Greg Norman exposing the PGA tour


New member
Jul 17, 2008
The PGA Tour was forced to attempt to Tigerproof it's tournaments, they simply made them longer but it didn't work. Tiger just got better at the other aspects of the game than everybody esle who can hit the ball 330 yards whenever they want. He has become a master at course management

The PGA made it's courses longer to help Tiger and make sure he has less competition ensuring him of even more wins. Sometimes Tiger even hits the ball 50 yards out of play and he still gets to the next hole on the next shot.

Anybody except the blind can see He only hits the ball as far as he can because no one else can keep up with him. The PGA did to Tiger what the NBA has done for Magic, Bird, Jordan, Shaq, and Kobe.

These leagues make the players better because it's good for making money. Golf has done the same for Tiger.

And in many situations these players don't even need the help.

The crap about making the Masters longer to hurt Tiger was a complete lie and most people bought it.

Tiger is probably the greatest golfer of all time, But nobody knows if he is even an average athlete until he proves it by playing a sport with defenders standing in front of him.

That's all I am saying. You don't know and neither do the idiots that build him up week after week for the sheeple. When they start with the "great athlete" crap they are just making him out to be more than he is, A golfer!

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Sep 21, 2004
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07-20-2008, 09:05 PM <!-- / status icon and date --></TD><TD class=thead style="BORDER-RIGHT: #fdde82 1px solid; BORDER-TOP: #fdde82 1px solid; FONT-WEIGHT: normal; BORDER-LEFT: #fdde82 0px solid; BORDER-BOTTOM: #fdde82 1px solid" align=right> #57 </TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD class=alt2 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #fdde82 1px solid; BORDER-TOP: #fdde82 0px solid; BORDER-LEFT: #fdde82 1px solid; BORDER-BOTTOM: #fdde82 0px solid" width=175>Railbird<SCRIPT type=text/javascript> vbmenu_register("postmenu_5567588", true); </SCRIPT>
The Great Govenor of California

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<HR style="COLOR: #fdde82" SIZE=1><!-- / icon and title --><!-- message -->What if your a 13 yr old kid who has single parent raising you? Think they can afford 30K a year golf equipment and lessons? No. See how many PGA tour memebers raised by 1 parent or parents with little money, bet its less than 10%.

In golf, its easy to get driver and wedge down,

It's easy to get the driver and wedge down....? Rail, please, I repeat, Please STFU and stop acting like you have a clue about golf. I was at Torry Pines on Friday of the Open and it was a great test of golf. And I've played Augusta and it's not a driver and wedge course..... so like Viejo said, STFU about golf.... go scout some Little Leaguers and try not to get picked up for pandering while you're doing it.

Oct 16, 2004
That is because the atheletes and to a pretty large extent technology (clubs, balls, and bent grass) have made golf what it is today. You should not have mentioned Rocco Mediate the ulltimate shot shaper, those guys can still compete despite losing a lot of distance off the tee..

Rocco averages about 10 yards less per drive than the average PGA player. About in the same ballpark as a Jim Furyk.. But his driving accuracy is better than the PGA tour average..And with the way he's been hitting his irons of late, that's why he's had some success this season. He still averages 270 off the tee..A little player like Corey Pavin only averages 260..The PGA tour averages 281..That's a two club distance..And a 5 club distance difference between Pavin and the leading drivers on the tour who average well over 300 yards off the tee....A big disadvantage in today's golf. It's why many of these short hitting players all of a sudden find a second life on the senior tour, where on the shorter courses you don't necessarily have to be a long driver to be successful.

The Great Govenor of California
Feb 21, 2001
IF you want to Tiger proof a course you make it shorter, you have narrow fairways and penal rough. There is a reason he hasnt won at Riv.

New member
Jul 20, 2002

<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=6 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=alt2 style="BORDER-RIGHT: 1px inset; BORDER-TOP: 1px inset; BORDER-LEFT: 1px inset; BORDER-BOTTOM: 1px inset">Rocco averages about 10 yards less per drive than the average PGA player. About in the same ballpark as a Jim Furyk.. </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
I know on paper these distances do not seem to be significent but they only count FIR, many times big hitters will miss a fairway but only by a yard or so and no be penalised as much as someone in the middle of the fairway but 50 yards back.

This was just such a circumstance that caused a game and courageous Rocco Mediate to bogie the extra hole (#90) on the 461 yard 7th hole.

