Not really. They are parsing words and meanings from emails years ago. Trying these gotcha moments which are laughable.
I understand your dislike for Clinton but don't let it cloud your objectivity. These committee members are a total joke.
No, they are showing how Hillary blamed a YouTube video for the whole event, then claimed she never did. They are showing how Hillary said she never sought guidance from Blumenthal when that also turned out to be untrue (do you even know who he is, or what his significance is in this case?). That isn't parsing words, that's proving lies. Except you don't give a shit.
If a government can't hold those in power accountable after they abuse their office and lie about it, what the fuck is the point of even having one?
Dimocraps want a government where people like the Stuttering Clusterfuck and Hitlery can tell lies to the American people about terrorist attacks & get away with it. That's why we're being treated to the incredible spectacle of someone who brazenly lied to us all about Benghazi running for fucking PRESIDENT.
It would be funny if it wasn't so god damned sad. Dimocraps are a pathetic, morally bankrupt groupie squad who are hypnotized by their utterly corrupt leaders...and they wouldn't have it any other way.