Hold Blue Isis Accountable

Feb 6, 2007
Black MobDsters are on the Hunt for Old B women said they are going on a Rape Fest in Baltimore, Mayor Orders a 6pm Curfew.

Only one I’m raping is you and your household. I’m going to make you watch. Give me that address
Feb 6, 2007
You cock suckers try to make us think what we see with our own two eyes is not the truth bahahahhaha.

The gaslighting is part of the entire regime of impunity.
Feb 6, 2007
Breonna Taylor would have been 27 years old today...

Why are people out protesting and so angry over a man killed by police who had a lengthy criminal record and had a number of drugs in his system at the time he encountered police who were only there because he used a fake 20?

Yet NO outrage...NO protest...NO anger...NO memorials for a women who was simply sleeping in her own home getting ready to go serve her community the next day being a EMT?


These instances MUST stop...

And I am saying not only the killing of folks but ALSO the protesting and outrage by misinformed people...

You have people in the streets all across this country ready to go to battle with police over and for a man that had meth and heroin in his system who had just committed a crime and was being combative with the officers.....Yet NO ONE is out there taking up the cause for a innocent law abiding woman murdered in her own home...face)(*^%

I really hope these FAKE protesters(both BLM supporters and the white Karen's of the world) really take a good hard look at who they choose to stand up for and who they ignore...

They are shouting her name in every single protest across the country too.
Feb 6, 2007
come on man - u were terrified of Redeye in a secure casino - ur a soft ass nigga with internet access

Hahahhahahhahahaaaaahahahaha. Scared of Black Eye? Don’t insult me like that.

Speaking of pushing people over with their finger. Black Eye doesn’t know what’s good for him. He wanted to “verify” that I am white with him. He wanted to get a drink with me in Vegas so he could “verify” that I was white. Not one word about fighting me.

So what reason would you call me a pussy for turning down a drink with Black eye? Does that make sense to you?

Dec 21, 2007
They are shouting her name in every single protest across the country too.
Not in the protest I witnessed here the last few days...

Just misinformed BLM members and white Karen's who think they are doing the right thing...

And A LOT of anger at anyone who does not join them...

It is either all or nothing with these people...and I am not a all or nothing type of guy.

They tell me if I am silent I am part of the problem...I ask them how...they can not explain it?

I see through this bull shit Mob...to many personal agendas going on in this country...

To much disrespect from all sides...A LOT of talking an no one listening...
Feb 6, 2007
Not in the protest I witnessed here the last few days...

Just misinformed BLM members and white Karen's who think they are doing the right thing...

And A LOT of anger at anyone who does not join them...

It is either all or nothing with these people...and I am not a all or nothing type of guy.

They tell me if I am silent I am part of the problem...I ask them how...they can not explain it?

I see through this bull shit Mob...to many personal agendas going on in this country...

To much disrespect from all sides...A LOT of talking an no one listening...

I think some people aren’t the protesting type. And that’s fine. But if you’re in a position to make a difference, you have to do something. Say something, if you don’t want to vocally show your support, support a black business. Support those type of foundations.

I am white too. Support is all they ask for. That’s it. They just want people to have their backs. And I don’t blame them for that.
Feb 6, 2007
A lot of it going on has still a lot to do with coronavirus. Many people may say they are out there protesting black lives, and i am sure they are. But, there are a ton of people protesting the governments mishandling of the coronavirus and just the overall lack of leadership in this country.

You have to wonder why is it that THIS protest is so enormous? Lot to do with the lies from the White House whether people will admit that or not. I think people don’t want to mix the message. Make it about black lives, that’s fine. But, clearly this is about even more than that.

Jul 14, 2007
You are absolutely right about being on video(the cops in louisville that murdered Mrs.Taylor conveniently didn't have any body cameras on them).

I completely understand your point and agree with it too sadly...

This country...I just do not know about it anymore...the divide that people want to create amongst us is becoming almost overwhelming...

