
Feb 26, 1999
And It's Not Going To Be Close, lol....

Even one of your favorite sites for copying and pasting agrees....:105317756

<TABLE class=main summary=""><TBODY><TR><TD><!-- Start of main table --><HR>Predicted Final Results: Kerry 306 Bush 218

This predictive map was made using the following assumptions.

- Voters who already have made a choice will stick to it
- The undecideds will break 2:1 for the challenger (Kerry)
- In states where Nader is on the ballot, he will get 1%; otherwise 0% (was 2.74% nationally in 2000)
- The minor candidates such as Badnarik, Cobb, etc. will get 1% of the vote (was 1.01% in 2000)


New member
Sep 20, 2004
Dante strange for a guy from Brooklyn to be for Bush. I usually lump Bush supporters as making about as much sense as the duck killing blue smurf turf wherever the hell that's at. I forget.

Active member
Jun 20, 2000
Mr. Jones said:
Dante strange for a guy from Brooklyn to be for Bush. I usually lump Bush supporters as making about as much sense as the duck killing blue smurf turf wherever the hell that's at. I forget.

MR J whats REALLY strange is the plethora of Democratic voters on this site...I never knew that the majority of people that post here are democratics, I learn more and more about everyone around here everyday, good luck to your canidate Kerry ,Mr Jones

New member
Oct 20, 2001
I'm not certain that you're seeing "Democrats" ... you're seeing anti-Bush people.

This election is really Bush vs. anti-Bush. Kerry is a nonfactor.

Active member
Oct 20, 1999
David Matthews said:
I'm not certain that you're seeing "Democrats" ... you're seeing anti-Bush people.

This election is really Bush vs. anti-Bush. Kerry is a nonfactor.
Maybe the sharpest post yet in discussing this election.

Sep 20, 2004
I think the same...Its not so much anyone likes Kerry, its Bush....I personally can't say either are in the least impressive...

Anyone (Bush) who pronounces the word Nuclear ...'Nuculer' incorrect 100's of times scares me...Even if this guy was in line at the grocery store talking that way, I'd have to wonder ,lol...

Kerry is the lesser of two mediocre's ...its his job to back into

Active member
Oct 20, 1999
What a character!

Beach House On The Moon
Mar 20, 2001
<TABLE height=74 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=700 border=0><TBODY><TR vAlign=top align=left><TD noWrap colSpan=2>
</TD></TR><TR vAlign=top align=left><TD noWrap width=457 background=images/bar_cont.gif height=13></TD><TD noWrap align=middle width=243 background=images/bar_cont.gif height=13>[font=Times New Roman, Times, serif]<SCRIPT language=JavaScript>// Dynamic Date Dreamweaver Object (c) 1999 Michael West, webmaster@mwwebdesign.com// Please report any bugs or improvement suggestions.document.write("")var mydate=new Date()var year=mydate.getYear()if (year<2000)year += (year < 1900) ? 1900 : 0var day=mydate.getDay()var month=mydate.getMonth()var daym=mydate.getDate()if (daym<10)daym="0"+daymvar dayarray=new Array("Sunday","Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday","Saturday")var montharray=new Array("January","February","March","April","May","June","July","August","September","October","November","December")document.write(" "+dayarray[day]+", "+montharray[month]+" "+daym+", "+year+" ")document.write("</i>")</SCRIPT> Monday, November 01, 2004 </I> [/font]</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=5 width=699 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD vAlign=top align=left width=451 bgColor=#ffffff><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=450 border=0><TBODY><TR vAlign=top align=left borderColor=#cccccc bgColor=#ffffff><TD vAlign=center height=162>
[font=Times New Roman, Times, serif]FOX News/Opn Dyn: Kerry 48, Bush 46, Nader 1 | Kerry 48, Bush 46
Rasmussen: Bush 49.4, Kerry 48.8 | Reuters/Zogby: Bush 48, Kerry 47, Nader 1
TIPP: Bush 47, Kerry 45, Nader 1 | Bush 45, Kerry 44
-------State Polls-------
FOX News (10/30-10/31): FL: Kerry +5, OH: Bush +3, WI: Bush +3, IA: Bush +4
: Ohio Poll/University of Cincinnati (10/27-10/31): Bush 50.1, Kerry 49.2
Quinnipiac (10/27-10/31): FL: Bush +8, PA: TIE, NJ: Kerry +5
NH: WMR/Univ of New Hampshire (10/28-10/30): Kerry 49, Bush 48, Nader 2
-------Senate Polls-------
Florida: FOX:
Castor +6, Quinnipiac: Martinez +5, Zogby: TIE, RCP: Castor +0.5
</TD></TR><TR vAlign=top align=left bgColor=#ffffff><TD vAlign=center borderColor=#cccccc bgColor=#cccccc height=11>[font=Times New Roman, Times, serif]Monday, November 1[/font]</TD></TR><TR vAlign=top align=left bgColor=#ffffff><TD vAlign=top borderColor=#ffffff bgColor=#ffffff height=401>[font=Times New Roman, Times, serif]Keep an Eye on New Voters - Terence Samuel, US News & World Report
Final Factor: Who Will Turn Out Voters - Liz Marlantes, CS Monitor
6 States Hold Key as Campaign Comes to End - Jeff Zeleny, Chicago Tribune
Unprecedented Efforts To Mobilize Voters Begin - D. Balz & T. Edsall, Wash Post
A Final Look Back at the Horse Race - Michael Barone, Townhall
Is Kerry Relevant to 2004 Election? - Robert Novak, Chicago Sun-Times
Cast Your Vote, Trust The Process
- Tom Scarritt, Birmingham News
America Needs Unity - Ralph Peters, New York Post
The Whining About How Divided We Are is Getting Tiresome - Jen Nelson, SFC
Resolution by Election? Don't Count On It - William Greider, Seattle Post-Intel
Court and The Media Aggravate Polarization - Stuart Taylor Jr., National Journal
The Deadlock of Democracy - Robert Samuelson, Washington Post
Church Leaders, Don't Tell Us How to Vote- Frances Coleman, Charlotte Observer
Why Political Virtue Matters in the Voting Booth - Lee Hamilton, CS Monitor
Daschle May Lose, and GOP May Regret It - William Stuntz, TechCentralStation
The Only Issue is Whether Kerry Can Do a Better Job - R. Reiland, Pitt Trib-Rev
Letter to USA, VI - David Warren, Ottawa Citizen
The Wider War - John Podhoretz, New York Post
The Deflation of Politics - George Will, Newsweek
RCP Commentary: Three General Trends
[/font][font=Times New Roman, Times, serif][/font]

