The Great "HIV" Hoax
written by Patrick Rattigan ND
The multi-billion dollar/pound AIDS/HIV fraud is based on two fabrications : that AIDS is a single disease and that it is caused by the HI virus or the "HIV virus" as some medical/media masterminds call it - perhaps they think the V in HIV stands for volcano. In Japan "AIDS" is virtually unknown : yet, in random tests, 25% of people were found to be "HIV-positive".
HIV-positive response means nothing of any relevance to health : it can be triggered by vaccination, malnutrition, M.S., measles, influenza, papilloma virus wart, Epstein Barr virus, leprosy, glandular fever, hepatitis, syphillis ... : over sixty different conditions.
" one thousandth the size of a regular cell....HIV is simply a harmless piece of dead tissue, not unlike the numerous other retroviruses that exist in our body..."
Dr Robert E. Willner, who inoculated himself with the blood of Pedro Tocino, a HIV-positive haemophiliac, on live Spanish television. The great HIV/AIDS lie was created by Robert Gallo who was found guilty of "scientific misconduct".
"...instead of trying to prove his insane theories about AIDS to his peers...he went public. Then, with the help of Margaret Heckler, former head of Health and Human Services, who was under great political pressure to come up with an answer to AIDS, the infamous world press announcement of the discovery of the so-called AIDS virus came about. This great fraud is now responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands... It was no accident that Gallo just happened to patent the test for HIV the day after the announcement...Gallo is now a multi-millionaire because of AIDS and his fraudulent AIDS test."
Dr Robert E. Willner
By grouping together 25-plus different diseases and other allied factors - pneumonia, herpes, candidiasis, salmonella, various cancers, infections, vaccine and antibiotic damage, amyl nitrate damage, malnutrition etc.and, particularly in Africa, TB, malaria, dysentery leprosy and "slim disease" - and calling the whole thing an "AIDS epidemic", a multi-billion dollar/pound "AIDS research and treatment" racket has been created.
The mythical "HIV-induced AIDS plague" in the Third World generates huge sums of cash from Western relief organisations whilst smokescreening the vaccine/drug boys, responsible for the carnage.
Every death of someone "HIV-positive" is recorded as an "AIDS death".
Periodically, the BBC/ITV/Press visit Africa/Yugoslavia/Russia etc to report on the "HIV/AIDS victims" and how they cannot afford the "life-saving AZT."
Glaxo Wellcome's lethal drug, AZT, in combination with the diagnosis of HIV-positive and the prediction, stated or implied, that - "You will die of AIDS" is one of the great pieces of Medical Black Magic - Voodoo Medicine at its most impressive : people have committed suicide on the basis of the ludicrous diagnosis.
Pregnant women who are HIV-positive have been told to stop breast-feeding, dosed with AZT, have had abortions or have been sterilised. HIV-positive babies who become ill -from vaccination or whatever - are automatically diagnosed as "suffering from AIDS".
"Considering that there is little scientific proof of the exact linkage of HIV and AIDS, is it ethical to prescribe AZT, a toxic chain terminator of 150,000 Americans - among them pregnant women and newborn babies..?
Rep.G Gutknecht US House of Representatives.
New Labour "Health" have now announced that all pregnant women in the UK will be "offered" a HIV test. Those who fall for the scam and who are diagnosed as "HIV positive" will be given the chance to have themselves and their unborn child permanently damaged by AZT etc.
AZT began as a "cancer drug" but was withdrawn for being too toxic : like being thrown out of the Gestapo for cruelty. Its effects include - cancer, hepatitis, dementia, seizures, anxiety, impotence, leukopaenia, , severe nausea, ataxia, etc. and the termination of DNA synthesis. i.e. AIDS/death by prescription. AZT eventually kills all those who continue to take it.
"WARNING : Retrovir (AZT)...has been associated with symptomatic myopathy, similar to that produced by Human Immunodeficiency Virus..."
Glaxo Wellcome literature!
None of which stops the medical trade from pushing it on every trusting sap who is not ill to start with but is labelled with the "HIV-positive" nonsense and then destroyed by AZT; with "AIDS" getting the blame - and more billions pouring in for the drug boys, vivisectors, animal breeders and the rest. The latest stunt is to give a "cocktail" of drugs - including AZT, of course, and at £15,000 per head, per year - to all homosexual men who are "HIV-positive".
