Giants After a Bye....


Dec 4, 2008
Thought I would share this...

The last 3 seasons after a bye the Giants Offense has scored a total 10 points in the 1st Half. 10 Points total.

Not saying it will happen again today, and maybe the new HC will have them more prepared and ready than Coughlin did lately, but I actually doubt that. Rookie HC.
Not to mention you have an aggressive Eagle D pressuring Eli. He hates the pressure, acts like a frightened girl out there.
Plus, you have an Eagle team that knows it blew a Win last week against one division rival. They should be pissed after that and come out motivated. Obviously the Huff distraction hinders this angle a bit...

I got some Eagle +.5 1st half and Eagle +1.5 1st half as well as the Under 21.5 1st half...

GL today

Balls Deep
Sep 26, 2012
Tough to take teams that lose in OT week before. They dont do so well. GL

Aug 6, 2006
Thanks for the info .....

Just an FYI: 1pm OVERS on Sunday in the FIRST HALF are 22-10 the last 4 Weeks.

Dec 4, 2008
honestly, i overlooked that they were coming off of OT...not good, but I still think the Giants will come out slow. We will see, thanks slurve

I'll be curious to see if that 1h 1pm over trend continues or starts to even out

thank you guys and gl today

Jan 30, 2005
2015 ATS after overtime: (overall)
season = 2015 and p:overtime = 1 and playoffs = 0
SU:12-28-0 (-4.10, 30.0%)Teaser Records
ATS:13-27-0 (-4.58, 32.5%) avg line: -0.5 +6: 18-22-0 (45.0%) -6: 10-30-0 (25.0%) +10: 27-13-0 (67.5%) -10: 5-34-1 (12.8%)
O/U:20-17-3 (0.49, 54.1%) avg total: 44.6+6: 11-28-1 (28.2%) -6: 30-10-0 (75.0%) +10: 6-34-0 (15.0%) -10: 34-6-0 (85.0%)
RushesRush YdsPassesCompPass YdsTOsQ1Q2Q3Q4Final

at home:

season = 2015 and p:overtime = 1 and playoffs = 0 and H
SU:6-12-0 (-2.50, 33.3%)Teaser Records
ATS:5-13-0 (-4.42, 27.8%) avg line: -1.9 +6: 8-10-0 (44.4%) -6: 4-14-0 (22.2%) +10: 12-6-0 (66.7%) -10: 3-15-0 (16.7%)
O/U:11-6-1 (2.72, 64.7%) avg total: 44.7+6: 5-12-1 (29.4%) -6: 15-3-0 (83.3%) +10: 3-15-0 (16.7%) -10: 17-1-0 (94.4%)
RushesRush YdsPassesCompPass YdsTOsQ1Q2Q3Q4Final

on the road:

season = 2015 and p:overtime = 1 and playoffs = 0 and A
SU:6-16-0 (-5.41, 27.3%)Teaser Records
ATS:8-14-0 (-4.70, 36.4%) avg line: 0.7 +6: 10-12-0 (45.5%) -6: 6-16-0 (27.3%) +10: 15-7-0 (68.2%) -10: 2-19-1 (9.5%)
O/U:9-11-2 (-1.34, 45.0%) avg total: 44.5+6: 6-16-0 (27.3%) -6: 15-7-0 (68.2%) +10: 3-19-0 (13.6%) -10: 17-5-0 (77.3%)
RushesRush YdsPassesCompPass YdsTOsQ1Q2Q3Q4Final