Not really as conspiratorial as portrayed by some but I always say they keep the good stuff out of the news for a reason. Divide and conqueror allows those who own the power and economic rents to keep the status quo going in their favor...This a decent video I just watched...


Active member
Nov 23, 2011
What are u watching? This “protest” has nothing to do about a virus , a few about black lives matter maybe , the rest is to cause turmoil. Pretty obvious to see that

Dec 21, 2007
I think some people aren’t the protesting type. And that’s fine. But if you’re in a position to make a difference, you have to do something. Say something, if you don’t want to vocally show your support, support a black business. Support those type of foundations.

I am white too. Support is all they ask for. That’s it. They just want people to have their backs. And I don’t blame them for that.
I understand...

In my line of work I have partnerships and make deals with a lot of nationalities...

My main business partner is a black man...we have known each other for years...he is family...we celebrate birthdays together...we vacation together...we have been there for each other in bad times...it is a genuine love/friendship for each other.

We have very similar views on this protest situation...however we do not agree on all of it...nothing wrong with that.

He does not know of a solution to these protest and neither do I.

We both feel that when these “protest” occur it is out of opportunity and a type of bandwagon effect.

We both agree facts are facts...more white men are killed by police every year than Black men...more black men kill black men every year than white men. Those are facts.

Some police are corrupt no doubt but the majority are good.

We both agree people with money are treated much better in the judicial system than poorer people...And THAT is the biggest issue.

It is not a matter of race in this country...it just isn’t...the issue is the wealth divide and that affects all races.

Look how politically this whole Covid19 deal had become...it was about power and money.

I believe it is a serious matter and from the very beginning like you knew it was going to be a HUGE deal...

But I never bought in fully to the health seriousness of it...I felt as the weeks went on it was strictly politically motivated...and when I read hospitals were getting money for Covid patients I knew for sure then...

The critics were wrong about thinking it would blow over in a week...just the flu they said...they were wrong. But not for the reasons we thought.

Again to me the Covid19 issue is just like the race issue...politicians using it as a political tool to try and sway and gain power and control...

Politicians and the wealthy influence are the problem in this country...Period and that goes for both sides democratic or republican.
Feb 6, 2007
I hear you.

I think it is a race issue to a degree as much as it is political to a degree. But I never associated the seriousness of it with political agendas. Never would I ever downplay any pandemic. It’s a pandemic for a reason. And it now has killed 110,000 AMERICANS. It is impacting the minority community the most, right? So what does that tell us. That they really don’t have equal opportunities. Because they live in project housing with mad people. And have you ever been to the ghetto? I had a basketball league in Baltimore handful of years ago...it was a tournament so I went out to go try to find something healthy to eat...something small like a granola bar or something with fiber right. And I go into a gas station....nothing but candy and chips. I then go to the local Giant...Not even one kind of granola bar in the entire mini Giant. It was like half the size of a real grocery store. These areas are food deserts. They don’t have even the same basic access to healthy food. And you wonder why they lead the way and you wonder why the government hasn’t talked about it in God knows when.

The hospital gets money regardless. I was seeing some very shady people making that argument and then started seeing complete sheep on social media making that argument. It’s an idiotic argument IMO. The WHOLE system is designed to get you sick and have you pay medical bills out the ass. So all this “hospitals get paid for corona deaths,” I would watch the story Vice did on it and the realness and seriousness of the medical part of it.

Take everything else away, the political shit, the race shit, everything. If you just simply look at the virus....this is something you do NOT want to catch.
Dec 11, 2006
I understand...

In my line of work I have partnerships and make deals with a lot of nationalities...

My main business partner is a black man...we have known each other for years...he is family...we celebrate birthdays together...we vacation together...we have been there for each other in bad times...it is a genuine love/friendship for each other.

We have very similar views on this protest situation...however we do not agree on all of it...nothing wrong with that.

He does not know of a solution to these protest and neither do I.

We both feel that when these “protest” occur it is out of opportunity and a type of bandwagon effect.

We both agree facts are facts...more white men are killed by police every year than Black men...more black men kill black men every year than white men. Those are facts.

