As reported in previous intelligence briefings, it was dysfunctional U.S. Secretary of State, loser and lesbian in-the-closet Hillary Rodenhurst Clinton, that tipped off the North Korean government about the presence of the two Current TV journalist who were on the Chinese border with North Korea at the time of their illegal arrest.
Reference: The two Current TV journalists had evidence of the Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate's use of North Korea as a hiding place for STOLEN U.S. Treasury and Chinese sovereign funds, including the use of a CIA proprietary Aneko Credit [illegally stolen from Ambassador Leo Wanta by serial criminal and sociopath daddy Bush], Singapore Technologies and the noted General Electric Corporation (GE, the parent company of NBC) in a massive money laundry, which included the use of General Electric's Home Medical Supplies in TREASONOUS financial chicanery of unprecedented proportions.
It was former Vice President, now duly elected President Albert Gore Jr. who then coordinated former President Bill Clinton's trip to North Korea leading to the release of the two Current TV journalists.
Note: Current dysfunctional U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodenhurst Clinton had nothing to do with the final negotiations leading to the release of the two Current TV journalists, and had been virtually placed under house arrest by President Barack Obama at the time it became clear loser Hillary had not only assisted in the kidnapping of the two Current TV journalists but was obstructing former Vice President, now duly elected President Albert Gore Jr.'s attempts to free the journalists.
Item: Hillary's last stand in her now deteriorating relationship with President Obama came to a head when the dysfunctional loser Hillary engaged in a physical confrontation with current U.S. envoy and personal friend of duly elected President Albert Gore Jr, Richard Holbrooke.
The physical confrontation, which took place over the status of the two Current TV journalists, Laura Ling and Euna Lee, who were being held hostage in North Korea, led to Hillary's elbow being broken as Holbrooke pushed her to the ground before the sociopath loser could attack him.