CNN is an embarrasment. MSNBC is worse. ralphie madcow needs to be Deported ASAP.
Trump Lit their asses up in that Press Conference.
Possibly the best Presidential Press Conference I have ever seen.
I hope that we can get Footage of it, Local Buzz in DC is said to be: some laughing so hard they are crying at the Expressions on Press Faces (off camera, of course) at moments and very very SOLID CHATTER says that "certain members of the Press were screaming, Hollering their Asses off Post-That Presser
like they was Hillary. Shouting in Anger like they was The Devil Herself."
We know, "That Bad" is Exaggeration cuz NO ONE goes off like Broom Hillary
Talk is no one has seen (so much of) The Press, as a Group, this pissed off.
Some saying they also have Zero Recollection of any President so thoroughly Ripping The Press a New One, as Mr. Trump here.
Did President Trump straight out SAY that Intelligence Leakers were using Russia as a Ruse to Hobble his Presidency? To Take Him Down so as to Screw Over The American People bcuz a small % of Intel are creatures of The Swamp Themselves
and di Trump come out and Straight Out SAY that Crooked Intel trying to play Shadow Government strategist to Fell FLYNN cuz they were Afraid of Him cuz their shit too well?
Yah like Michael Flynn one of the most Talented Intel Officers Himself flubbed while being Recorded.
As Judge Napolitano said, in his MASTERFUL BREAKdown of whats happened here, with Flynn and whats happening in general
with "Trump & The Russians"
"Shadow Government".
If You have not heard this take by the Great Judge Napolitano...
prepare to Trip The F#%$