Health with Hamneggs

I just got my results back from my physical exam with the doctor. The results are stellar.

My regime consists of maintaining a healthy diet, cardiovascular exercise 5-6 days a week, and staying away from excessive drinking and smoking. A little grass is probably good for you, but I haven't done this in awhile.


I drink a couple cups of coffee every morning. I used to use Half and Half, but now I add either 1 or 2% milk. From time to time, I will use Half and Half.

Here are some possibilities for breakfast:

1) A banana, a bowl of Raisin Bran, and some source of protein (cheese or egg whites).

2) This is one of my favorites: Put a small amount of olive oil in a teflon pan and thinly slice a potatoe. Spread the olive oil around in the pan using one or two of the potatoe slices. Keep it on low heat and cover the pan. After about 7-8 minutes, the potatoes will brown a bit, then flip them using a wooden spoon or rubber spatula--metal will scratch the teflon. Give them another 4-5 minutes on that side and pour them out on a plate.

While the pan is still hot, put 4 egg whites in there and turn up the heat a bit. There is your breakfast, potatoes and egg whites. I like to add pepper to the eggs and potatoes, and dip the spuds in some ketchup.

For LUNCH and DINNER, I have some combination of pasta and chicken. Fish is essential from time to time, but I don't eat enough of it.


If you don't own a Juiceman Jr., go get one today. Target sells them for $60, or you can find one on ebay.

Go to the grocery store and pick up the following:

Apples (red delicious are great)

Use about 1.5 lbs. of carots. Now cut the ends off the carrots, and slice each one vertically. This lets the carrots go through the juicer. Cut one apple around the core, you don't want any apple seeds in your juice, they taste like shit.

Pull 1-2 celery sticks off, grab some parsley and spinach. Cut the tops off the beets, and DO add the beet tops in your juice. Use a small amount of beet, it's pretty strong.

Slice a few pieces of ginger, a couple cloves of garlic, and a wedge of lemon.

Run all of this through the juicer and clean the juicer right away. If you let it sit, it will be 3 times as hard to clean later.

The first time that you drink this, you will curse me, but it tastes better and better the longer that you drink it. You will notice a tremendous improvement in your energy level, skin complexion, and your bowel movements will be incredible (a bit orange, lol).

If you own a bicycle, get a Minoura trainer on ebay, and put your bike on it. Ride the bike for at least an hour every day while you are watching your games on TV. Do some pushups and situps as well, then do some stretching.

If you do this for yourself, you will get sick a lot less and live a long life. There is no substitute for good health.

Snake Picks
good post hammy...i`m hitting that point age33 where i`m looking around trying to figure what the hell there is worth eating...

i doubt i could drink that concoction though..

i have read about the benefits of the juiceman for sometime...

how long have you been on the juice?

i find it very difficult to break old eating habits.....
Be careful Hammy i think Journeyman is trying to make a move on you!

He is a well known scammer and "ladies man"

Don't let him put that "banana in your tali-pipe"

I have been making that juice on and off for almost 10 years. I try to have it every day. I really recommend it.

As I said, you will get use to the taste, and once you drink it, you feel great.

Snake Picks
Played basketball for 2 hours today, then went to the gym and did another hour of cardiovascular work.

I feel great, I must say. Guys, there is no substitute for good health. If i am able to convince at least one dweller that he should get a Juiceman (or girl, could be Shakapova), it will be worth it. Believe me, it will change your life. Sounds crazy, but it's true.

Journeyman, if you are up for it, I might even have a Juiceman sent to you.

Snake Picks
GL with weight loss,

[This message was edited by dogball on 02-19-03 at 12:33 AM.]
So that this makes sense Dogball was asking how to start getting in shape again. He edited the note just like his plays. These touts are sneaky but not sneaky enough for the RR.

Take your lips off of Ken's ass. It's easier to get around and you'll burn some calories.

[This message was edited by raiders72001 on 02-19-03 at 04:59 AM.]

[This message was edited by raiders72001 on 02-19-03 at 06:15 AM.]
If you are able to somehow pry those lips away you'll be able to start your running routine. Start off slowly, I know that you won't be able to entirely quit the ass kissing. I suggest 30 minutes less every day until you can get it down to an hour a day. Once you have it down to an hour you'd be surprised at how much more free time that you'll have to get in some cardio.
Did I miss something here? LOL

Let me tell you, I ran out of carrots today, and didn't make it to the grocery store. I feel the difference. I can't even list all of the benefits of juicing. One of the greatest benefits, IMO, is that I rarely get sick. The garlic and ginger is really key..the lemon tames the pungency.

Guys, although I do from time to time, I am not bumping this thread to get a bunch of views and responses. I am bumping it to put it in your face for your own benefit.

Gamers are notoriously inactive, and it is important IMO to keep your health as a priority. You may be surprised how much more enjoyable and less stressful a game is when watched from an exercise machine.

Snake Picks
Hammy,how does the ass kissing work for Dog? Is this something that he should cut down on? I feel that he be nearing the addictive stage.
Hammy I am with you sir. Very good stuff sir. Keep it coming.

Maybe we should all list our weight and height etc.... Then you can tout your weight loss services for the fatties....LOL.

Raider -I've seen a lot of ass kissing in my time but nothing like Dogball. LOL. It's almost comical. Some I have learned will do ANYTHING for a dollar bill, Dogball is one of those people.
hammy , i need a modified version of that drink though man...i m way to picky , i need to maybe build up to that witchdoctor voodoo potion you are prescribing

for the record i m 5`10.5 / 210/ 32 waist 19 inch arms.

i`m slipping and getting old, its been a brutal winter , motivation at all time low, i need spring to wake up from my slumber, FU CK!
6'00.5" 220 lbs 39 yrs old. I packed on 20 lbs in the last year. the 9 years before that I weighed 190-200. I was just about to go to the 24hr gym but like you guys have been saying it's tough in the winter.
patthat's funny

J Man- yeah, you work up to the high strength juice. sometimes I will make a small 4 oz glass of all the nasty stuff, the celery, spinach, garlic ginger (maybe a bit of lemon) and just "shoot" it.

Then I will make a bigger 16-20 oz with the carrots, apple and beet. Actually, that combo right there is delicious..tastes very sweet.

I guarantee you that if you start juicing, you will thank me for years to come. As I said above, Target has these for $60-$70, or you can get one on ebay for a good price. Don't get anything other than the Juiceman Jr. TRUST ME Some of them are a real pain in the ass to clean, but the Juiceman Jr. is really easy.

72 I packed on 20 myself since moving to the Midwest. You have almost 10 years on me, but as you know, it is harder to keep the weight off as we get older.

For the record, I used to smoke cigs, and I have been chewing this Nic gum for about 1.5 it.

Snake Picks

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Oct 21, 2002
Fiber is the key to great health!

Lot's of fiber, don't bother jiucing that stuff, eat it raw, that's where all the fiber is!

I have ton's of great recipes(heart healthy) if you guys are interested? and thew plus is, they taste awesome! you don't have to substitute fat,sugar, etc and miss all the flavor!

By the way, I'm the orange cat
the Juiceman Jr.

Is that the commercial with the 100 year old guy, that has 40 year old wife.???

He claims that he has lived this long because of the juices.. ??


New member
Jun 20, 2001

Great ideas, I did you one better on the Minoura trainer, instead of hooking up a bike to it, I hooked up a Moped. I can go a lot further on the moped then bike the only problem I am having is I keep passing out from the Carbon Monoxide. Any suggestions?

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