What do Joe Wilson's lies mean? And what does it say about the Democrats and the media that so many high-ranking figures took him at his word?

First, contrary to what Wilson wrote in the New York Times, Saddam Hussein was trying to acquire uranium from Niger. In support of that proposition are a Senate report in Washington, Lord Butler's report in London, MI6, French intelligence, other European agencies -- and, as we now know, the CIA report, based on Joe Wilson's original briefing to them. Against that proposition is Joe Wilson's revised version of events for the Times.

This isn't difficult. In 1999, a senior Iraqi "trade" delegation went to Niger. Uranium accounts for 75 percent of Niger's exports. The rest is goats, cowpeas and onions. So who sends senior trade missions to Niger? Maybe Saddam dispatched his Baathist big shots all the way to the dusty capital of Niamy because he had a sudden yen for goat and onion stew with a side order of black-eyed peas, and Major Wanke, the then-president, had offered him a great three-for-one deal.

But that's not what Joe Wilson found. Major Wanke's prime minister, among others, told Ambassador Wilson that he believed Iraq wanted yellowcake. And Ambassador Wilson told the CIA. And the CIA's report agreed with the British and the Europeans that "Iraq was attempting to procure uranium from Africa."

In his ludicrously vain memoir The Politics Of Truth, Wilson plays up his knowledge of the country. He makes much of his intimacy with Wanke and gives himself the credit for ridding Niger of the Wanke regime. The question then is why a man who knew so much about what was going on chose deliberately to misrepresent it to all his media/ Democrat buddies, not to mention to the American people. For a book called The Politics Of Truth, it's remarkably short of it. On page 2, Wilson says of his trip to Niger: "I had found nothing to substantiate the rumors." But he had.

That's what lying is, by the way: intentional deceit, not unreliable intelligence. And I'm not usually the sort to bandy the liar-liar-pants-on-fire charge beloved by so many in our politics today, but I'll make an exception in the case of Wilson, who's never been shy about the term. He called Bush a "liar" and he called Cheney a "lying sonofabitch," on stage at a John Kerry rally in Iowa.

Saddam wanted yellowcake for one reason: to strike at his neighbors in the region, and beyond that at Britain, America and his other enemies. In other words, he wanted the uranium in order to kill you.

The obvious explanation for Wilson's deceit about what he found in Africa is that his hatred of Bush outweighed everything else. Or as the novelist and Internet maestro Roger L. Simon put it, "He is a deeply evil human being willing to lie and obfuscate for temporary political gain about a homicidal dictator's search for weapons-grade uranium."

Technically, it's weaponizable uranium, not "weapons grade." But that's the point. Simon isn't the expert, and, as Ambassador Wilson trumpets loudly and often, he is. This isn't a case of another Michael Moore, court buffoon to the Senate Democrats, or Whoopi Goldberg, has-been potty-mouth to John Kerry. They're in show biz; what do they know?

But Wilson does know; he went there, he talked to officials, and he lied about America's national security in order to be the anti-Bush crowd's Playmate of the Month. Either he's profoundly wicked or he's as deranged as that woman on the Paris Metro last week who falsely claimed to have been the victim of an anti-Semitic attack. The Paris crazy was unmasked within a few days, but the Niger crazy was lionized for a full year.

Some of us are on record as dismissing Wilson in the first bloom of his unmerited celebrity. But John Kerry was taken in -- to the point where he signed him up as an adviser and underwrote his Web site. What does that reveal about Mister Nuance and his superb judgment? He claims to be able to rebuild America's relationships with France, and to have excellent buddy-to-buddy relations with French political leaders. Yet anyone who's spent 10 minutes in Europe this last year knows that virtually every government there believes Iraq was trying to get uranium from Africa. Is Kerry so uncurious about America's national security he can't pick up the phone to his Paris pals and get the scoop firsthand? For all his claims to be Monsieur Sophisticate, there's something hicky and parochial in his embrace of an obvious nutcake for passing partisan advantage.

Any Democrats and media types who are in the early stages of yellowcake fever and can still think clearly enough not to want dirty nukes going off in Seattle or Houston -- or even Vancouver or Rotterdam or Amman -- need to consider seriously the wild ride Yellowcake Joe took them on. An ambassador, in Sir Henry Wootton's famous dictum, is a good man sent abroad to lie for his country. This ambassador came home to lie to his. And the Dems and the media helped him do it.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Shotgun - I can't believe you are still in here trying to talk common sense to these anti-american liberals. Half of the people on this site aren't even Americans so it's pointless. Libs can't provide any facts to support their opinion.