[font=Times New Roman, Times, serif]Editorials:
How Much Leadership do the Voters Want? - Wall Street Journal
Terrorist Leader Arafat Fades, Leaving Chance for Peace - Chicago Sun-Times

[font=Times New Roman, Times, serif]ELECTION 2004 POLLS: Presidential, Graph | Battleground States | US Senate
[/font] [font=Times New Roman, Times, serif]EVENING UPDATESCOMMENTS[/font]
</TD></TR><TR vAlign=top align=left bgColor=#ffffff><TD vAlign=center borderColor=#cccccc height=22><HR></TD></TR><TR vAlign=top align=left bgColor=#ffffff><TD vAlign=center borderColor=#cccccc height=290>
[font=Times New Roman, Times, serif]-------National Polls-------
Marist: Kerry 49, Bush 48, Nader 1 | Battleground: Bush 49, Kerry 46, Nader <1
CNN/USA Today/Gallup (Final Allocated Estimate): Bush 49, Kerry 49, Nader 1
CBS News/NY Times: Bush 49, Kerry 46, Nader 1 | Bush JA @ 49%
NBC/WSJ: Bush 48, Kerry 47, Nader 1 | Pew: Bush 51, Kerry 48, Nader 1
Tracking Polls:
ABC News/Washington Post: Bush 48, Kerry 48, Nader <1
FOX: Bush 46, Kerry 46, Nader 1 | Reuters/Zogby: Kerry 48, Bush 48, Nader 1
Rasmussen: Bush 49, Kerry 48 | TIPP: Bush 48, Kerry 43, Nader 1
-------State Polls-------
CNN/USAT/Gallup: FL: Kerry +3 | PA: Bush +4 | OH: Kerry +4 | MN: Kerry +8 WI: Bush +8 | IA: Bush +2
SurveyUSA: CO: Bush +6 | IA: TIE | MI: Kerry +5 | ME: Kerry +8 | AZ: Bush +15
Zogby: CO: Bush +1 | FL: Kerry +1 | IA: Kerry +6 | MI: Kerry +7 | MN: Kerry +2
NM: TIE | NV: Bush +6 | OH: Bush +3 | PA: Kerry +5 | WI: Kerry +7

