At present we are working to get back up by saturday or sunday.Will is gone for the nite.To all internet players please be patient with us during this time.If are site is down saturday please feel free to call us by phone.We will have an extra twenty clerks on shift saturday to handle all calls.We at Hollywood will not give into these terrorists that have attack are internet site.We have inform Scotland Yard about this attack and they are working on this matter as we speak,they tell us they have been aware of the situation for some time and are close to finding these people. We at Hollywood are sorry for any down time. But we wil not be extorted by these Terrorrists. Thank you all for your patience. Hollywood.P.S> Once again to the other sites that advertise on this forum don't give into these people as it will only make things worse.Please cooperate with Scotland Yard to help find these people and them put behind bars.