
Department of Defense

KBR Government Operations provides a diverse range of services to all branches of the United States military and other Department of Defense and government agencies. As "Force Multipliers," we perform the support tasks that allow troops and government clients to focus on their primary mission.

We became military contractors in 1942 when Brown Shipbuilding Company built the first of 359 ships for the US Navy at our Greens Bayou Fabrication Yard, Houston, Texas. Since then, KBR has become the premier provider of logistics and support services to all branches of the military. Our capabilities range from complex, fast-track construction, logistics and support services in remote, militarized locations to day-to-day base operations support. We leverage the assets and strengths of other Halliburton companies and personnel to provide innovative solutions to any problem.

In addition, we are managing owners of the Devonport Royal Dockyards in the UK where British surface combatants and nuclear submarines are refueled and refitted.

We have several contract vehicles immediately available to all branches of the Armed Forces and other government agencies to respond to contingencies around the world. We have 25,000 employees around the world in over 50 locations.
Jack D

Haliburton ( Dick Cheney's old crew ) will be getting billions of dollars worth or re-construction work in Iraq.

Who said payback is always a bitch eh Dickie boy?

Exactly, good to see someone knows what i mean, what with all this macho redneck war strutting that goes on in this forum.

RX Senior
Sep 20, 2000
more utter incredible stupidity.

it will coast over $100 billion dollars to remove Saddam and rebuild the incredibly poor and neglected country of Iraq.

The US will foot much of the bill PERIOD

there is nothing to gain by this war, its done solely because its right. deal with it USA haters.

RX Senior
Sep 20, 2000
maybe one of you idiots can post a picture now or call Americans silly. Its all your capable of when your stupidity is called out.....

( I thought you were boycotting American products, but your still here) I forgot you only dislike American things its possible do do without. Except for electricity, TV, phones, internet, Intel, computers, microsoft, et all. No cokes though. no cokes).

except cokes taste pretty good. so drink them, but call the USA names. quite a protest you have there.
Cheney still collects $1 Million a year in deferred salary / bonus $ from Haliburton.

Their stock aint been doing too well lately, so this Iraq deal is a must getter for Haliburton.

Keep that pension rolling - rawhide !
"The US will foot much of the bill PERIOD".

No, the US taxpayers will foot the bill.

You're wrong I think on this one. US will make sure all the oil the "IRAQI People" will get will go to pay for this deal.

That's probably why Bush is still pushing for his tax cut.

US companies get the contracts = More Tax Revs.

Lower Cost of Oil Imports = Higher Corp Profits = More Tax Revs.

Just wondering how many years it will take the Iraqui People to see any of their newly protected oil billions.

Keep them pensions rolling - rawhide!

Good points Joey.

I'm very interested in how the Canadian led push for UN resolutions to deny Americans & Brits the "right" to rebuild Iraq pans out. They are (correctly) citing the US & British positions are conflicts of interests.

New member
Sep 20, 2000
So who the fxck are they supposed to give contracts to? the "Mother earth food co-op"?
I would like to see an Arab country get the contracts. It's their region, their destoryed homes, & their dead children - they should at least be able to prosper from the work that needs doing.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Well can somebody please give us an alternate company that would be capable of doing this with equal effinciency and resources?

I'm not trying to be a smartass I just don't think it's fair to pass judgement with no knowledge of the facts.

IF (<--big IF) there's another company that could do a comparable job I would agree that it would be a wise PR move to award them the contract.

Where Taconite Is Just A Low Grade Ore
Aug 20, 2000
I wrote about this unholy alliance a month ago! No attention paid. Of course they`re going to reap huge benefits. DUH, w/slippery Dick masterminding Dubya, who the hell WOULD you expect to profit? In the end it`s ALL about oil & gas and the Bush dynasty`s friends. Anyone who doubts that is either naive, a fool, or both. Notice how Georgie Porgie is "warning" us of the difficulties ahead, now that the Iraqis are showing some balls. He`s finally realizing that those body bags contain not only our boys but votes. Who the hell coached him to get that "C"?

I love my country but fear my government.
Haliburton Update: US Awards Contract to Guess Who?

Boots & Coots Nets Iraq Oil Fire Contract
Tuesday March 25, 1:14 pm ET

HOUSTON (Reuters) - Boots & Coots International Well Control Inc. (AMEX:WEL - News) said on Tuesday it has been hired to fight oil well fires in Iraq and supply well control services.

The subcontract comes from Halliburton Inc.'s (NYSE:HAL - News) engineering and construction subsidiary Kellogg Brown and Root, also known as KBR. That unit said Monday it was awarded a U.S. government contract to assess and extinguish oil well fires in Iraq.

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