If Hillary wants to wipe out the idiot Drumpf, the pick has to be Lizzie Warren. I know the conventional wisdom, that you don't pick 2 women, when you're the first woman POTUS possibility, that she's not geographically desirable, that they'd lose a Senate seat(temporarily) to the R's, that she's ahead safely, and should go with a "safe" pick, etc., etc. This is not a conventional election, and you're not running against a conventional candidate.
Lizzie is the right choice, for the right time, against the right opponent.
Hillary will need a large turnout to blow Drumpf away. With all her negatives, and her lack of sizzle, she doesn't energize anyone. Yeah, they say they'll vote for her, over the idiot Drumpf, if they're not to busy to vote that day. Hillary inspires no one. Lizzie is the exact opposite of that. She energizes the part of the party Hillary badly needs a large turnout from, the young, especially the young women. The middle class, especially middle class women.
Large Turnout = Hillary Blowout.
She also gets under the idiot Drumpf's skin like no one else. And that's when he soils himself, when you get under his skin. She relishes destroying the idiot. She is the perfect attack dog VP against this dolt. She will force him into even more unforced errors than he usually makes.
Picking Lizzie would be the equivalent of a Football team, ahead by a TD early in the 4th Quarter, continuing to be aggressive, going for the throat, trying to blow out your opponent, not just sitting on the lead. That's how you win, and win big.
Picking Julian Castro, or one of the other Hispanics mentioned, is not needed. Hillary already has the Latino vote in a big way, thanks to Drumpf, and doesn't need a Latino on the ticket to get that vote. Castro has a big future, but now is not his time. I personally like Labor Secy Tom Perez. But he can better serve in another capacity than VP.
Picking a non entity like Tim Kaine, who is the conventional wisdom leader, and betting odds leader, would be the equivalent of sitting on the lead, running the ball, trying to wind down the clock. Playing it safe. Playing not to lose. Every other damn cliche I can think of, that I hate when Football coaches do it. As Football fans and bettors, we all know what happens when you play not to lose. Hillary must not make that mistake.
You know the idiot Drumpf and his sheep are scared to death of this possibility, because they spare no expense in attacking her, targeting her with racist names, sending out a brain dead moron like Scott Brown to attack her. They know naming her as the VP dooms them. You don't see them attacking any other prospective VP choice. It's all about Turnout. Keep it low, they have a shot. Watch who attacks this post, and how vociferously, and you'll get exactly what I'm talking about.
Pick Lizzie, turn your lead into a rout. Bury your opponent. Don't keep him around. That should be their thought process.
Lizzie is the right choice, for the right time, against the right opponent.
Hillary will need a large turnout to blow Drumpf away. With all her negatives, and her lack of sizzle, she doesn't energize anyone. Yeah, they say they'll vote for her, over the idiot Drumpf, if they're not to busy to vote that day. Hillary inspires no one. Lizzie is the exact opposite of that. She energizes the part of the party Hillary badly needs a large turnout from, the young, especially the young women. The middle class, especially middle class women.
Large Turnout = Hillary Blowout.
She also gets under the idiot Drumpf's skin like no one else. And that's when he soils himself, when you get under his skin. She relishes destroying the idiot. She is the perfect attack dog VP against this dolt. She will force him into even more unforced errors than he usually makes.
Picking Lizzie would be the equivalent of a Football team, ahead by a TD early in the 4th Quarter, continuing to be aggressive, going for the throat, trying to blow out your opponent, not just sitting on the lead. That's how you win, and win big.
Picking Julian Castro, or one of the other Hispanics mentioned, is not needed. Hillary already has the Latino vote in a big way, thanks to Drumpf, and doesn't need a Latino on the ticket to get that vote. Castro has a big future, but now is not his time. I personally like Labor Secy Tom Perez. But he can better serve in another capacity than VP.
Picking a non entity like Tim Kaine, who is the conventional wisdom leader, and betting odds leader, would be the equivalent of sitting on the lead, running the ball, trying to wind down the clock. Playing it safe. Playing not to lose. Every other damn cliche I can think of, that I hate when Football coaches do it. As Football fans and bettors, we all know what happens when you play not to lose. Hillary must not make that mistake.
You know the idiot Drumpf and his sheep are scared to death of this possibility, because they spare no expense in attacking her, targeting her with racist names, sending out a brain dead moron like Scott Brown to attack her. They know naming her as the VP dooms them. You don't see them attacking any other prospective VP choice. It's all about Turnout. Keep it low, they have a shot. Watch who attacks this post, and how vociferously, and you'll get exactly what I'm talking about.
Pick Lizzie, turn your lead into a rout. Bury your opponent. Don't keep him around. That should be their thought process.