I had a debate with my brother about this a few months ago (he lives in SF) and he couldn't provide one reason to vote for Kerry. He finally admitted it was a gut feeling. Scary stuff that people are voting on gut feeling!!!!!

These are the type of people we are dealing with! The only reason they are voting for Kerry is because the media is telling them to, and they don't care enough to look up the facts themselves.

It's sad.

New member
Sep 20, 2000
what i get a kick out of is how the NYTimes,the paper of record for the country and the world had front page article this week on how Cheney was going to be replaced,made up from whole cloth in some type of conspiracy type thing on the front page!....Yet this phoney Joe Wilson being a fraud and a liar has barley been mentioned.

New member
Sep 20, 2004
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Patriot:
what i get a kick out of is how the NYTimes,the paper of record for the country and the world had front page article this week on how Cheney was going to be replaced,made up from whole cloth in some type of conspiracy type thing on the front page!....Yet this phoney Joe Wilson being a fraud and a liar has barley been mentioned.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

It is the 'man bites dog' theory...we expect the left to lie, so it isn't really news.

Jan 20, 2002
Guys hate to break it to,the Left lies,the Right lies.All politicians lie.It's what makes them politicians.

New member
Sep 20, 2004
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Judge Wapner:
Guys hate to break it to,the Left lies,the Right lies.All politicians lie.It's what makes them politicians.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Maybe so Judge, but it sure is a lot of fun when the other side gets caught.

New member
Sep 20, 2004

This is a clear case of sedition during a time of war. I cannot believe Wilson has not been arrested for sedition. During WWII Wilson would have been tried for sedition. The US needs to identify the enemy within and take action.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
"Shotgun - I can't believe you are still in here trying to talk common sense to these anti-american liberals."

It's anti-American to blindly follow the government when it's wrong.
It's a civic duty stand up to the government when it's making mistakes, that's how women got the vote, that's how segregations was ended, that's how we got out of Nam.
Questioning the government is as American as it gets. All the more so in a situation like the current one with an administration that has no qualms about violating civil liberties, violating the basic premise of our legal system (the Patriot act has allowed this government to assume guilt until innocence is proven, pretty sad from the supposedly freest nation on earth)writing ridiculous constitutional amendments, or lying to the American public to fullfill political agendas.

New member
Sep 20, 2000
Kaya the problem with you and Kerry and Edwards and their 30 year old hair cuts is that you look at everything through the prism of the Vietnam war.
Don't blame the people who try to protect us on the Patriot act,blame the fanatical ragheads.

I again challenge you or anybody else including the ACLU to show me anyone who has been violated except for terroist by the Pat hasn't happened.
By the way if it come up to a vote again it will pass.because democrats and left wing loonies have politisized the war and the P act.

New member
Sep 20, 2004
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by kaya man:
"Shotgun - I can't believe you are still in here trying to talk common sense to these anti-american liberals."

It's anti-American to blindly follow the government when it's wrong.
It's a civic duty stand up to the government when it's making mistakes, that's how women got the vote, that's how segregations was ended, that's how we got out of Nam.
Questioning the government is as American as it gets. All the more so in a situation like the current one with an administration that has no qualms about violating civil liberties, violating the basic premise of our legal system (the Patriot act has allowed this government to assume guilt until innocence is proven, pretty sad from the supposedly freest nation on earth)writing ridiculous constitutional amendments, or lying to the American public to fullfill political agendas.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Kaya, please spare us the lecture. Joe Wilson wasn't questioning his government; he deliberately lied about what he investigated/discovered while in Niger. I wish a few of those on the left who spend so much time questioning Bush would have spent a bit more time questioning Wilson as well. The philosophy "He hates Bush, therefore he must be right" makes reasonable debate over the war, the Patriot Act, or any other Bush decision a waste of time.

Maybe, in the American spirit of questioning everything, the left could start questioning their own side. What about Michael Moore's lies? Joe Wilson's lies? John Edwards authorship of the Patriot Act? Kerry's vote for the war, and then against the funding for that same war? Edwards' claim that Iraq posed an imminent threat to the United States (something Bush never said)?