You need a long drive on this hole to be able to play your second shot to the left side of the green, avoiding the very deep bunker on the right. The slope of the green is deceiving as there is more slope from the back to the front than it appears.

Woods had honors in the first sudden death hole and drove long on the right edge of the fairway. Mediate pulled his drive into the left fairway bunker and hit his second shot way left to the cart path. He was given a free drop near the grandstand and pitched on 18 feet past the hole. Woods hit his second to the front of the green, missed his birdie by two feet or so and would later tap in for par. Mediate's putt rolled around 18 past the hole, he missed his par putt giving Woods the U.S. Open.

Woods was able to fly the trouble on the right with a driver and have an easy second shot to the front of the green and tapped in his missed birdie putt but left a gimme for a routine par. Unfortunately for Rocco, once he pulled that drive into the bunker on the left he was in trouble and couldn't overcome it to save par.

A case where Wood's length was able to turn a fairly difficult hole into one where a 300 yard plus drive flew all the trouble on the right and left Tiger in good shape with a short iron and a putt. Rocco's difficulties left Tiger only needing a two-putt par to win the U.S. Open for the third time, and the first since it last was held on a public course at Bethpage Black in 2002.

High Times, whoever you are, I am sorry to say haven't a clue about golf.

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Jul 20, 2002
Speaking of great atheletes who never faced a defender.


Edwin Corley Moses (born 31 August 1955) is an American track and field athlete who won gold medals in the 400-meter hurdles at the 1976 and 1984 Olympics. Between 1977 and 1987, Moses won 107 consecutive finals (122 consecutive races) and set the world record in his event four times. In addition to his running, Moses was also an innovative reformer in the areas of Olympic eligibility and drug testing. In 2000, he was elected the first Chairman of the Laureus World Sports Academy, an international service organization of world class athletes.

Despite the Olympic boycott that kept him from competing in Moscow, Moses was the 1980 Track & Field News Athlete of the Year. A year later, he became the first recipient of USA Track & Field's "Jesse Owens Award" as outstanding U.S. male track and field performer for 1981. He received the AAU's James E. Sullivan Award as outstanding amateur athlete in the United States in 1983. He was being named as ABC's Wide World of Sports Athlete of the Year in 1984.

Moses also shared the Sports Illustrated Sportsman of the Year with fellow American gymnast Mary Lou Retton in 1984, the same year he took the Athlete's Oath for the 1984 Summer Olympics. In 1999, Moses ranked #47 on ESPN's SportCentury 50 Greatest Athletes. The city of Dayton also named a street after their hometown hero. Edwin C. Moses Blvd, in Dayton, OH.

After his retirement from track, Moses competed in a 1990 World Cup bobsled race at Winterberg, Germany. He and long-time US Olympian Brian Shimer won the two-man bronze medal.

In 1994 Moses received an MBA from Pepperdine University and was inducted into the National Track and Field Hall of Fame.

Since election in 2000, Moses has been chairman of the Laureus World Sports Academy, which seeks "to promote and increase participation in sport at every level, and also to promote the use of sport as a tool for social change around the world." Several dozen Olympic and world champion athletes, through the Laureus Sports for Good Foundation, work to assist disadvantaged youths around the world.

Source: Wikipedia.
Oct 26, 2003
IF you want to Tiger proof a course you make it shorter, you have narrow fairways and penal rough. There is a reason he hasnt won at Riv.

No such thing as Tiger proofing a course...Are you insane? Officials and superintendants do not have particular golfers in mind when designing courses and making improvements...Great golfers will always find a way to win...

Oct 16, 2004
I wonder which golfer who is playing hurt is going to win the next major. First Woods, then Harrington...I think everyone and their sister had Ernie Els beating Harrington on that first day. This was a bet that to me looked like if it was too good to be true it probably was. But even I didn't think Harrington could carry that over for 4 days...Lesson learned: Never understimate hurt golfers..File that one away.
Oct 26, 2003
Except Lefty...he got his feelings hurt this past weekend...I really don't see him winning the rest of the year....

Oct 16, 2004
Michelson makes too much of an effort of trying to outthink himself in these majors. For example the brilliant idea of using a 3 wood to tee off in every round in the U.S. Open..There's a time to plan, and a time to just go out and play the damn game the way you do it best...As for the British Open, the boy just wasn't made to tackle those kinds of courses. Flip flop shots just don't work well on those hit and make the ball run courses.

