i live in winnipeg and apparently tomorrow, at the funeral of the guy that got mutalated on the bus, that whacko group from america..where else...is coming to spread their demented views that God is punishing Canada. Wow..what's wrong with these people? Are they really that fucked up. Anyways, there's supposed to be a huge standoff between them and a lot of citizens here that say they plan to get violent if need be to make sure they don't ruin the funeral..wow..me? I'll be watching baseball and gambling tomorrow...priorities people..priorities. It's a good time to make some money in sports. Anyways, as for the people that keep pointing out that the killer was an immigrant, get a life. You know how much fucked up shit white people do? Are we forgetting all the school shootings? These white guys shooting up innocent students at schools? That's one of many, many, examples. Stop clinging to bits and pieces..besides, wake up..hating on minorities isn't going to make them go away. In my city, a capital city, most areas, white people are the majority and that includes the suburbs. They aren't going anywhere..they are everywhere, all over north america..pissing them off is just going to make your lives more difficult. By the way I'm not an immigrant, I was born in canada, but I am visible minority. I'm east indian. I talk to my white friends and they even say that immigrants just tend to be more violent, especially asians..and I can see that, but it's still not right to take cheapshots at a whole race just because one fucked up guy went cannibal..but then again, it's just human nature to make assumptions. i mean for a bit, after the school shootings, everytime i saw a white kid at school wearing all black, reaching into his pocket for a pen or whatever, i got jumpy..i guess none of this really matters..i guess all i want in life is for my parlay to hit today..brewers/b.c lions/detroit tigers!! wooo!!!