Here's my girl


I'm from the government and I'm here to help
Sep 21, 2004
you really don't think anyone on here has the attention span or interest in listening to this nutter speak for 37 minutes do you? i jumped to the middle and then near the end in case of a nip slip but didn't see one so hit the "X" in the top right corner

I'm from the government and I'm here to help
Sep 21, 2004

bet365 player
Oct 25, 2006
and my girl Alex Morgan will be on SI bikini this month...woohoo.


I'm from the government and I'm here to help
Sep 21, 2004
talk about some itty bitty titty

Honey Badger Don't Give A Shit
Sep 21, 2004
you really don't think anyone on here has the attention span or interest in listening to this nutter speak for 37 minutes do you? i jumped to the middle and then near the end in case of a nip slip but didn't see one so hit the "X" in the top right corner

It's good to see the Snowbilly Grifter back in action. Her business opportunities have been really slowing down during the past six to eight months. This rally of the tightest social sphincters in the USA should get her back into the FOXNews "guest expert" rotation for a few minutes each week leading all the way up through President Obama's reelection in November

Honey Badger Don't Give A Shit
Sep 21, 2004
For those interested in a much more succinct anal-ysis of Sarah TQ's peppy contribution...bolded emphasis below added by your Ol' Buddy Barman


Deconstructing Sarah Palin’s Marvelously Bad Speech At CPAC

Thankfully for the world, and reality, CPAC somewhat peacefully come to an end Saturday afternoon, at least the official administrative meeting and speechifying and seminaring and workshopping “official schedule” part of it, and it seems to have ended with the world intact, and no signs of the four horsemen of the Apocalypse, which is about the only positive thing to say at this point. Because this monstrosity of a “conference,” in all of its full unrealistic, surreal, dishonest, slanted and bizarro glory, has ended with what else but a horrifying, terrifying, completely lie-filled distortion of time, space and reality in the form of a “speech” by one of the more grotesque symbols of CPAC terror, Alaska’s own mamma grizzly, Sarah Palin.

From 4:42 p.m. until about 5:19 p.m., if you can imagine surviving that long, Palin speechified in the Marriott Ballroom at the Marriott Wardman Park Hotel Wonderland Amusement Park [& Conference Centre -- Ed.] about all sorts of truth-defying, lie-inducing, reality-denying, delusion-inspiring wonders of unreality. Thus the only way to accurately, objectively–yes, objectively–report on this delusion is call it Deconstructing Sarah Palin.

Palin, as if running for something other than Reality Show President of the World and Conservative Conference Speaker of the Year, tore into everything Obamaesque and tore it up with easy catchphrases about everything near and dear to her dwindling, equally delusional fan base–the extreme far-righters whose credo incredibly remains, in 2012, a political world continually centered around scarifying old reliables such as abortion, guns, religion, the military and big government. It is most interesting to note that 99 percent of what Palin said is completely, wholly, utterly untrue and a lie.

Palin said that the Obama administration created “a sinking ship” of financial problems, has created “trillions in debt” due to incompetence, and has “no plan to stop it…no plan.” Wrong. Of course, the Obama administration has not created any sinking ship of financial problems–his administration inherited it from the administration of George W. Bush, which increased the size of the federal government in all sorts of fun, crazy ways. And of course the Obama administration has several plans to decrease the federal deficit, decrease the size of the federal government, and work towards an actual budget surplus, not a deficit. The Obama administration has a deficit-reduction commission, and has commissioned another panel, or two, to literally decrease the size of the federal government.

Palin said Obama “barely mentioned” unemployment in his recent State of the Union address. Wrong. In fact, the core and central point of the address was jobs, employment, manufacturing and getting people back to work. Of course the administration is focused on, and working on, employment and decreasing unemployment.

Palin said there has “never been” such a disconnect between a president and the populace. Wrong. Reference points: The Nixon, Reagan, Bush I and Bush II presidencies, especially, oh, the Nixon adminstration circa 1972 to 1974. Palin bashed Obama on the pipeline decision and the solar energy company decisions. Obama said the government needs more time to study the pipeline–which is smart–and the Obama administration worked to study solar energy as an alternate energy source–which, you guessed it, some Republicans have said the country needs to do. Of course.