New member
Jul 17, 2008
High Times, whoever you are, I am sorry to say haven't a clue about golf.


No such thing as Tiger proofing a course...Are you insane? Officials and superintendants do not have particular golfers in mind when designing courses and making improvements...Great golfers will always find a way to win...

O.K. you guys are right and are experts.

It's more like you guys just love Tiger Woods and would never accept that the entire PGA tour has no problem making Tiger Woods larger than the game of golf.

It only makes the PGA tour Millions and millions more if they in fact have a superstar just like the NBA, NFL, and all the other pro leagues have figured out. It's big money to have a superstar that everyone wants to beat.

No league has ever help their superstars become larger than life. SURE and golf would never do that because it's so honorable. Again SURE.

Believe what you want it's what all good Americans do.

Oct 16, 2004
The reason you can't Tigerproof a golf course is because he can hit a 2 iron stinger as far and as straight off the tee as most players can do with their 3 woods. It's the reason he's been able to win 3 or 4 U.S. Opens...And all of these courses have been set up radically different from each other over the years..If accuracy is a preminum off the tee he'll get out his 3 wood or 2 iron. And he'll be down the fairway in the general vicinity as a Jim Furyk will be with his driver. In the case of this most recent U.S. Open, he used his driver on many holes because of the added length of the course..But also because he knew if he got in trouble in the rough, he usually didn't have more than 140 yards to the hole..And Tiger is one of a handful of players on tour who can muscle a ball out of the rough..In this case it was a big advantage over the course of four days....You CANNOT Tigerproof a course..He'll just figure a different style of golf to beat you with...I've found that when Tiger loses tournaments, it's not his driver or any of the long clubs that let him down...It's the putter.

New member
Jul 17, 2008
The reason you can't Tigerproof a golf course is because he can hit a 2 iron stinger as far and as straight off the tee as most players can do with their 3 woods. It's the reason he's been able to win 3 or 4 U.S. Opens...And all of these courses have been set up radically different from each other over the years..If accuracy is a preminum off the tee he'll get out his 3 wood or 2 iron. And he'll be down the fairway in the general vicinity as a Jim Furyk will be with his driver. In the case of this most recent U.S. Open, he used his driver on many holes because of the added length of the course..But also because he knew if he got in trouble in the rough, he usually didn't have more than 140 yards to the hole..And Tiger is one of a handful of players on tour who can muscle a ball out of the rough..In this case it was a big advantage over the course of four days....You CANNOT Tigerproof a course..He'll just figure a different style of golf to beat you with...I've found that when Tiger loses tournaments, it's not his driver or any of the long clubs that let him down...It's the putter.

But that's the point.

With shorter courses he has more competition hanging around and he would have a few more loses. That doesn't mean he is NOT still the best golfer out there, but it would make things a little more competitive.

You at least can admit that seeing how you just admitted his only weakness is his putting game. And I would disagree with you on that also because I don't think there is a better putter than Tiger. It's the 2nd shot that Tiger has trouble with as it seems to be out of bounds more than anybody else and he knows it doesn't matter because he's always closer to the hole even if it's out of bounds.

That's why he would have had no chance in last weeks major even if he was at full strength. Just like last years british open.

And is Harrington a superstar now just because he won back-to-back british opens. Will he get blasted now ever time Tiger wins and Harrington doesn't in the PGA "Tiger fanatics" obsession with him being the "greatest athlete" even though he can't prove it by playing the GAME of golf?

Help me out Railbird. These guys are on cloud nine with this Tiger guy.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
IF you want to Tiger proof a course you make it shorter, you have narrow fairways and penal rough. There is a reason he hasnt won at Riv.

Yeah the reason is he could give two shits about that 2nd rate tourney and course.

Dec 12, 2006
Saying Tiger would have no chance at winning any golf tournament is about the most ridiculous statement ever made. What does the guy have to prove to you that he's the best?

Also, asking Railturds opinion in regrads to Tiger is like asking the Grand Dragon of the KKK what he thinks about Obama.

New member
Jul 20, 2002
Chair you read my mind.