Columbus Dispatch: TIE | IA: DM Register: Kerry +3
Detroit News: Kerry +2 | MN: St. PP: Bush +1, Star-Trib: Kerry +8
NM: Alb Jrnl: Bush +3 | NJ: Star-Ledger: Kerry +4, Rasmussen: Kerry +12
-------Senate Polls-------
SurveyUSA: CO: Salazar +2 | OK: Coburn +8 | KY: Bunning +9 | GA: Isakson +16
>>Daily Poll Summary for October 30<<

Beach House On The Moon
Mar 20, 2001
<TABLE borderColor=#990000 cellPadding=0 width="100%" bgColor=#ffffff border=1><TBODY><TR borderColor=#990000 bgColor=#990000><TD width="100%" height=18>
[font=Times New Roman, Times, serif]RealClearPolitics National Averages[/font]​
</TD></TR><TR borderColor=#990000 bgColor=#990000><TD borderColor=#ffffff bgColor=#ffffff height=11>[font=Times New Roman, Times, serif]3-Way Bush 48.4, Kerry 47.1, Nader 0.8 [/font]</TD></TR><TR borderColor=#990000 bgColor=#990000><TD borderColor=#cccc99 bgColor=#cccc99 height=18>
[font=Times New Roman, Times, serif]» 3-Way Spread: Bush +1.3[/font]​
</TD></TR><TR borderColor=#990000 bgColor=#990000><TD borderColor=#ffffff bgColor=#ffffff height=12>
[font=Times New Roman, Times, serif]Head-to-Head Bush 48.4, Kerry 46.9[/font]
</TD></TR><TR borderColor=#990000 bgColor=#990000><TD borderColor=#cccc99 bgColor=#cccc99 height=18>
[font=Times New Roman, Times, serif]» Head-to-Head Spread: Bush +1.5[/font]​
</TD></TR><TR borderColor=#990000 bgColor=#990000><TD borderColor=#ffffff bgColor=#ffffff height=12>
[font=Times New Roman, Times, serif]Graph: RCP Historical Poll Average[/font]
</TD></TR><TR borderColor=#990000 bgColor=#990000><TD borderColor=#ffffff bgColor=#ffffff height=11>
[font=Times New Roman, Times, serif]Bush JA: 49.7 Approve/46.4 Disapprove[/font]
</TD></TR><TR borderColor=#990000 bgColor=#990000><TD borderColor=#ffffff bgColor=#ffffff height=12>
[font=Times New Roman, Times, serif]Fav/Unfav: Bush: 51/44 | Kerry: 47/46[/font]
</TD></TR><TR bgColor=#990000><TD height=15>
[font=Times New Roman, Times, serif]More RCP Election 2004 Information[/font]​
</TD></TR><TR borderColor=#ffffff bgColor=#990000><TD bgColor=#ffffff height=12>
[font=Times New Roman, Times, serif]EV Count: Bush 227 - Kerry 207 | MAP[/font]
</TD></TR><TR borderColor=#990000 bgColor=#990000><TD borderColor=#ffffff bgColor=#ffffff height=12>
[font=Times New Roman, Times, serif]Market-Based Presidential Indicators[/font]
</TD></TR><TR borderColor=#990000 bgColor=#990000><TD borderColor=#ffffff bgColor=#ffffff height=12>
[font=Times New Roman, Times, serif]Battleground State Polls, State Avgs[/font]
</TD></TR><TR borderColor=#990000 bgColor=#990000><TD borderColor=#ffffff bgColor=#ffffff height=12>
[font=Times New Roman, Times, serif]Competitive U.S. Senate Races [/font]
[font=Times New Roman, Times, serif]
<TABLE borderColor=#990000 width="100%" bgColor=#990000 border=1><TBODY><TR borderColor=#990000 bgColor=#990000><TD height=18>[font=Times New Roman, Times, serif]RCP State Poll Averages[/font]</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
[font=Times New Roman, Times, serif]• Florida: Bush + 1.1
• Ohio: Bush + 1.6
• Pennsylvania: Kerry +0.8
• Wisconsin: Bush + 0.7
• Iowa: Bush + 0.5
• Minnesota: Kerry +2.2
• Michigan: Kerry +3.3
• New Mexico: Bush + 2.0
• Nevada: Bush + 4.0
• New Hampshire: Kerry +1.3
More Battleground State Averages
[/font]<TABLE borderColor=#990000 width="100%" bgColor=#990000 border=1><TBODY><TR borderColor=#990000 bgColor=#990000><TD height=18>[font=Times New Roman, Times, serif]RCP Senate Poll Averages[/font]</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
[font=Times New Roman, Times, serif]• Florida: Castor (D) +0.5• South Dakota: Thune (R) +1.3
• Colorado: Salazar (D) +4.0• Oklahoma: Coburn (R) +6.7
• North Carolina: Burr (R) + 2.7
• South Carolina: DeMint (R) + 8.5
• Louisiana: Vitter (R) 43.0%*
Not Enough Polls to Average
• Alaska: Knowles (D) +2 (KTTU)
Seats That Will Switch
• Illinois:Dem Pick Up• Georgia: GOP Pick Up
Long Shots
• Kentucky: GOP Hold (Bunning-R*)
CURRENT TALLY: Based on RCP Avgs and the latest polls: today, the GOP would pick up seats in SD, NC, SC, and GA; Dems would pick up seats in IL, CO and AK. This would leave the GOP with a one-seat pickup, with the Democrats still having to defend LA.
<TABLE borderColor=#990000 width="100%" bgColor=#990000 border=1><TBODY><TR borderColor=#990000 bgColor=#990000><TD height=15>[font=Times New Roman, Times, serif]National Polls[/font]</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
[font=Times New Roman, Times, serif]National Tracking Polls:
[font=Times New Roman, Times, serif]FOX-11/1: Kerry 48, Bush 46, Nader 1[/font][font=Times New Roman, Times, serif]TIPP-11/1: Bush 47, Kerry 45, Nader 1Rasmussen-11/1: Bush 49.4, Kerry 48.8[/font][font=Times New Roman, Times, serif]Zogby-11/1:Bush 48, Kerry 47, Nader 1[/font]WP*-10/31:Bush 48, Kerry 48, Nader<1
National Polls:---------
Marist: Kerry 49, Bush 48, Nader 1
[font=Times New Roman, Times, serif]*[/font]: Bush 49, Kerry 49, Nader 1
CBS/NYT: Bush 49, Kerry 46, Nader 1
Pew: Bush 51, Kerry 48, Nader 1
GW/Battleground: [font=Times New Roman, Times, serif]Bush 49, Kerry 46[/font]
ARG: Kerry 48, Bush 48, Nader 1
Newsweek: Bush 50, Kerry 44, Nader 1

