I sure hope they're solid. I've got just over $30K on account with them right now. They also pay 10% interest on their regular accounts. They've also got a 105 club. With the 105 club, there is no sign up bonuses or interest, but I get nickle juice on all football and baskteball sides and totals.
So far, Guardian has been great. I've had an account with them for 3 years now. They are simply the best for money lines. They don't circle games early in the week. They'll take a two dime bet without even checking with a manager.
My other tow books act like 2 dimes is gonna break them. BoDog is horrible. They don't post money lines on most CFB games. And when they do, they limit me to one dime at the listed money line and my second dime has to be wagered under a worse money line. BoDog also doesn't post lines on games until the middle of the week either. I'm pretty sure I won't be back with them next year.
The last book I'm using is Wagermall. They seem to be ok. They're not quite as good about posting money lines on cfb if the spread is 2 or less. But the clerks always have to get management permission to accept a two dime bet. So far, they haven't refused any, though. They also circly most games until after noon on Thursdays.
I assume Guardian is good for a payment. They're a member of the OSGA.