A particularly good scam is to haul into court someone "guilty of deliberately infecting the victim with the 'HIV-Virus which causes AIDS' " which then develops into "full-blown AIDS" - no mention of vaccine, antibiotic damage etc or full-blown AZT. Over 2000 - and rising, of the world's scientists are now disputing the HIV hoax, their efforts being continually suppressed by the AIDS establishment, the pharmaceutical/vivisection syndicate and their political and media lackeys...
"The story of AIDS is deeply connected with the vicissitudes of the theory that viruses cause cancer and the failure of the cancer research programme. Michael Verney-Elliot put it most acidly when he said 'From the people who didn't bring you the virus that causes cancer, it's the virus that doesn't cause AIDS.'
Jad Adams The HIV Myth.
"It's not even probable, let alone scientifically proven, that HIV causes AIDS. If there is evidence... there should be scientific documents which... demonstrate that fact... There are no such documents.
Dr Kary Mullis Nobel Laureate
"If you think a virus is the cause of AIDS, do a control without hasn't been done. The epidemiology of AIDS is a pile of anecdotal stories, selected to fit the virus/AIDS hypothesis...
Peter Duesberg Member, National Academy of Sciences.
"Nobody wants to look at the facts...I've sent countless letters to medical journals...they simply ignore them. The fact is, this whole heterosexual AIDS thing is a hoax."
Prof Gordon Stewart Public Health University of Glasgow.
"The cause of AIDS is multiufactorial ; HIV is neither necessary nor sufficient."
Dr Lawrence Bradford biologist.
"I am well convinced that HIV is harmless."
Dr Fabio Franchi, specialist, infectious disease
"...AIDS is not a disease at all - it is a government program."
Tom Bethel Hoover Institute researcher.
"Electron microscopy reveals retrovirus-like particles in 90% of enlarged lymph nodes from AIDS patients but the identical particles can be found in 90% of enlarged lymph nodes from patients who do not have AIDS and are not at risk from developing AIDS. If the particles AIDS patients are, as the AIDS experts assure, HIV, what are the particles seen in patients..who are not at risk..."
Dr Valendar Turner, Autralian Broadcasting program 1994.
"A major problem with the new AIDS definition is that it ignores the man-made environmental causes of immune suppression. Exposure to toxins, alcoholism, heavy drug use or heavy antibiotic use all can cause onset of the list of 'diseases' indicative of AIDS."
Los Angeles Weekly Dec 18 1987.
"I have seen the constant terror and the programming to get sick and die...As long as we imply that 'AIDS' itself exists we are operating within the AIDS group fantasy."
Michael Ellner medical hypnotist
"Regarding the only type of HIV antibody test routinely used in the UK since 1992, called an ELISA, manufacturers, Abbott Laboratories, say : 'ELISA testing alone cannot be used to diagnose AIDS..'."
Roche Diagnostics..likewise say of their genetic 'HIV testing kits' : "The Amplicor HIV Monitor test is not intended to be used as a screening test for HIV or as a diagnostic test to confirm the presence of HIV infection"
Continuum Magazine leaflet Dec 1998
"The techniques of the HIV test have not been standardised and the magnitude and the consequences of inter-laboratory variations have not been measured.
Its results require interpretation and the criteria for this interpretation vary, not only from lab to lab, but from month to month."
New England Journal of Medicine 317:238-241.
"Positive tests do not prove AIDS or pre-AIDS disease status nor that these diseases will be acquired."
Manufacturers of Western Blot (HIV) test kit.
" the general population, which the CDC estimates to have a prevalence of HIV infection of 0.006%, using a test with a specificity of 99%, the result is that 94% of all positives will be false positives."
Christine Johnson, Continuum Magazine, April 1994
"A study last month, by Congress's Office of Technology Assessment, found that HIV tests can be very inaccurate indeed. For groups at very low risk - people who don't use IV drugs or have sex with gay or bi-sexual men - 9 in 10 positive findings are called false positives, indicating infection where none exists."
US News and World Report Nov 23 1994.
"HIV tests are notoriously unreliable in Africa. A 1994 study, published in the Journal of Infectious Diseases, concluded that HIV tests were useless in central Africa, where the microbes responible for tuberculosis, malaria and leprosy were so prevalent that they registered over 70% false positive."
Sacramento Bee October 30 1994
"It was the first time a scientist had ever run away from me. Typically scientists are bulldogs. They fight for their position. But the HIV guys don't. They run."
