Sure she is. Absolute prohibition of abortion, even in case of rape or incest. Real mainstream.
It's easy to see why Sarah has the secular humanists shaking in their Birkenstocks. :lol:
Screw the "inexperience" factor -- smoke and mirror politics.
On the MSNBC website, they have a headline about Roe v. Wade as a campaign issue, with Sarah's picture next to it. They are worried that she will have influence over Supreme Court nominees.
Or, God forbid from their point of view (for those Democrats who do believe in God), Sarah Palin could become president someday, and nominate judges.
Sarah Palin is unabashedly pro-life as left wing feminazis are pro-death.
Democrats and libs reap what they sow. In the late '60s, early '70s, they decided to take on the issue of abortion, and force it through the courts. Rather than let the issue of abortion be settled through the legislative process, they went for a sweeping court decision legalizing abortion. They succeeded, but the net effect is that a divisive issue that has been fought continually for the last 35 years.
Now these libs/radicals are trying to do the same thing with homosexual marriage. Rather than let society and various states decide what legal recognition to give to non-traditional families such as same-sex couples, they're trying to force the issue of same-sex marriage through the courts.
So far the radicals have succeeded in two states so far, and eventually plan to force the issue in federal court. They are hoping that eventually a US Supreme Court, with liberal judges appointed by Obama, will mandate 50 state same-sex marriage.
So if you have ever wondered why the abortion issue never seems to ever be settled, the key reason is that libs forced it through the courts without strong public support.
As it stands, Roe v. Wade is slowly eroding as abortions become more restrictive.
Reap what you sow, libs...reap what you sow.