season = 2015 and p:overtime = 1 and playoffs = 0 and ...
W - L- P (marg, %win)
Avg LineOU
W - L- P (marg, %over)
Avg TotalSU
W - L- P (marg, %win)
2 1-1-0 (-6.50, 50.0%) 9.0 1-1-0 (-4.75, 50.0%) 46.2 0-2-0 (-15.50, 0.0%) line = 9.0
1 0-1-0 (-7.00, 0.0%) 7.0 1-0-0 (13.50, 100.0%) 40.5 0-1-0 (-14.00, 0.0%) line = 7.0
1 1-0-0 (0.50, 100.0%) 6.5 0-1-0 (-3.50, 0.0%) 43.5 0-1-0 (-6.00, 0.0%) line = 6.5
2 0-2-0 (-14.00, 0.0%) 6.0 1-1-0 (-2.75, 50.0%) 45.8 0-2-0 (-20.00, 0.0%) line = 6.0
2 1-1-0 (-0.50, 50.0%) 4.5 1-1-0 (-0.25, 50.0%) 42.2 1-1-0 (-5.00, 50.0%) line = 4.5
2 2-0-0 (4.00, 100.0%) 4.0 2-0-0 (5.50, 100.0%) 44.5 1-1-0 (0.00, 50.0%) line = 4.0
2 1-1-0 (0.50, 50.0%) 3.5 0-2-0 (-3.25, 0.0%) 47.2 1-1-0 (-3.00, 50.0%) line = 3.5
1 1-0-0 (19.00, 100.0%) 3.0 0-0-1 (0.00, 0.0%) 44.0 1-0-0 (16.00, 100.0%) line = 3.0
3 2-1-0 (6.83, 66.7%) 2.5 1-2-0 (1.50, 33.3%) 44.8 2-1-0 (4.33, 66.7%) line = 2.5
2 0-2-0 (-8.50, 0.0%) 2.0 2-0-0 (14.00, 100.0%) 45.5 0-2-0 (-10.50, 0.0%) line = 2.0
1 0-1-0 (-1.50, 0.0%) 1.5 0-0-1 (0.00, 0.0%) 43.0 0-1-0 (-3.00, 0.0%) line = 1.5
3 1-2-0 (-2.00, 33.3%) 0.0 2-1-0 (-5.67, 66.7%) 45.0 1-2-0 (-2.00, 33.3%) line = 0.0
1 0-1-0 (-34.00, 0.0%) -1.0 1-0-0 (9.50, 100.0%) 51.5 0-1-0 (-33.00, 0.0%) line = -1.0
2 0-2-0 (-7.50, 0.0%) -2.5 1-1-0 (-0.50, 50.0%) 42.5 0-2-0 (-5.00, 0.0%) line = -2.5
3 1-2-0 (-6.67, 33.3%) -3.0 1-1-1 (1.50, 50.0%) 45.5 1-2-0 (-3.67, 33.3%) line = -3.0
1 0-1-0 (-6.50, 0.0%) -3.5 1-0-0 (1.50, 100.0%) 43.5 0-1-0 (-3.00, 0.0%) line = -3.5
2 1-1-0 (1.00, 50.0%) -5.5 0-2-0 (-16.25, 0.0%) 45.8 1-1-0 (6.50, 50.0%) line = -5.5
1 0-1-0 (-9.00, 0.0%) -6.0 1-0-0 (20.50, 100.0%) 42.5 0-1-0 (-3.00, 0.0%) line = -6.0
2 0-2-0 (-21.00, 0.0%) -7.0 2-0-0 (8.50, 100.0%) 41.5 0-2-0 (-14.00, 0.0%) line = -7.0
1 0-1-0 (-8.50, 0.0%) -7.5 0-1-0 (-10.50, 0.0%) 43.5 0-1-0 (-1.00, 0.0%) line = -7.5
1 1-0-0 (14.00, 100.0%) -8.0 0-1-0 (-5.00, 0.0%) 43.0 1-0-0 (22.00, 100.0%) line = -8.0
2 0-2-0 (-9.00, 0.0%) -9.0 2-0-0 (9.25, 100.0%) 45.8 1-1-0 (0.00, 50.0%) line = -9.0
1 0-1-0 (-1.50, 0.0%) -9.5 0-1-0 (-1.00, 0.0%) 41.0 1-0-0 (8.00, 100.0%) line = -9.5
1 0-1-0 (-20.00, 0.0%) -10.0 0-1-0 (-16.50, 0.0%) 46.5 0-1-0 (-10.00, 0.0%) line = -10.0