You can rail all you want about Bush and his satanic rituels leading us towards the Final Judgement, but the fact is Kerry/Edwards were riding shotgun every inch of the way. It is only because they are mining the Bush hatred for votes that they are finally making this stand.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
"I again challenge you or anybody else including the ACLU to show me anyone who has been violated except for terroist by the Pat hasn't happened.
By the way if it come up to a vote again it will pass.because democrats and left wing loonies have politisized the war and the P act."

Come on Pat that's a weak challenge and you know it. I don't know the names of the top of my head and I'm not going to go searching for you, but we all know that suspects were detained in connecting with the 911 bombings and held extensive lengths of time without legal counsel, formal charges, trial, phone call, etc.
That's not how our legal system works, the patriot act allows the government to assume guilt until innocence is proven.


I was responding to that dumb ass libs are anti-American comment not to the topic of this thread, I not a Kerry or Wilson supporter, this election is simply about the crucial matter of getting bush2 out of office.

New member
Sep 20, 2004

You can't think of any examples because their are none. The liberal media would play it around the clock 24-7 like the abu prison deal, meanwhile peoples heads are cut off and that takes a back seat to the abu story. It's simply more BS lies by the left.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
See what I mean. kaya man comes in here with opinions and can't provide any facts. It's the same ole story different day.

Liberals hate Bush for some reason. It's not because he's a terrible person, because face it, he's just like you and me. Everyone on this site would rather hang out with Bush than Kerry. But for some reason they hate him. Nobody knows why. It's probably becasue the media tells them to hate him so instead of thinking for themselves, they do.

New member
Sep 20, 2000
Kman your exactley right...the whole hate Bush thing was started in hollywood...the same fxck heads like richard Gere who was protesting the attacks on Afghn.
Hollywood would have you belive they were backing invading afghanistan after 9/11,when they were howling the most about it,also the NY Times was calling Afghanistan a "quagmire" 7 days into it...but since it was succesfull they were for it.
What you have is a population that could not tell you who the vice president is, but will listen to Barbra Streisand like she was General Patton.
The left and the dems know if they don't win this time their brand of politcs will be buried forever just like the 70's and bellbottoms.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
I am still waiting for an apology from the editors of the liberal media for blindly following this pathological liar, just because of their deep hatred of Bush. Especially from the NY Times which led the ridiculous accusations.

Same goes for the lunatics on this board who couldn't wait to show off their insanity.

New member
Sep 20, 2004
Why isn't Wilson on CNN, ABC, NBA & CBS defending his statements? Because he's a fukin liar and should be arrested and tried for sedition during a time of war. Oh boy if a republican would have pulled something like this we'd be hearing it 24-7 non-stop until someone resigned. The double standard is sickening.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Wilson may have lied, but it was only after his undercover CIA agent wife was illegally outed by a criminal in the Bush White House that Bush himself continues to cover for. When will we ever get to the bottom of that crime? Answer: never.

New member
Sep 20, 2000
This has been the foundation behind the people who have called Bush a liar it was his 16 words in the state of the Union adress,that has been the anchor for the Bush hatred agaianst the war.
It turns out that HE was telling the truth according to Brit intelligence.
Eberyone on the left and the media owes Bush an apology. Dis agree with the war all you want.But the outright lies of the left have caused more to harm US troops than anything else.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
There aren't any?

Oh ok, nobody was picked up in connection with 911, nobody was held in Guantamo. It's alright, you right wing nut balls aren't know for reality any way.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Supreme Court Allows
Secrecy For 911 Detainees

WASHINGTON (Reuters) -- The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday allowed the Bush administration to keep secret the names and other basic details about hundreds of people questioned and detained or arrested after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks.

Without comment, the top court refused to hear an appeal by civil liberties and other groups challenging the secret arrests and detentions for violating the Freedom of Information Act and constitutional free-speech rights under the First Amendment.

The justices let stand a U.S. appeals court ruling that disclosing the names could harm national security and help "al Qaeda in plotting future terrorist attacks or intimidating witnesses in the present investigation."

Although the high court stayed out of the dispute involving the names of those detained, it has agreed to hear other cases arising from the administration's war on terror.

Those cases involve the president's power to detain American citizens captured abroad and declared "enemy combatants," and whether foreign nationals can use American courts to challenge their incarceration at the U.S. military base in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

Copyright © 2003 Reuters Limited.

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