Palin went on a crazed stream-of-unconsciousness rant and said Obama doesn’t care about God or guns and women and religion. Wrong. Obama recently said in several interviews that he is a man of faith, he does go to church, he is for normal, civilized gun restrictions, and he supports a woman’s right to choose. In that respect, he does indeed care about women very much. Palin said the Obama administration likes to share military secrets “with the Kremlin.” That should be news to the Defense Department, the Homeland Security Department, the Justice Department and the 16 or 20 or so federal government intelligence agencies.

Palin’s entire speech was one long delusional rant of someone who has not followed government and politics, who has not followed the news, and who has not followed exactly what the Obama administration has actually done. It was a speech of soundbites, media bites, far-right bites. Palin kept saying that “the door is open” to some new version of reality. But the only door that is open for Palin is the doors of unreality and the doors to her home on the range in Alaska–doors that she needs to walk through, settle in behind, and close tight behind her.

Meanwhile, the world will now sleep much better for the next year–until CPAC Horrorshow 2013 rolls around again.
Dec 11, 2006
Well rolltide if you don't have 37 minutes to give to listening to one of the most eloquent spokesperson for conservative thought, I would suggest that you are a very shallow and uninformed person. Maybe you haven't noticed or are in denial but this Country is in the midst of a crisis unlike we've ever seen before. I personally think we should get back to the values that made us the strongest and greatest Country in the history of mankind. I ask you, are those the values of Sarah Palin or Barack Obama?

She is a "nutter"? How so? Be specific please. She represents the values of many of us, many of us who pay the taxes to keep this whole big bloated ship afloat. Our thoughts and voices should not be relegated to "nutterdom" by pompous asses such as yourself and barman. This game of politics is one of relativity. Is Sarah Palin more of a "nutter" than Barack Obama? How 'bout Nancy Pelosi or Harry Reed? How 'bout Debbie Wasserman Shultz or Maxine Waters? How 'bout Al Sharpton or Jessie Jackson? How 'bout John Boehner or Mitch McConnell? Sorry but none of those people speak for me or most taxpaying Americans.

This country is starving for honest, effective leadership from someone who understands the plight of working, taxpaying, middle class America in 2012. Now please tell me who amongst our leaders is currently providing that.

bet365 player
Oct 25, 2006
she wouldn't be in the US Nat'l Team if she has big boobs, carrying extra weight would slow her down on the pitch, so I guess those itty bitty titty work in her favor :grandmais

Honey Badger Don't Give A Shit
Sep 21, 2004
This country is starving for honest, effective leadership.

I agree

And nothing speaks of Leadership more than a woman who quits less than halfway through the most important and high-profile job of her life so that she can free up time to be a multi-million dollar per year Media Whore

Go Q, Go!

Honey Badger Don't Give A Shit
Sep 21, 2004

Sarah TQ Palin Is Plotting Her Greatest Grift Of All

Oh, oh ho ho ho, oh man, do we feel like idiots! Why was Sarah Palin giving all of those weird semi- or quarter-endorsements to Newt Gingrich a few weeks ago and then trash talking Romney on Fox News Sunday this past weekend? Why is she so intent on seeing the primary process dragged out like this? We’d figured it was just to annoy people for the hell of it, à la her Christine O’Donnell endorsement. But no. (Sigh). So dumb of us!

The long-grift at work is right there, in the open, for all to see: She wants to bring the nomination fight to a brokered convention in which party officials eventually ask her to jump in the race. Lazy ol’ Sarah Palin would get to be the nominee, and she wouldn’t have to do more than a day or two’s worth of campaigning to snag it. Of course this is her plan. Ha ha ha ha! It would be the Snowbilly Grift of the Century.

We don’t usually consider Fox Business Network’s Eric Bolling one of the news media’s most savory personalities, but hey, let’s give credit for his work in this interview on his last show yesterday. He knew his subject. It would be a waste of time, see, to ask most politicians, at this early stage in the race, if he or she would accept the presidential nomination at a brokered convention, because they’d easily brush it aside. But it’s the perfect question to ask Sarah Palin, who’s never turned down an opportunity to amplify her childish megalomaniac comedy theories to anyone who’ll listen. From Politico:
“If one of the nominees, one of the GOPers, doesn’t get enough delegates, it could go to a brokered convention,” said Fox Business Network’s Eric Bolling in an interview. “If it does get to that, and someone said, ‘Governor, would you be interested,’ would you be interested?”