season = 2015 and p:overtime = 1 and playoffs = 0 and ...
W - L- P (marg, %win)
Avg LineOU
W - L- P (marg, %over)
Avg TotalSU
W - L- P (marg, %win)
1 0-1-0 (-13.00, 0.0%) -3.0 0-0-1 (0.00, 0.0%) 52.0 0-1-0 (-10.00, 0.0%) total = 52.0
1 0-1-0 (-34.00, 0.0%) -1.0 1-0-0 (9.50, 100.0%) 51.5 0-1-0 (-33.00, 0.0%) total = 51.5
1 0-1-0 (-15.00, 0.0%) 9.0 0-1-0 (-14.50, 0.0%) 50.5 0-1-0 (-24.00, 0.0%) total = 50.5
2 0-2-0 (-16.00, 0.0%) -1.5 2-0-0 (10.00, 100.0%) 49.5 0-2-0 (-14.50, 0.0%) total = 49.5
2 0-2-0 (-9.25, 0.0%) 2.8 1-1-0 (-2.00, 50.0%) 49.0 0-2-0 (-12.00, 0.0%) total = 49.0
1 0-1-0 (-6.50, 0.0%) -5.5 0-1-0 (-9.00, 0.0%) 48.0 0-1-0 (-1.00, 0.0%) total = 48.0
1 1-0-0 (7.00, 100.0%) 0.0 1-0-0 (8.00, 100.0%) 47.0 1-0-0 (7.00, 100.0%) total = 47.0
2 1-1-0 (0.75, 50.0%) -3.8 0-2-0 (-12.00, 0.0%) 46.5 1-1-0 (4.50, 50.0%) total = 46.5
2 2-0-0 (8.75, 100.0%) 3.2 2-0-0 (12.50, 100.0%) 46.0 2-0-0 (5.50, 100.0%) total = 46.0
1 1-0-0 (7.50, 100.0%) 3.5 0-1-0 (-1.50, 0.0%) 45.5 1-0-0 (4.00, 100.0%) total = 45.5
1 0-1-0 (-9.00, 0.0%) 0.0 1-0-0 (2.00, 100.0%) 45.0 0-1-0 (-9.00, 0.0%) total = 45.0
1 1-0-0 (19.00, 100.0%) 3.0 0-0-1 (0.00, 0.0%) 44.0 1-0-0 (16.00, 100.0%) total = 44.0
5 2-3-0 (-2.70, 40.0%) -2.5 2-3-0 (-6.90, 40.0%) 43.5 1-4-0 (-0.20, 20.0%) total = 43.5
5 3-2-0 (3.90, 60.0%) -1.1 2-2-1 (-2.80, 50.0%) 43.0 2-3-0 (5.00, 40.0%) total = 43.0
3 0-3-0 (-17.50, 0.0%) -2.8 2-1-0 (7.50, 66.7%) 42.5 0-3-0 (-14.67, 0.0%) total = 42.5
6 2-4-0 (-2.83, 33.3%) 2.5 4-2-0 (3.67, 66.7%) 42.0 2-4-0 (-5.33, 33.3%) total = 42.0
2 0-2-0 (-12.25, 0.0%) -2.8 0-2-0 (-5.00, 0.0%) 41.5 0-2-0 (-9.50, 0.0%) total = 41.5
1 0-1-0 (-1.50, 0.0%) -9.5 0-1-0 (-1.00, 0.0%) 41.0 1-0-0 (8.00, 100.0%) total = 41.0
2 0-2-0 (-9.00, 0.0%) 0.0 2-0-0 (11.50, 100.0%) 40.5 0-2-0 (-9.00, 0.0%) total = 40.5

Jan 30, 2005
2016 post overtime games:

