Heard this on Savage Nation yesterday....

Oct 30, 2006
Operation "American Spring" set for May 16, 2014 Target: Washington DC



Dear Patriots across the United States,

The militias across the United States are responding and mobilizing to the call to protect our Republic. Operation American Spring is underway. Militia Commanders and Sargent of Arms have called me from all over the United States. Rules of Engagement (ROE's) are now being requested.

Leadership ROE's for the event Operation American spring scheduled for Friday May 16th 2014 in Washington DC.

All militia Commanders will take charge of their groups and establish communications and ensure good order and discipline. Follow your charters and established rules governing your militias.


(1) No weapons. No ammunition.
The Communist forces that control Washington DC do not recognize the 2nd Amendment and have banned all weapons and ammunition from the district. Do not give them the opportunity to arrest you and prosecute you. Leave your guns and ammo within the safe proximity of a free state. When the government is changed constitutionally so will the laws in Washington DC when we return our country back to a republic that recognizes the constitution. Bring Bibles and constitutions. Of course your 2nd Amendment Rights are God given and no man can disarm you but at this point we must follow the rules laid out by the Communists until we vote them out of office. You do have a right to self defense.

(2) Follow all rules of the road.
No running red lights, no speeding, no harassment of the Communist forces with your vehicles. Of course this does not preclude driving within the confines of the law which sometimes backs up, slows up, and or could congest the 40 roads that enter into Washington DC. Traffic does get backed up in most cities. Ensure some lanes are free and open for passage of emergency response vehicles. Perhaps the truckers and bikers would like to join us.

(3) Comply with all constitutional requests of local authorities.
If you don't break the law you won't get arrested. Follow the law. Keep it peaceful. No threats period. If a police officer engages you ask him or her If you are being detained and for what reason. Other than that say nothing else. You have 5th Amendment Rights. Do not intimidate but you do have a right to self defense if you are assaulted.

(4) Travel in groups of 4 or greater.
Stay in groups and do not leave your buddies Team up. Stay in your groups. Establish a chain of command and stick together.

That's it.

This is a simple operational ROE. Keep it simple. Come unarmed. Bring plenty of water and establish a logistics chain for resupply of food and water. Militia uniforms welcome. Stand in formation and act as additional security for the civilians that will be on station. Medics and first aid kits a must.

Overpasses / American Spring video. - YouTube

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I am in love with Montana . . . Montana seems to me to be what a small boy would think Texas is like from hearing Texans. - Norman Fitzroy Maclean

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Oct 19, 2007
Great turn out. The militias in America are a serious threat. Just a little under 10 million short of their goal of 10 million people, hahahahahaha!!! What a fucking joke conservatives are.

When I arrived, about 150 mostly white dudes were stationed in the middle of the National Mall. (One such gentlemen referred to me as the "liberal Jew media" when I asked a question.) Even Awesome Con had more people show up in their attempt to break the world cosplaying record. The other 9,999,850 must have got stuck in traffic from the rain, or something. Here are some more pics that aptly sum up Operation American Spring.




Sep 21, 2004
These people are delusional. They live in an insane bubble. But sane folks already knew that. 10- 30 MILLION. LMFAO. They were afraid of the RAIN. They couldn't bring their guns i.e show off their dick size, so they passed. :aktion033

[h=1]Operation American Spring falls flat: ‘This is very disappointing,’ Texan says[/h]1956
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By Cheryl K. Chumley
The Washington Times
Friday, May 16, 2014

