Watching CBS evening news and I hear you guys in Ohio aren't getting your fair share of political TV ads, LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL. I'll send ya some more from North Carolina.
LOLOLOLOLOL!!! Yeah, I lived there from late 1984 to late 1986. That being said, lived in Oklahoma from late 1986 to mid 2014. I have been to Muleshoe, TX, but it makes damn interesting cocktail conversation (the bar pick-up line is pretty good also) when ya tell folks you're from Muleshoe, TX. I've been a Tarheel since mid 2014.
Voted early this week.......I voted for Perot in '92, his son Ross Jr. was a classmate at Vandy and I voted for Johnson yesterday. I could give a flying rat's ass about NC politics as long as they don't get in my way.
Well, Burt Reynolds may have been delivered, but I'm a former US MuffDiving Champion from 1981. No Suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuueeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee here I'm telling ya.