season = 2016 and p:overtime = 1 and playoffs = 0
SU:3-8-0 (-5.09, 27.3%)Teaser Records
ATS:2-9-0 (-2.14, 18.2%) avg line: 3.0 +6: 6-4-1 (60.0%) -6: 2-9-0 (18.2%) +10: 10-1-0 (90.9%) -10: 2-9-0 (18.2%)
O/U:7-4-0 (2.27, 63.6%) avg total: 46.5+6: 3-8-0 (27.3%) -6: 9-2-0 (81.8%) +10: 3-8-0 (27.3%) -10: 9-2-0 (81.8%)
RushesRush YdsPassesCompPass YdsTOsQ1Q2Q3Q4Final
DateLinkDayWeekSeasonTeamOppSiteQ1Q2Q3Q4FinalLineTotalSUmATSmOUmDPSDPASUr ATSrOUrot
Sep 18, 2016 view Sunday 2 2016 Chargers Jaguars home 7-0 14-0 14-0 3-14 38-14 -3.0 47.5 24 21.0 4.5 12.8 -8.2 W W O 0
Sep 18, 2016 view Sunday 2 2016 Chiefs Texans away 0-7 3-6 0-0 9-6 12-19 1.5 42.0 -7 -5.5 -11.0 -8.2 -2.8 L L U 0
Sep 29, 2016 view Thursday 4 2016 Dolphins Bengals away 7-10 0-6 0-3 0-3 7-22 7.5 45.5 -15 -7.5 -16.5 -12.0 -4.5 L L U 0
Oct 02, 2016 view Sunday 4 2016 Browns Redskins away 0-14 17-3 3-0 0-14 20-31 7.5 47.5 -11 -3.5 3.5 0.0 3.5 L L O 0
Oct 23, 2016 view Sunday 7 2016 Colts Titans away 7-6 10-7 3-0 14-13 34-26 3.5 48.5 8 11.5 11.5 11.5 0.0 W W O 0
Oct 24, 2016 view Monday 7 2016 Texans Broncos away 6-0 0-14 3-7 0-6 9-27 8.5 40.0 -18 -9.5 -4 -6.8 2.8 L L U 0
Oct 30, 2016 view Sunday 8 2016 Chargers Broncos away 7-3 0-7 6-7 6-10 19-27 3.5 43.0 -8 -4.5 3.0 -0.8 3.8 L L O 0
Oct 30, 2016 view Sunday 8 2016 Falcons Packers home 10-7 9-17 7-0 7-8 33-32 -3.0 51.5 1 -2.0 13.5 5.8 7.8 W L O 0
Oct 30, 2016 view Sunday 8 2016 Cardinals Panthers away 0-14 7-10 7-6 6-0 20-30 3.0 47.0 -10 -7.0 3.0 -2.0 5.0 L L O 0
Oct 30, 2016 view Sunday 8 2016 Seahawks Saints away 7-0 7-13 3-3 3-9 20-25 -1.0 48.5 -5 -6.0 -3.5 -4.8 1.2 L L U 0
Nov 03, 2016 view Thursday 9 2016 Buccaneers Falcons home 7-10 7-10 0-13 14-10 28-43 4.5 50.0 -15 -10.5 21 5.2 15.8 L L O 0
Nov 06, 2016 view Sunday 9 2016 Cowboys Browns away

