They were loaded with 1 out and dumb shit frees swings at ball 4. Jake isnt gonna go deep in this one and all your $ will be riding on the stellar cub bullpen. Good luck
I might let you off the hook with that one my left-side friend.
Like i say congrats. I dont make my money runnin with the herd and i will play against em again. Game was not as big of a blowout as the score indicates its just shitsburg is a really bad team and bungled their way through that one. One key base hit and they could have made that a game
U know Boris gave Natasha the Dirty Sanchez on a reg basis!
FLMAO! Good one "squirrelRay!" BossMan, when I want it, no problem. I don't withdrawal more than once a month though, sure as hell not gonna clean house as it would take a gazillion moneygrams and no telling what kind of shitstorm it would create with the terror/drug police, i.e. money coming in from Central America. But short answer is I've not had any problems. You having problems? With 5 Ho's moneygram, I've actually received money same day.
I had problems getting money in my account so i have no problems with them at all anymore.
It's a good thing ya did, I had issues with them and the fact they're in Panama is huge right now. I've got a whole bunch of Benji's being held hostage right now, not a good time to do business there. And they never offered the plethora of lines that 5 Ho's does. So ya did right my friend. Getting ready to chug the next Mac, I'm puking over this Mets game, what a bunch of gophers.