Laura Ingraham ....
another REAL CLASSY media hack who sucks off Bush's left testicle every time her ass is invited to the WH along with Hannity for "private meetings" with Bush
Laura Ingraham has been backtracking from her
"Today Show" appearance all day.
However, her callousness, over the top, right-wing radio Iraqi Queen for a Day look at me I WENT TO IRAQ bravado, which mimics other right-wing radio talk show hosts like Melanie Morgan, has gotten a couple of people righteously pissed off. That is, besides me.
I've learned that the right-wing radio rabble will stoop as low as possible in their LOOK AT ME p.r. gigs, especially where the troops are involved.
But Keith Olbermann let rip tonight, which made me so happy I wanted to kiss the guy.
Keith showed a clip of Ingraham on "The Factor," finally mentioning the death of David Bloom, long after her "Today Show" appearance was in the hopper. But O'Reilly just kept grilling her about NBC not selling the war properly, with Ingraham saying she was going to keep watching, because right now she couldn't say if they were doing right by the war or not. Tuck in your arrogance, babe, because one trip to Iraq doesn't make you the next Christiane Amanpour, believe me.
Someone needed to call out these right-wing radio Iraq war glory hounds, which Keith finally did today. These Iraq war Queens for a Day who go over to Iraq on a p.r. mission so they can come back and sell their shows to higher paying advertisers and get in good with Bush's boys and girls are getting a free ride and way too much credit. It's obvious. It's self-serving. But what it doesn't do is help the troops in any way at all.
However, what it's meant to do is begin the 2006 election drum beat: the press is holding the Iraq war down. Blaming the press for Bush's blundering won't work, but they don't have anything else, so let the drum beat begin.
That Laura Ingraham is given all this press, just like Melanie Morgan and others, shows the lengths to which these right-wing radio glory hounds will stoop. Queen Laura and Melanie fly in and fly out, so it's rich to hear these broads babbling about media bias, while waxing philosophical about their minor skirmishes amidst the troops. I particularly love it when they give media people advice, when they're between radio shows at their comfy studios. Nobody cares, because it will play great with audiences, the base, but especially in Talkers.
Ms. Ingraham deserves the worst person award for today, which seems small compared to the insult she paid to Richard Engel, John F. Burns, Michael Ware and the other journalists who definitely do more than look outside their balconies. Some of these guys have been there for years, compared to Ingraham and Morgan's fly overs.
As for Jill Carroll, God only knows her fate, but Ms. Ingraham couldn't even be bothered to mention the hostage journalist.
Laura Ingraham should be ashamed and she would be if this soulless, money grubbing mouthpiece had a conscience.
Anything to pump up the base, right Laura?