I just hate the "Manning face", if you've watched Manning you know what i'm talking about. It's the same face that Tim Duncan makes after he is called for a foul. He makes it every time without fail. Manning does the same, but his is a scruntched up face and utter disgust with one of his lineman/teammates/or the ref, cause this "isn't supposed to happen to the great Peyton Manning", that is what he thinks in his head as does Duncan, "foul on me?". Yeah foul on you, you goddamn pompous wannabe ambassador for the game.
Manning's little temper tantrums are ignored SO much by the analysts or anyone involved with the game...cause he's such a "good guy" and "we like him in those commercials". Face it folks, he's a little baby. The way he acted in the 1st half of the Minnesota game was vintage Manning, pointing and screaming at his lineman like a petulant child. The way he came in after the Pittsburgh playoff loss in 06 and said, "i don't want to point fingers, but i didn't get blocked for all day". Um, you don't want to point anyone out!! He was scared of the Pittsburgh blitz, i watched it with my own two eyes.
I agree with Railbird. Peyton Manning is a pompous scumbag.