Hey Guys,
Always enjoy this forum....misc. posts always entertaining...I have a question however, I think I know the answer already but wondering if anyone had similar situation...anyways, last few weeks have had some fatigue as well as some blood in the stool...ive ruled out external hemhoroids...Ive been taking ibuprofen for muscle soreness, thinking maybe that upset the GI Tract...of course Im looking for the answer I want to hear and not the one Ive been getting and am gonna get, but has anyone experienced this and if so, what did you do? Ive been working out hard the last 3 months and am in good shape now although overwieight still, 38 year old male...any thoughts appreciated.
Always enjoy this forum....misc. posts always entertaining...I have a question however, I think I know the answer already but wondering if anyone had similar situation...anyways, last few weeks have had some fatigue as well as some blood in the stool...ive ruled out external hemhoroids...Ive been taking ibuprofen for muscle soreness, thinking maybe that upset the GI Tract...of course Im looking for the answer I want to hear and not the one Ive been getting and am gonna get, but has anyone experienced this and if so, what did you do? Ive been working out hard the last 3 months and am in good shape now although overwieight still, 38 year old male...any thoughts appreciated.