cop-"u know what u did is wrong and yer grandmom is gonna have to pay fer those cars rite?....kid-"can my mom help her pay?"...he must've really been pissed at his mom...wonder what she did to provoke the young lad to go do "hood-rat stuff"?...this video just made morning
there is another classic of the kid two weeks later he was in trouble again for beatin his grandma up 4 not buying him chicken wings...i love this kid..his apology is brilliant
there is another classic of the kid two weeks later he was in trouble again for beatin his grandma up 4 not buying him chicken wings...i love this kid..his apology is brilliant
Have you heard the news? Latarian Milton — the little boy who stole his grandma's SUV, totaled it, and decided that his punishment should be "no video games for like a weekend" — will appear on Judge Judy this fall. His grandmother is suing his mother for damages to her car.
that is awesome...judge judy in the fall, dept of florida corrections within the next few years...if that...he is a stunt double 4"doughboy" from 'boyz in the hood'...
Guaranteed! I'm sure Judy Judy's people probably reached out to the Grandma and offered to opportunity. They know this is a prime case to bring in big big ratings numbers.
I want to know what Judy will say when she asks him why and he says "Its fun to do bad things.":missingte