NYG +7 Buff in '90..After losing with SF to Tuna in Candlestick, I was sold on G-Men toughness, however was unable to convince my then partner(of which I had 25% stake in office) to make a larger play, as he liked Buff, we still won, but only for about a 1/4th of the play size I originally conceived, this at a time when the betting market was much larger(in terms of limits in one spot, also less generic numbers), and wide open(NYC) compared w/today(now must piece-meal @ multiple stops)..OJ Anderson leads the way.
SF -18, 18.5, 19, (and some 20 with locals) vs.SD in '95...I didn't bet the game for pocket, but my then office insists on being hardheaded and make the token sharpie play on Dog(with most smarts playing dog small or nothing at all), yet what I remember of that January, was being awakened at 2AM by a friend of mine's father calling on the phone(he mostly a non-gambler), he was lit-up drunk and wanting to know if I could move 25K for him on SD +18.5 to +20, I give him an hour long diatribe on how Steve Young was gonna cash in along with all the Free Agent ringers brought in, and that Gary Plummer would have SF dialed in to all of SDs plays, and that whether win by backdoor-or-lose large, the points weren't what he thought them to be..the good news was that I saved him from losing 27.5..Steve Young gets the monkey off his back.
Nice article on that game and other subjects that are popular here at Rx, by Poker player and former "Billy Beard" Michael Konik :
Kind of makes me long for the old days gone by, yet there is much I don't miss, of being in that realm any longer.