I hate that this was written with ND as a feature....blinds too many people.
Jack Swarbrick is a pretty smart guy. Too many schools take up the conference mantra....at the end of the day you need to worry about your own school.
This really isn't about have and have nots...ND and others can compete with anyone on the money side...it's more about the mission of the school.
You're 100% wrong. It's ONLY about the have's and have not's. Period. Why should ND split it's share w/ La Tech or Central Michigan? Those schools will move to the lesser division (the Have Not's)....and the big boys (the Have's) will move to theirs...and count the money.
Wrong again.
You honestly think this isn't about the money? The haves?
Okay. If La Tech is in the same "division" that ND goes to I'll come back and admit I was wrong......
Nowhere near wrong. ND and few other could have THEIR choice of a league is it was all about money. ND and a few others value the educational mission....that's the difference.
So, what you're saying is that college sports is going to switch to 2 divisions: 1 that cares about education (led by the Ivy League Catholic school in Indiana) and one that only cares about athletics? I got it. You're so smart!!
Notre Dame better find a HOME soon with their football program and athletics as a whole.
This AIN'T the 1970's or 80's.....Irish don't have the appeal where they once dominated.
Not held in the high esteem the school once was.
Who gives a rat's ass what they do other than their faithful?
How so?????????? The most profitable teams are ND..... a small school, and Texas. There's nothing much to discuss. ND makes the bed.....others lay in it....Nothing earth shattering there unless you are a clueless ND hater.
Absolutely NONE of my business Loomis...what's happened to you partner? I remember you once as someone who loved college football and added to this forum with good sports information. Now of late...nothing but trash.
I'm not picking a fight...fire back if you feel the need.
You sound like EOG posters...............sorry.
Who trashed ND?
How is this NOT about the Have's and Have Not's????
Are you saying that when/if there is a split that schools such as La Tech & Utah State will be playing in the division that ND goes to?
It IS about the "BIG" schools vs. the smaller ones. The small/lower tier schools (the "have not's") are going to play in a different division.
Please explain how it is NOT about the Have's and Have Not's. I'm all ears.
And again, who is trashing ND?