<TABLE class=tborder id=post1762503 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=6 width="100%" align=center border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=thead id=currentPost style="BORDER-RIGHT: #fdde82 0px solid; BORDER-TOP: #fdde82 1px solid; FONT-WEIGHT: normal; BORDER-LEFT: #fdde82 1px solid; BORDER-BOTTOM: #fdde82 1px solid">02-05-2005, 12:53 PM <!-- / status icon and date --></TD><TD class=thead style="BORDER-RIGHT: #fdde82 1px solid; BORDER-TOP: #fdde82 1px solid; FONT-WEIGHT: normal; BORDER-LEFT: #fdde82 0px solid; BORDER-BOTTOM: #fdde82 1px solid" align=right> #21 <INPUT id=plist_1762503 style="PADDING-RIGHT: 0px; PADDING-LEFT: 0px; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0px; MARGIN: 0px 0px 0px 5px; VERTICAL-ALIGN: middle; PADDING-TOP: 0px" type=checkbox value=0 name=plist[1762503] inlineModID="inlineMod"> </TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD class=alt2 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #fdde82 1px solid; BORDER-TOP: #fdde82 0px solid; BORDER-LEFT: #fdde82 1px solid; BORDER-BOTTOM: #fdde82 0px solid" width=175>Pete Rose JR<SCRIPT type=text/javascript> vbmenu_register("postmenu_1762503", true); </SCRIPT>
Ron Mexico. #7

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<HR style="COLOR: #fdde82" SIZE=1><!-- / icon and title --><!-- message -->How am I full of Crap FATTONY...lmao

Another loss for you I see....Does it suck to be fat and old?

You seem to love the BCN contest...You can only take 3 games a day and NOH was the last game on the rotation so that is why I left it out....I likked 4 games yesterday (2-2)...I also bet the Knicks ML and ATS last night but didnt post picks in that contest, does that mean I didnt really bet it? lmao....

Check the BCN contest, I dont post picks everyday in that thread...I care more about real money bets than some free contest online...So according to that thread I have only made 47 bets in NBA so far this year both totals and sides....lmao....

Tony it is obvious that you are not smart enough to keep up with me so why try?....Its sad when people get bitter over losses...Keep trying...I didnt bet the game..lmao
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Oct 16, 2004
But that's the point.

With shorter courses he has more competition hanging around and he would have a few more loses. That doesn't mean he is NOT still the best golfer out there, but it would make things a little more competitive.

You at least can admit that seeing how you just admitted his only weakness is his putting game. And I would disagree with you on that also because I don't think there is a better putter than Tiger. It's the 2nd shot that Tiger has trouble with as it seems to be out of bounds more than anybody else and he knows it doesn't matter because he's always closer to the hole even if it's out of bounds.

That's why he would have had no chance in last weeks major even if he was at full strength. Just like last years british open.

And is Harrington a superstar now just because he won back-to-back british opens. Will he get blasted now ever time Tiger wins and Harrington doesn't in the PGA "Tiger fanatics" obsession with him being the "greatest athlete" even though he can't prove it by playing the GAME of golf?

Help me out Railbird. These guys are on cloud nine with this Tiger guy.
I said when Tiger loses tournaments a big reason is his putting game..I didn't say he had a weak putting game..He's either the best or one of the best on tour. You just can't putt well every single week...For making clutch putts, there is nobody better than Tiger..Just look at the putt he made to send the U.S. Open into a playoff..As for short courses, it always brings the shorter hitters intothe game..But the problem is, there isn't very many short courses on the PGA tour..And Tiger doesn't even bother to enter in any touranment nowadays unless it involves the elite golf courses.

As for Tiger sometimes losing his second shot, your only seeing what you see on telelvision with one golfer who gets 75% of the airtime....The other golfers on tour do the same thing.. I heard a golf pro being interviewed on televison the other day...He said the average golf pro hits 7 errant shots in a round of golf..It's the ones who recover from these shots the best who are the most successful on tour..And most of times I see Tiger, his errant shots are few and far between. And as you've seen, he's a magician at getting out of trouble..

I also don't see how you can say a healthy Tiger Woods would have had no chance in last weeks British Open. How do you know..And what is your reasoning behind that theory? You have to understand that just like it was in the Nickalaus era, the rest of the field wins because Tiger or Jack wasn't at their best...And not because the other players were the better golfers.

New member
Jul 17, 2008
Saying Tiger would have no chance at winning any golf tournament is about the most ridiculous statement ever made. What does the guy have to prove to you that he's the best?

Also, asking Railturds opinion in regrads to Tiger is like asking the Grand Dragon of the KKK what he thinks about Obama.

Who said that?

Dec 12, 2006
That's why he would have had no chance in last weeks major even if he was at full strength. Just like last years british open.quote]


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