Operation American Spring, billed as a Friday morning multi-million patriot march on Washington, D.C., to oust leadership from the nation's capital -- from President Obama to House Speaker John Boeher -- has proven woefully below expectations.
"It's a very dismal turnout," said Jackie Milton, 61, a Jacksboro, Texas, resident and the head of Texans for Operation American Spring, to The Washington Times. He said hopes were high when he arrived in Alexandria, Va., a day or so ago and found motels and hotels were sold out for 30 miles around.
But weather's dampened turnout a bit, he said.
"We were getting over two inches of rain in hour in parts of Virginia this morning," Mr. Milton said. "Now it's a nice sunny day. But this is a very poor turnout. It ain't no millions. And it ain't looking like there's going to be millions. Hundreds is more like it."
Operation American Spring was billed as far back as six months ago as a rally call for patriotic Americans to force leaders in Washington, D.C., to return to a more limited and constitutional style of governance -- and to oust those leaders who weren't listening. Among the group's targets: Mr. Obama and Mr. Boehner, as well as Attorney General Eric Holder, Sen. Majority Leader Harry Reid, Sen. Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, vice president Joe Biden and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi.
Initial projections were for between 10 million and 30 million to come from around the nation and converge on the downtown capital city streets outside the White House and Capitol Building -- a number the organizer of the event, Army Col. Harry Riley, called optimistic yet doable, given one million militia had already agreed to come.
Mr. Riley's reasons for the event, as stated in previously published accounts: "We are calling for [their] removal ... as a start toward constitutional restoration. They have all abandoned the U.S. Constitution, are unworthy to be retained in a position that calls for servant status."
On Friday, the mission may have been the same -- but the body count hardly as expected or wished.
"This is very disappointing," Mr. Milton said, speaking of the numbers who showed so far, while marching to the White House. "I've been taking to everybody for six months, telling them to come and telling them if it's not realistic to get to D.C., ... well then, go to your county courthouse [and protest]."
The weather likely delayed some from showing, he said. But as the sun comes out, and the weekend weather dawns balmy, more could show, he said.
"This isn't just the one day thing," Mr. Milton said. "Most of our group [126 from Texas] are going to stay most of the weekend. And when the bikers come in, there will much more. I know Connecticut's here. I know Colorado's here. I think Utah, maybe."
He also said the some of the planned Operation American Spring members who were planning to head to Washington, D.C., instead traveled to Nevada, to give support to cattle rancher Cliven Bundy in his fight against the federal government over grazing fees.
"A lot that were supposed to come here went there instead," Mr. Milton said.
He said his group from Texas was set up a few miles outside the capital city, in tents and mobile vehicles at a private property on Route 1.
© Copyright 2014 The Washington Times, LLC. Click here for reprint permission.

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Apr 14, 2006
Id have to agree..pretty bad idea to begin with.

Sep 21, 2004
[h=1]'Operation American Spring' Is Still Waiting for Its Millions of Patriots[/h] Abby Ohlheiser

Operation American Spring, the mass D.C. rally aiming to force several top government officials — including the president — to resign, spent a portion of its first day at the capital assuring people tuning into its livestream that more people are on the way. The protest's lead organizer, Harry Riley, promised 10 million to 30 million people would show up for his event; Friday's crowd appeared to be in the dozens to hundreds.
"Where you at?" one guy yelled at the live stream, adding, "We're HERE." A woman stepped up to the camera and assured viewers that a number of rally participants were stuck in "camps," because of the floods caused by today's rain.
This, understandably, has caused a lot of schadenfreude among those who might not care too much for militia-style anti-government groups — the organizers set expectations for this rally astronomically high, and their turnout was even worse than we thought it was going to be. Weirdly, the only people who might understand how the Operation American Spring people my feel right now — virtually everyone who trekked to D.C. is a true believer, to be sure — might be the early Occupy Wall Street organizers who were there on the first day of the protests in 2011. They, too, had a crowd of just hundreds at first, after advertising a mass rally for months. But Occupy, at least temporarily, became something bigger. There are no signs at this point that Operation American Spring will become something too. One of the Texas-based organizers for the protest put it this way to the Washington Times: "This is a very poor turnout. It ain’t no millions. And it ain’t looking like there’s going to be millions. Hundreds is more like it.”
That's in part because of the hard-to-swallow rhetoric present at the Operation American Spring camp, and in part because the rally based its entire plan of action on the assumption that about 10 million people would show up, at the very least. How do you have 1 million people occupy the capital when about 250 show up, total? Via Right Wing Watch, the event's speakers got a little bitter about the whole situation:
Based on their statements on Friday, those who did make it to the rally were interested in the Benghazi attacks, in the feeling that God was with them, in reclaiming America as a Christian nation and — as planned — to force Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Harry Reid, Mitch McConnell, John Boehner, Nancy Pelosi, and Eric Holder to resign from office. If that happens, no word yet on what organizers plan to do about the line of succession, which, as many have pointed out would leave the President pro tempore of the Senate to run the country. Right now that happens to be Senator Patrick Leahy, a Vermont Democrat.

