Reason #1:
Anyone would be hard pressed to find two candidates less inspiring than these two Big Gubbermint GOPe clowns.
Democrats across the country should never scratch these two RINOs off their Christmas card list. Without them and their listless Karl Rovian-like campaigns, "President Obama" would NEVER have been possible.
Funny thing is, that "Democrat base" we keep hearing about that will magically show up for the Hildabeast (LMFAO!) didn't even show up in 2012 for Obama...or at least a lot less Dems showed up in 2012 than they did in 2008. It's that the Republican turnout was so much worse!
And why wouldn't it be?
How the fuck is it possible that, even with the GOP in full control of BOTH houses, the country is still stuck with Obamacare, the Kenyan's fraudulent background is still hidden and verboten, Lois Lerner, Eric Holder, that ugly-ass EPA dyke and Hillary Clinton still aren't in jail, and Hussein's illegal deal with Iran, his illegal immigration act and now illegal gun control are full steam ahead and fully funded?
It's called RINO'ism!
Anyone would be hard pressed to find two candidates less inspiring than these two Big Gubbermint GOPe clowns.
Democrats across the country should never scratch these two RINOs off their Christmas card list. Without them and their listless Karl Rovian-like campaigns, "President Obama" would NEVER have been possible.
Funny thing is, that "Democrat base" we keep hearing about that will magically show up for the Hildabeast (LMFAO!) didn't even show up in 2012 for Obama...or at least a lot less Dems showed up in 2012 than they did in 2008. It's that the Republican turnout was so much worse!
And why wouldn't it be?
How the fuck is it possible that, even with the GOP in full control of BOTH houses, the country is still stuck with Obamacare, the Kenyan's fraudulent background is still hidden and verboten, Lois Lerner, Eric Holder, that ugly-ass EPA dyke and Hillary Clinton still aren't in jail, and Hussein's illegal deal with Iran, his illegal immigration act and now illegal gun control are full steam ahead and fully funded?
It's called RINO'ism!