Indiank7 how about a pic of you and your gay ass dogs in front of that bitchen ass mobile home you rent.....
You are so fucking pathetic man. Really.
You get on here an complain about being fucking bankrupt. You couldn't win a fucking game if you had tomorrows newspaper, you are a white trash piece of shit. This site is your only highlight of the day, I'm surprised you can even afford fucking internet you broke son of a bitch. You get off because a few other degenerates like yourself enjoy the sad pathetic stories which is your life. You post pictures of yourself which only reiterate how big of a white trash loser you really are. Your poor child already knows how big of a loser his dad is as you have even admitted that he told you himself. I'd tell you to go kill yourself but you are so fucking retarded you would probably fuck it up. Also, don't even bother trying to write a response as it will just show everyone once again how fucking stupid you are. The only two responses you have ever come up with to me is talking about my home and my dogs.
Oh, by the way loser I now own 3 homes which I have tenants signed up for year leases in which each home has a $225 minimum cash flow. I will be closing on another cash flowing duplex in the next month giving me an extra 12K every year in rent from the 4 properties.
I am 23 years old, will own 4 properties, live in my own house, have 20K in my bank account and what do you have you fucking loser? You probably didn't even a fucking skateboard when you were 23 so just do yourself a favor and shut your fucking mouth. Don't even bother hitting the reply button because nothing you can say will bother me or make you look any better. You're 40 years old and you'll never reach the point I am already in my life 17 years younger then yourself. So just do us all a favor and go to your $15 an hour job, stay in your house at night and drink your 12 pack of natty ice, and shut the fuck up.
Maybe if you save up enough cans you can muster up enough money for a $10 bet. You'll lose it, but atleast it will keep you entertained for 2 hours.