Sep 21, 2004
[h=1]Operation American Spring, the Right's Crazy Copy of Occupy, Explained[/h] 31,700
[h=4]Adam Weinstein[/h]Profile

Adam WeinsteinFiled to: doing it wrong

You can feel it in the air, rising on a zephyr like a handmade sign depicting Obama as the Joker. Operation American Spring is on, people, in the streets of Washington and Baton Rouge and—that's about it, really. But here comes the nutty conservative impeachment revolution!
Compared to the Tea Party, Operation American Spring is... nothing, in truth. Like, literally tens of people sitting around being crazy. No, really, check out the photos below.
But revolutions have started as nothing before. And this nothing is really something: an attempt to impeach not only Obummer and Uncle Joe but John Boner and all them other colloborationist RINO-types and start all over with a proper constitutional government by the old white folks, for the old white folks. Here's what it is, according to Raw Story:
Operation American Spring aims to pressure those lawmakers who remain – or are replaced by officials of their own choosing – "to sponsor and pass very Constitutionally crafted State legislation to dissolve the size, powers, scope and spending of the U.S. Government by 2/3rds."
The activists say they expect 10 million to 30 million like-minded Americans to join them Friday in the nation's capital for a rally patterned after Occupy Wall Street and "Arab Spring" protests.
They also plan a sister event the same day in Bunkerville, Nevada, where militia groups have gathered to support scofflaw rancher Cliven Bundy in his dispute with the federal government.
Organizers also anticipate "incremental nullification" by state legislatures of "all withholding taxes, employment taxes, employer taxes, and income taxes."
Get your Gadsden flags and gas masks, people. It's happening! And according to OAS leader Col. Harry Riley, lots of militias and "high-ranking military leaders" are ready to rock this thing if tyrant Obama and his Sheriff Holder try to knock skulls:
I fought all through the Cold War and to me I've never seen a threat to the United States any greater than the internal threat that Obama and his administration and a Congress that does nothing reflect. We're in a serious, grave situation. It's a reason we're going to Washington to try, to try. I fear the next step, if this doesn't happen, is going to be something that not a combat soldier wants to see. We've been through the carnage, we've seen it, we understands what happens and that's the last thing we want.
So what's this sea change in American democracy look like? Glad you asked:
Here are some screenshots from video of the multitudes gathering now on the National Mall in Washington:
But you have to understand, one of the reasons the crowd is so sparse is because of disinformation. You see, it turns out that some crazy paranoics who don't trust the government also think a rally such as this is a government-planted ruse to assemble America's patriots, unarmed, for easier killin':
But the organizers assure you all that's not the case! This is a civil engagement, unless of course it turns uncivil. And also, don't believe anything you've heard about the venue changing:
Geez. What's with all these birth-certificate-wanting secret-Kenyan-Muslim-fearing FEMA-camp-avoiding Holder-drone-dodging patriots spreading rumors like they're real?
But if the crowds don't impress you, don't write this thing off yet. They're willing to stay on the streets, protesting tyranny, for as long as it takes, or until the chocolate Wonderfall at Golden Corral has another Veterans Eat Free Day.
To paraphrase some lefty chick: Never doubt that a small group of militant white conservatives can change America; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.
Oct 30, 2006

Kurt LofflerALIPAC Americans for Legal Immigration PAC
The screen shots are from a 60 min video of OAS taken by someone who walked through the crowd around 3pm on Friday -- which was much larger than in the morning, and the walk-through took almost the whole hour. The biker groups, as well as more attendees, will be arriving through Saturday. All of the videos that people have been uploading are far from professional (but at least they're accessible now), and unfortunately no one seems to have the inclination to climb up on something to get a high-angle view.

Sep 21, 2004
[h=1]'Operation American Spring' Was Every Bit As Troubling And Useless As It Sounded[/h] By Chris Tognotti @ctognotti 9 hours ago
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Scott Heavey/Getty Images Sport/Getty Images Today is May 16, 2014, and that means one thing: unfortunately, “Operation American Spring” is upon us. This is a poorly-thought-out attempt to throw President Obama out of office, along with a host of other elected officials. The American Spring moniker is an appropriation of the so-called Arab Spring of the last several years, wherein citizens in a number of Middle Eastern countries rose up, in the face of state oppression, to contest and overthrow their strongman dictators. Spearheaded by retired Army Colonel Harry Riley, the American version tried to send a staggering number of people to D.C. to protest Friday.
So exactly how many people was Riley banking on? The movement’s official website hilariously puts forth a list of “assumptions” crucial to the cause, the first being “Millions of Americans will participate.” That’s an easy thing to put on a website, but as it turns out, Col. Riley’s call to action is looking like a major league flop.
If he’d billed it as a modest gathering of concerned conservatives, maybe expectations would have been suitably lessened. But when you come out breathing fire about taking back the government from tyranny, and claiming ten to 30 million people (30 million being close to a tenth of the entire U.S. population) are going to show, well — you’ve shot yourself in the foot there.
Luckily, we don’t mind. That’s because Operation American Spring is inundated with many of the same deeply problematic things seen in far-right movements — conspiracy theories, anti-government hysteria and the like. Here are four big issues with Operation American Spring…
[h=3]1. Their Mission Statement Awkwardly Compares Political Opponents to Animals[/h] In addition to being pretty poorly-written, and sounding a bit unhinged, the screed that sits on the Operation American Spring homepage repeatedly argues its point by tacitly comparing President Obama to a “mean old wolf” gobbling up a “cuddly lamb.” This is awkward.
A fluffy, cuddly lamb gets eaten by a mean old wolf is not an illegal or immoral event…the law of nature. When some greedy, self-serving occupant of the White House or Congress, or elements outside America, is threatening our existence, our freedom, our liberty, our Constitution, our life resources, our America, then we fight back to destroy the threat and there is nothing immoral or illegal about it. … A duck cannot be turned into a fox; an elephant cannot be turned into a flea; the laws of nature will not permit. … OPERATION AMERICAN SPRING will be a gigantic step in removing the flea infestation that is sucking the blood out of America.
And whenever conservatives start using animal metaphors to refer to the President, it’s pretty worrying.