“For one, I think that it could get to that. … If it had to be closed up today, the whole nominating process, then we could be looking at a brokered convention. … Nobody is quite there yet, so I think that months from now, if that is the case, all bets are off as to who it will be, willing to offer up themselves up in their name in service to their country.”

“I would do whatever I could to help,” she added, her voice rising.

“That’s, that’s fantastic,” replied Bolling.
“That’s fantastic.” Oh Eric Bolling, you’ll land right on your feet once this all blows over.

You can tell that she’s been thinking about this seriously for a while. She believes that a backroom deal among Republican party leaders could shake out in a way that promotes her.

This is quite something. When this presidential cycle was gearing up a year or two ago, we’d expected that if any backroom deal were to occur, it would be a scenario in which Sarah Palin ran and was in a position to win the nomination and had to be stopped, through whatever emergency party mechanism was available.

The second possibility would be the same thing, but with Newt Gingrich. (And look at this latest polling news: Newt Gingrich and Sarah Palin are now sharing the title of “most disliked politician in America.”) But who knows? Maybe the Republican party will decide to cede the general election during its convention, for laughs. Who knows.

Grift of the Millenium! Best of luck to her and her political comedy plan.

Honey Badger Don't Give A Shit
Sep 21, 2004
SIDE NOTE: It just never gets old watching the FOXNews simpletons addressing Sarah TQ as "Governor".......hahahahahahaha

Breaking Bad Snob
Dec 5, 2004
Well rolltide if you don't have 37 minutes to give to listening to one of the most eloquent spokesperson for conservative thought, I would suggest that you are a very shallow and uninformed person.

There is no fucking way you are serious. You aren't serious, are you?


Sep 22, 2007
I agree

And nothing speaks of Leadership more than a woman who quits less than halfway through the most important and high-profile job of her life so that she can free up time to be a multi-million dollar per year Media Whore

Go Q, Go!

Well said. And I marvel how people think being goernor-for even a FULL term, though she couldn't hang for that long-in Alaska-makes her qualified for anything above shooting wolves from a helicopter or running amok on a shopping spree with that slutty daughter of hers. But, hey, she can see Russia from her house, lol...

Sep 22, 2007
Well rolltide if you don't have 37 minutes to give to listening to one of the most eloquent spokesperson for conservative thought, I would suggest that you are a very shallow and uninformed person. Maybe you haven't noticed or are in denial but this Country is in the midst of a crisis unlike we've ever seen before. I personally think we should get back to the values that made us the strongest and greatest Country in the history of mankind. I ask you, are those the values of Sarah Palin or Barack Obama?

She is a "nutter"? How so? Be specific please. She represents the values of many of us, many of us who pay the taxes to keep this whole big bloated ship afloat. Our thoughts and voices should not be relegated to "nutterdom" by pompous asses such as yourself and barman. This game of politics is one of relativity. Is Sarah Palin more of a "nutter" than Barack Obama? How 'bout Nancy Pelosi or Harry Reed? How 'bout Debbie Wasserman Shultz or Maxine Waters? How 'bout Al Sharpton or Jessie Jackson? How 'bout John Boehner or Mitch McConnell? Sorry but none of those people speak for me or most taxpaying Americans.

This country is starving for honest, effective leadership from someone who understands the plight of working, taxpaying, middle class America in 2012. Now please tell me who amongst our leaders is currently providing that.

Do you think she's got the facts of Paul Revere's ride down yet? I love the way she and that other lying, loony bitch, Bachman, not only make fools of themselves in basic American history, but they won't even admit their mistakes and try to concoct some ridiculous revisionist history.

Honey Badger Don't Give A Shit
Sep 21, 2004
Sarah TQ Palin: Jeremy Lin Is An 'All-American Story'

Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin (R) is all aboard the Jeremy Lin bandwagon.

In an interview on the Fox Business Network Thursday, Palin brought a New York Knicks shirt bearing the budding basketball star's name and declared her support for both him and the team.

"Linsanity, man," she said, using the phrase that has come to describe the nation's newfound obsession with the young point guard. "I mean, talk about an all-American story where sort of the underdog, you know, but works so hard, just erased all the stuff out there on the periphery in his life."

On Thursday afternoon, a video of Palin showing off her newly purchased "Lin" shirt surfaced. She apparently later brought it to the interview.

"Humble, and now look where he is," Palin continued. "He's putting his talent to great use."

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