-7.5 49.0

Nov 06, 2016 view Sunday 9 2016 Eagles Giants away

3.0 43.0

Nov 06, 2016 view Sunday 9 2016 Raiders Broncos home

-1.0 43.5


season = 2016 and p:overtime = 1 and playoffs = 0 and ...
W - L- P (marg, %win)
Avg LineOU
W - L- P (marg, %over)
Avg TotalSU
W - L- P (marg, %win)
1 0-1-0 (-9.50, 0.0%) 8.5 0-1-0 (-4.00, 0.0%) 40.0 0-1-0 (-18.00, 0.0%) line = 8.5
2 0-2-0 (-5.50, 0.0%) 7.5 1-1-0 (-6.50, 50.0%) 46.5 0-2-0 (-13.00, 0.0%) line = 7.5
1 0-1-0 (-10.50, 0.0%) 4.5 1-0-0 (21.00, 100.0%) 50.0 0-1-0 (-15.00, 0.0%) line = 4.5
2 1-1-0 (3.50, 50.0%) 3.5 2-0-0 (7.25, 100.0%) 45.8 1-1-0 (0.00, 50.0%) line = 3.5
1 0-1-0 (-7.00, 0.0%) 3.0 1-0-0 (3.00, 100.0%) 47.0 0-1-0 (-10.00, 0.0%) line = 3.0
0 0-0-0 (0.00, 0.0%) - 0-0-0 (0.00, 0.0%) - 0-0-0 (0.00, 0.0%) line = 2.0
1 0-1-0 (-5.50, 0.0%) 1.5 0-1-0 (-11.00, 0.0%) 42.0 0-1-0 (-7.00, 0.0%) line = 1.5
1 0-1-0 (-6.00, 0.0%) -1.0 0-1-0 (-3.50, 0.0%) 48.5 0-1-0 (-5.00, 0.0%) line = -1.0
0 0-0-0 (0.00, 0.0%) - 0-0-0 (0.00, 0.0%) - 0-0-0 (0.00, 0.0%) line = -1.5
2 1-1-0 (9.50, 50.0%) -3.0 2-0-0 (9.00, 100.0%) 49.5 2-0-0 (12.50, 100.0%) line = -3.0
0 0-0-0 (0.00, 0.0%) - 0-0-0 (0.00, 0.0%) - 0-0-0 (0.00, 0.0%) line = -7.5
season = 2016 and p:overtime = 1 and playoffs = 0 and ...
W - L- P (marg, %win)
Avg LineOU
W - L- P (marg, %over)
Avg TotalSU
W - L- P (marg, %win)
0 0-0-0 (0.00, 0.0%) - 0-0-0 (0.00, 0.0%) - 0-0-0 (0.00, 0.0%) total = None
1 0-1-0 (-2.00, 0.0%) -3.0 1-0-0 (13.50, 100.0%) 51.5 1-0-0 (1.00, 100.0%) total = 51.5
1 0-1-0 (-10.50, 0.0%) 4.5 1-0-0 (21.00, 100.0%) 50.0 0-1-0 (-15.00, 0.0%) total = 50.0
0 0-0-0 (0.00, 0.0%) - 0-0-0 (0.00, 0.0%) - 0-0-0 (0.00, 0.0%) total = 49.0
2 1-1-0 (2.75, 50.0%) 1.2 1-1-0 (4.00, 50.0%) 48.5 1-1-0 (1.50, 50.0%) total = 48.5
2 1-1-0 (8.75, 50.0%) 2.2 2-0-0 (4.00, 100.0%) 47.5 1-1-0 (6.50, 50.0%) total = 47.5
1 0-1-0 (-7.00, 0.0%) 3.0 1-0-0 (3.00, 100.0%) 47.0 0-1-0 (-10.00, 0.0%) total = 47.0
1 0-1-0 (-7.50, 0.0%) 7.5 0-1-0 (-16.50, 0.0%) 45.5 0-1-0 (-15.00, 0.0%) total = 45.5
0 0-0-0 (0.00, 0.0%) - 0-0-0 (0.00, 0.0%) - 0-0-0 (0.00, 0.0%) total = 43.5
1 0-1-0 (-4.50, 0.0%) 3.5 1-0-0 (3.00, 100.0%) 43.0 0-1-0 (-8.00, 0.0%) total = 43.0
1 0-1-0 (-5.50, 0.0%) 1.5 0-1-0 (-11.00, 0.0%) 42.0 0-1-0 (-7.00, 0.0%) total = 42.0
1 0-1-0 (-9.50, 0.0%) 8.5 0-1-0 (-4.00, 0.0%) 40.0 0-1-0 (-18.00, 0.0%) total = 40.0

Dec 4, 2008
totally missed on this one. Eagles looked horrible to start the game...

moving on...having a very good year, and have plenty of other plays going so hopefully i can hit on those
Jul 1, 2015
You are on the rigth side of this in my opinion, the eagles have just given it the giants though. They can't get half a yard on 4th down TWICE when you could have taken 3 points each time. You can't move a pile and you do the same run to the loaded side on 4th down a second time. Just some bad coaching decisions.
Jul 1, 2015
You take points in the first half every time. Now you see the eagles driving with 2 minutes to go when the score should be at worse 21-13, but really should be 21-16.

Dec 4, 2008
thanks razorbacks...yeah, just a poor start by Wentz to give the Giants two short fields.

The decision to do those QB keepers over and over again and run Sproles up the middle on 4th and 1, just stupid.

Shit happens with this stuff...been doing this long enough to not let it bother me. Not a huge Half player anyway...
Jul 1, 2015
thanks razorbacks...yeah, just a poor start by Wentz to give the Giants two short fields.

The decision to do those QB keepers over and over again and run Sproles up the middle on 4th and 1, just stupid.

Shit happens with this stuff...been doing this long enough to not let it bother me. Not a huge Half player anyway...

Just look at that drive that ended in the blocked FG. You have all the time inside two minutes and 3 timeouts. You aren't playing to rush a TD and get the ball back. Yet from the 25 ish yard line you take three low percentage go route shots at the end zone. Why the F not play to pick up a first down or two and burn the clock. there is the middle of the field also. Just weird calls, and may be fromt he coach and it may be checks by Wentz. Loved the first half bet my self and it should have been an easy winner if not for just shear stupidity.

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