[h=3]2. They’re Giving Cover, Apparently, To People Who Believe in FEMA Camps[/h] Anybody who wanted to tune in to watch the live stream of the protests was probably a little crestfallen to see what was being aired in lieu of an actual live shot — all that’s been shown is fringe conservative radio host Mark Connors, taking calls about the movement, and in doing so, voicing or giving voice to multiple bizarre conspiracy theories. In particular, while interviewing the aforementioned Col. Riley, Connors had this to say:
If FEMA does try to round you up, how will you defend yourself? With a piece of paper? With a flag?
What he’s echoing is a well-worn fear amongst the extreme right-wing — that the Federal Emergency Management Agency is actually an elaborate scheme to round us all up into camps. Connors also fielded calls bemoaning how the government is poisoning the water with chemtrails, which is what conspiracy theorists call the aerial streaks of white that planes leave behind. Basically, it all sounds a bit less like “saving our government” than it does “getting lunch with Alex Jones.”

[h=3]3. Their List of Favorite Republicans is Just The Worst[/h] In short, these folks really hate President Obama, but it’s not just him — they also want to remove Speaker John Boehner from office, ostensibly for his complicity in working with the former, and teaming to pass legislation with congressional Democrats. Indeed, it seems like a GOP purity purge is also on Operation American Spring’s mind, and they’ve helpfully told us the kinds of people they want to see running for office instead:
Those with the principles of a West, Cruz, Dr. Ben Carson, Lee, DeMint, Paul, Gov Walker, Sessions, Gowdy, Jordan, should comprise a tribunal and assume positions of authority to convene investigations, recommend appropriate charges against politicians and government employees to the new U.S. Attorney General appointed by the new President.
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To be clear, Col. Riley wishes people like former Rep. Allen West and former Senator Jim DeMint are the model, which somewhat suggests he’d be fine with the genuine articles. For some brief perspective on Allan West’s seriousness, he once attacked President Obama for flying to Afghanistan at night to reduce security risks. A real leader, West says, would’ve flown in during the day. You know, as a statement.

[h=3]4. They’re Making Conservatives Think Web Design Doesn’t Matter[/h] This isn’t solely unique to Operation American Spring, but they’re certainly a prime example — their website is laughably ancient-looking, despite having clearly been made recently. This isn’t simply to poke fun, but it’s a peculiarly common sight among conservative websites — the ballyhooed or trafficked website that looks decades old.
Probably the all-time reigning champion of this is Drudge Report, which more or less looks the same as when its headlines were blaring about Monica Lewinsky back in 1998.
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In the case of Operation American Spring, the effect is especially damaging. That’s because the transparently unpolished, simple appearance of its website instantly undermines the lofty goals and claims that Riley and his supporters would like to make. This is what your website looks like? Yeah, I’m sure it’s a safe ‘assumption’ that over ten million people will read this stilted screed, show up in Washington on the same day, and bring down the President.
Oct 30, 2006
Hey RR. That's a nice Crowd. What event is it from because it's certainly NOT From Operation American Sprung A Leak? Must have been an anti war rally or a concert at the monument, or a July 4th, or something actually important.
True...........According to their website www.oas2014.com they had 2,000 yesterday....Today there should be more...These people probably work during the week so couldnt make it on Friday...
Oct 30, 2006
Did you really post a picture of a different event? Come on roadreeler... you are better than that. That's definitely not the militias... since I don't see any Benghazi signs or banjos.
I didnt post it on pourpose....I didnt know until after I posted it & too late to edit...I bet they got more than 2,000 today though..

Aug 6, 2006
That pic is either from a Tea Party rally or a caption from Forrest Gump.

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