Some police are corrupt no doubt but the majority are good.

We both agree people with money are treated much better in the judicial system than poorer people...And THAT is the biggest issue.

It is not a matter of race in this country...it just isn’t...the issue is the wealth divide and that affects all races.

Look how politically this whole Covid19 deal had become...it was about power and money.

I believe it is a serious matter and from the very beginning like you knew it was going to be a HUGE deal...

But I never bought in fully to the health seriousness of it...I felt as the weeks went on it was strictly politically motivated...and when I read hospitals were getting money for Covid patients I knew for sure then...

The critics were wrong about thinking it would blow over in a week...just the flu they said...they were wrong. But not for the reasons we thought.

Again to me the Covid19 issue is just like the race issue...politicians using it as a political tool to try and sway and gain power and control...

Politicians and the wealthy influence are the problem in this country...Period and that goes for both sides democratic or republican.

What happened to you, stock? What was the epiphany? You became a sensible man recently.
Feb 6, 2007
I think the bandwagon effect was with corona honestly. People started to grow tired of mitigation efforts and then more and more people were calling bullshit...like complete fucking idiots I know calling bullshit on it just because they wanted to go to the beach this summer.

I don’t think the protests is a bandwagon type of thing at all.

People have had 3 months to sit back and look at the world bro. Amy Cooper. Everything idiotic trump has said. Arbery. Breonna Taylor. George Floyd. Shit is real out there.

No question corona is still present amongst them and it’s going to go up I’m sure. But they are fighting a much more important cause with masks and outside moving around compared to sitting in a hot tub with no masks just because you want to party because it’s Memorial Day weekend. Big difference

Dec 21, 2007
I hear you.

I think it is a race issue to a degree as much as it is political to a degree. But I never associated the seriousness of it with political agendas. Never would I ever downplay any pandemic. It’s a pandemic for a reason. And it now has killed 110,000 AMERICANS. It is impacting the minority community the most, right? So what does that tell us. That they really don’t have equal opportunities. Because they live in project housing with mad people. And have you ever been to the ghetto? I had a basketball league in Baltimore handful of years ago...it was a tournament so I went out to go try to find something healthy to eat...something small like a granola bar or something with fiber right. And I go into a gas station....nothing but candy and chips. I then go to the local Giant...Not even one kind of granola bar in the entire mini Giant. It was like half the size of a real grocery store. These areas are food deserts. They don’t have even the same basic access to healthy food. And you wonder why they lead the way and you wonder why the government hasn’t talked about it in God knows when.

The hospital gets money regardless. I was seeing some very shady people making that argument and then started seeing complete sheep on social media making that argument. It’s an idiotic argument IMO. The WHOLE system is designed to get you sick and have you pay medical bills out the ass. So all this “hospitals get paid for corona deaths,” I would watch the story Vice did on it and the realness and seriousness of the medical part of it.

Take everything else away, the political shit, the race shit, everything. If you just simply look at the virus....this is something you do NOT want to catch.
I absolutely agree with you on some points you made...there certainly are poorer neighborhoods lacking in proper nutrition sources everywhere...

Money is one issue that drives why stores like whole foods is not in any ghetto there are not any whole foods way out in the country here either...But not just money, it is a whole snow ball of other factors why the money is not in those neighborhoods and trailer parks in the country to begin with...If whole foods thought they could turn a good profit they would be in those neighborhoods.

And yes I have been too and worked in some seriously poor neighborhoods...

I don't discount covid19 is not something serious...it is...but we absolutely were not told the truth about it either...If trump said something the other side would say he was wrong...no matter what...

Trump said nahh to mask(he got fried for his stance)...pelosi said we must wear them, stay at home, don't go out, social distance, be safe....But now pelosi and company are out with no mask hugging and hand shacking in protest with 100s of people and totally abandoned what they were preaching...It was ALL political they could give 2 shits about the PEOPLE...for them it is all about WINNING an election....

