Sport Savant hit it right from the standpoint that this occurs all year long. Many guys are suckered and it is not right; however, the outcome is far less drastic. Had he fallen and simply been bashed up a bit, this would have gone away with a suspension. Because of the severity, it becomes criminal. I believe that a suspension/charge should be based on the ACT and not the OUTCOME!! You cannot say that the other 50 guys in Pro hockey who cheap shot another player can be ignored but Bertuzzi should be ealt with solely because of the outcome. IMHO any similar situation could end up the same way at any time yet the penalty isn't based on the act.
This very well could have resulted in a more minor injury to Moore. Tough call here. It is always a difficult call to allow the "law" to infringe on a playing surface where "brutality" is part of the career choice. I agree that the sport has no place for this - guys like Bertuzzi (big strong tough impact player) should know better and is capable of doing it face-to-face. Poor judgement, unbelievably drastic outcome....unfortunate result. Hope it comes out ok in the end.