From ats standpoint it isn't an upset but when 5 beats 12 it qualifies as an upset.
As dumb as the announcers are they aren't the ones playing teasers in hoops.
Yeah, didn't take you long to show up oh little man with even smaller dick. You'd have to search all the posts, but I'm on record betting all the 12's ML, ATS, parlay ML, parlay ATS, and to cover all that action, a teaser parlay with all four. I'm trying to remember the one time you offered this forum squat....oh, that's right, you never have.
As for the Dores, I'm also on record in a thread earlier today that I wouldn't touch the game, mostly because I don't like betting on emotion and that leaves any sentiment out. Don't blame me for any loss you incurred, try your bartender, lol.