David Rasnick, on his doomed attempt to get answers on awkward questions from HIV-fantasist Martin Markowitz.
"We've all seen them. Stars , disc jockeys , sportsmen and women with a red ribbon pinned onto white tuxedos , black dinner jackets and spaghetti-strapped evening dresses. These are the compassionate celebrities who, with a sad expression , don the mantle of corporate grief for 'AIDS victims and sufferers ' and feel they are 'doing good'. Granted they are doing this with the best of intentions but far from doing good they are actually doing damage - they are using their celebrity to raise funds for AIDS research that is entirely misdirected and orchestrated by a profit - oriented and commercially-blinkered pharmaceutical industry.
They are perpetrating the myth of the...friend who was unlucky enough to get AIDS through one unfortunate sexual encounter. They are colluding in a dangerous cult of death-worship. They are diverting attention away from the high-risk lifestyle factors including recreational and intravenous drug use that accompany 'acquired immune deficiency'....
When Celia Farber interviewed the late Michael Callen ( author of Surviving AIDS ) for Spin Magazine in 1988 he said, ' I have gone to a great deal of trouble to find these people who claim to have only one or two 'unlucky' sexual contacts. I found ten of them in all and each one ended up telling me they had been the support group setting they would regale us with tales of bathhouses and promiscuity and lovers on the side and drug use.'...
But there are those who prefer to cling to the 'single simple cause'. They have something to cling to in their grief...It is this ignorant, if innocent, collusion, both by ordinary mortals and celebrities, with the orthodox virus-AIDS hypothesis ( that has failed to save a single life ) which continues to fill the pharmaceutical industry's pockets, continues to perpetrate the myth that HIV causes AIDS - that HIV exists at all - and continues to prevent dissident scientists from exploring new avenues of research."
Joan Shenton, Meditel Productions - Continuum Magazine Jun/Jul 1997.
To add to the lunacy, if the HIV existed, a "positive" response would mean that the body has superiority over the virus : "HIV" is the only infective agent where a positive response indicates a negative situation.
Taking the "HIV test" is of no use whatsoever to anyone other than drug companies and governments ever eager to increase their control. Those who have had their immune system damaged by vaccines, antibiotics, antipyretics, analgesics, amyl nitrates etc. need to detoxify and to build up immune strength with raw, vegan, organic foods, homoeopathic and herbal remedies : and, above all else, to stop swallowing the " 'HIV' causes 'AIDS' " rubbish and the lethal AZT "medication".
Sources/reading Green Anarchist - 38. Times April 3 1994. Deadly Deception - Willner. The AIDS War - Lauritsen.
The Jody Wells Memorial Prize
£1,000 Reward
A cash prize of £1,000 is offered to the first person finding one scientific paper establishing HIV actually exists.
Continuum would like to offer more, but they, unlike some other organisations, are not bank-rolled by Glaxo Welllcome etc to spread false information about AIDS and AZT.
"I have known so many people who have died of AIDS ... and all of them - all of them - took the drugs they were told to by their doctors. .. I have never taken any of them and I haven't gotten sick. Not even a cold. The doctors told me I had five years left to live. .. these drugs companies that produce the medication are getting very rich... everyone I knew who has been HIV positive - and that's a lot of people- has died after taking these drugs."
Goldie Glitters - 30 years "living with the virus."
On Dec 1 1998, Channell 4 News, after commissioning an "AIDS Virus" expose from Meditel, declined to broadcast the 9-minute piece. The C4 editor, Jim Gray, succumbed to pressure from " 'AIDS' virologist", Jonathan Weber et al. David Lloyd, the C4 Head of News and Current Affairs, refused to overrule Gray.
The public-funded BBC, in gross contravention and contempt of the requirements for balance and impartiality, continues to promote, unchallenged, the Glaxo/AIDS Establishment version.
Further Information
"Diary of an AIDS Dissident" - Meditel video 59 mins.
Events surrounding the 1993 AIDS conference in Berlin rthodox AIDS/HIV promoters under pressure. £8 post paid
Leaflets, booklets, video-hire.. on AIDS, the cancer racket, fluoridation, animal research, vaccination...
PO Box 73
S41 0YZ
Aids is an Eclectic Disease...Poor Diet and a host of other problems related to the Immune system contribute to the was never proven that this so called "Virus" was the actual cause of Aids....NEVER!!!!!!!