tizdoom, we have down cycles and we're in one right now
but there is a whole culture of people out there that predict the next great depression during every down cycle
I'm sorry, history tells me I can't take that too serious
Of course, I have concerns. We cannot allow our debt to triple in the next decade like Obama is trying to do, something is going to give there on the political front. Just as you correctly point out Bush made Obama possible, Obama will bring back fiscal conservatism when his far left extremism is rejected. The debt can grow as the economy grows, but it cannot explode.
I'm also concerned about the social security and medicare debt. These two programs will have to have major overhauls, but that too will happen out of necessity.
So I don't think everything is rosey, it's never been perfect and it will never be perfect. But when this bust ends, there will be another boom and after that, another bust. God willing, I'll be around to say "this too will pass".