Staff member
Jan 2, 2002
As much as I hate to see it, Busch will win without any doubt. Seems everyone I know that was once considering voting for Kerry has changed their opinion/s and are going to vote for Busch. I still think the deciding factor with people is not wanting to risk changing Presidents in the middle of war/s.Of course, Busch winning still doesn't change the fact that he's a blooming idiot.........

Beach House On The Moon
Mar 20, 2001
Truthteller...any relation to NET...Just Kidding

This election is a coin flip, the polls, the polls, the polls...blah,blah,blah....No one can handicap this.

I think it would be irresponsible for any book to get too involved with their reserve funds on this. I don't know whats going to happend tomorrow..and no one else on this site does. Its become a bickering conteset between friends on this site and a debatable issue amongest the rest.

I didn't wager on this election...I won't tell you who I'm going to vote for tomorrow on the way to work.

I do know this as fact.

Pollers call 4000 people to get 1750 responses...most hang up or just say Bush or Kerry to the one question pollsters.

Anyone who registered to vote since September 15th is not on the calling records for registered voters, assuming they don't have a cell phone only, then they are un-pollable because the computer dialers won't call an answering machine/voice mail more than twice.

18-29 year olds say on the phone who they will vote for but rarely show up at the booth.

There are several states that you can show up in and register to vote on November 2nd; these people are once again un-pollabe.

Bottom line, to make an election wager is risky this year...and to be a book other than the livebetting ones is irresponsible unless its offered as a pick. Remeber Betexchange and Tradesports have their customers betting against themselves and they make a small percentage of each trade. No lose situation for them.

I'm unbiased on this issue, just wanted you to see the facts.

New member
Jul 21, 2004
glaken said:
Bottom line, to make an election wager is risky this year...and to be a book other than the livebetting ones is irresponsible unless its offered as a pick. Remeber Betexchange and Tradesports have their customers betting against themselves and they make a small percentage of each trade. No lose situation for them.

I'm unbiased on this issue, just wanted you to see the facts.
Interesting insight, Glak.

That last bit, though- if the books made it a pick, they'd get innundated with bush money. The line is designed to draw an equal amt of $$ to each side, thus guaranteeing a win for the book whatever the outcome.


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