Spent an extra amount of time preparing for this card. Plan on being back in the positives sooner rather then later and this is the card it will start with. I'm not going to alter my way of doing things. I'm just going to work harder than I already do. In fact I usually play better as the season goes on. When most feel the lines get tighter as conference play starts I feel welcome the tighter card. It's no secret I primarily play home dogs, and short home chalk. Lots of home teams Saturday, and that's how I like it.
I'm going to lock so of these if for 2 minutes because I will play because I like these at the current line. But since most are dogs i think I may get an extra half point, or point here or there so I will add accordingly later. But for now...
3 Units
Georgetown -3.5 -110
Oregon -7 -110
2 Units
Temple +6 -110
Evansville -1 -110
Cincinatti +2 -110
will most likely have plays on Pepperdine, and Oregon St as well (i know it i love bad teams!!). Just looking at a few more things and possibly looking for a better number.
I'm going to lock so of these if for 2 minutes because I will play because I like these at the current line. But since most are dogs i think I may get an extra half point, or point here or there so I will add accordingly later. But for now...
3 Units
Georgetown -3.5 -110
Oregon -7 -110
2 Units
Temple +6 -110
Evansville -1 -110
Cincinatti +2 -110
will most likely have plays on Pepperdine, and Oregon St as well (i know it i love bad teams!!). Just looking at a few more things and possibly looking for a better number.