I may be getting older, but I'm sure as hell not getting dumber. We all KNOW coaches ya just don't bet against, I don't care if the tooth fairy is giving you a BJ while coaxing ya into a play, YA JUST DON'T! Ya don't bet against POP, I don't give a shit who's hurt, who was arrested, who got shot, Ya DON'T BET AGAINST THE MAN. Ya don't bet against Belichick, I don't give a rat's fat ass who they're playing and what Pats players got killed the night before the game, ya DON'T BET AGAINST THE MAN. Our man Maddon in Chi-Town is quickly joining the "YA DON'T BET AGAINST THE MAN" club, I see $$$$$$$ in my future betting the Cubs this season. The fastest way to part ways with your money is to bet against the cream of the crop coaches. Personally, I like my damn money, have worked intelligently to get it, and the only folks I like seeing it are me and the charities I donate to. So without further ado, let's take the damn book's money!!!