It is clear as day Mob...and I am right down the middle call it like I see it...the democrats are looking bad and desperate...They know Trump has got the best of them and they are fueling the misinformed with the protest...

Active member
Nov 23, 2011
I absolutely agree with you on some points you made...there certainly are poorer neighborhoods lacking in proper nutrition sources everywhere...

Money is one issue that drives why stores like whole foods is not in any ghetto there are not any whole foods way out in the country here either...But not just money, it is a whole snow ball of other factors why the money is not in those neighborhoods and trailer parks in the country to begin with...If whole foods thought they could turn a good profit they would be in those neighborhoods.

And yes I have been too and worked in some seriously poor neighborhoods...

I don't discount covid19 is not something serious...it is...but we absolutely were not told the truth about it either...If trump said something the other side would say he was wrong...no matter what...

Trump said nahh to mask(he got fried for his stance)...pelosi said we must wear them, stay at home, don't go out, social distance, be safe....But now pelosi and company are out with no mask hugging and hand shacking in protest with 100s of people and totally abandoned what they were preaching...It was ALL political they could give 2 shits about the PEOPLE...for them it is all about WINNING an election....

It is clear as day Mob...and I am right down the middle call it like I see it...the democrats are looking bad and desperate...They know Trump has got the best of them and they are fueling the misinformed with the protest...

And may see their true hand this weekend
Feb 6, 2007
I absolutely agree with you on some points you made...there certainly are poorer neighborhoods lacking in proper nutrition sources everywhere...

Money is one issue that drives why stores like whole foods is not in any ghetto there are not any whole foods way out in the country here either...But not just money, it is a whole snow ball of other factors why the money is not in those neighborhoods and trailer parks in the country to begin with...If whole foods thought they could turn a good profit they would be in those neighborhoods.

And yes I have been too and worked in some seriously poor neighborhoods...

I don't discount covid19 is not something serious...it is...but we absolutely were not told the truth about it either...If trump said something the other side would say he was wrong...no matter what...

Trump said nahh to mask(he got fried for his stance)...pelosi said we must wear them, stay at home, don't go out, social distance, be safe....But now pelosi and company are out with no mask hugging and hand shacking in protest with 100s of people and totally abandoned what they were preaching...It was ALL political they could give 2 shits about the PEOPLE...for them it is all about WINNING an election....

It is clear as day Mob...and I am right down the middle call it like I see it...the democrats are looking bad and desperate...They know Trump has got the best of them and they are fueling the misinformed with the protest...

Just about everything at a Giant is the same price at a Whole Foods. There are two Whole Foods locations in Baltimore. Except, they are in the rich part and the white part. I mean you can try to go to Fleet Street in the city where the rich part is and if you have a car I’m sure you’re going to have to pay for parking. And then the extra gas and then the possibility that you have to worry about getting harassed. So. I’d probably go with the white part, but, I think the likelihood of you getting harassed will go up, but you won’t have to pay for parking. Gas will still be a bitch though.

The piece of shit Giant right up the road is the go to.

And let’s not even talk about how difficult it is for them to vote. Jesus. We make it difficult in this country for people in those communities. Takes 5 minutes out of my day to vote. May take them 3 hours or more. You’re already broke so now you have to take a day off of work for some mother fucker who’s not going to give a fuck about you anyhoo. Some of these people are so far gone that there’s no hope with anything unless you got a wicked jump shot.

On the real, I don’t even fucking give a shit what pelosi says. She’s a puppet too. I care a lot more about what the supposed to be leader does...and right now he is failing major.

For them? Lmfao bro everything Trump does is to get re-elected? Are you serious? It took him 12 fucking days to even talk about equality in a presser. What he said TODAY was the first real time he’s addressed it and should some form of empathy. Took him fucking 12 days. You’re wilding
Feb 6, 2007

Let’s talk about this incident now.

People are saying he’s a cop....

This is how police act off duty now huh?

Assuming this is true he is a bitch. They have the right to put up just about anything they want

BREAKING: Maryland-National Park Police are now moving on an arrest warrant, three counts of 2nd-degree assault.


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