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they claim this is him...
• 7 balls at this game
• 481 balls in 62 games this season = 7.8 balls per game.
• 558 consecutive games with at least one ball
• 124 consecutive games at Yankee Stadium with at least one ball
• 11 game balls this season (not counting game-used balls that get tossed into the crowd)
• 3 game home run balls this season (all of which were caught on a fly at Yankee Stadium)
• 122 lifetime game balls (115 foul balls, 6 home runs, 1 ground-rule double)
• 20 lifetime game balls at Yankee Stadium
• 3,758 total balls
they claim this is him...
• 7 balls at this game
• 481 balls in 62 games this season = 7.8 balls per game.
• 558 consecutive games with at least one ball
• 124 consecutive games at Yankee Stadium with at least one ball
• 11 game balls this season (not counting game-used balls that get tossed into the crowd)
• 3 game home run balls this season (all of which were caught on a fly at Yankee Stadium)
• 122 lifetime game balls (115 foul balls, 6 home runs, 1 ground-rule double)
• 20 lifetime game balls at Yankee Stadium
• 3,758 total balls