Get Off the Ledge, Conservatives! We Have Two Battles on Our Hands


Mar 7, 2005
Get Off the Ledge, Conservatives! We Have Two Battles on Our Hands
November 6, 2008

RUSH: Joanne in Merritt, North Carolina, great to have you on the Rush Limbaugh program. Hello.

CALLER: Hi, Rush. I love you. You get me off the ledge on a daily basis.

RUSH: Thank you, madam, I appreciate that.

CALLER: Here's my point.

RUSH: But I'll tell you something. Don't go to the ledge anymore because I myself don't like going out there.

CALLER: Yeah, I know, I know, it's a scary place, but at least I have your voice to talk me in off there. This is what I'm thinking, and I want to know what you think.

RUSH: Yeah.

CALLER: The last eight years have mobilized the liberals like nothing I've ever seen, and I'm just wondering if you think that the next four years of The Messiah will get us organized, get us excited, get us back to our conservative roots and excite the conservatives.

RUSH: Yeah, I've looked at the exit poll data. I looked at McCain, 20% of conservatives voted for Obama. The vast majority --

CALLER: I don't believe that.

RUSH: I'll explain why here in just a second. You said you don't believe it. I do.


RUSH: I do. We have exit poll data I shared with you yesterday, 41% of voters in exit polls identified themselves as conservatives and something like maybe 31% identified themselves as liberals. The rest wishy-washy moderates and independents or said they didn't know what they were, but I could probably show you enough e-mails the past six months from people to me that constitute the 20% of conservatives that didn't vote for McCain. These are people said, "I can't vote for the guy. I cannot vote for the guy, and I'm not going to vote against somebody. I can't vote for this guy, and the Republicans need to be taught a lesson," and so there was a lot of that sentiment out there. And I firmly believe it.

CALLER: Well, do you believe that it will mobilize us? Do you think that people are going to get back to the real serious grassroots --

RUSH: Yes. Yes. But it's going to depend on something crucial.

CALLER: It is up to you, it is entirely up to you, I leave this entirely on your shoulders.

RUSH: Yeah.


RUSH: Well, yes, that's exactly right. I don't dispute that, you're entirely true and accurate about that. But beyond me --

CALLER: There's me. I'll do my part.

RUSH: No, no -- (laughing)

CALLER: (laughing) I promise you.

RUSH: All right. Look, this is the battle. We're going to be taking on two things here the next four years, Obama and our own party establishment.


RUSH: If our party nominates another McCain type --

CALLER: I don't think they -- who? Who's left? I don't think they can. I just don't see anybody coming and fighting that fight. Do you? Rush, please tell me no, even if it's not true.

RUSH: Sadly, there are more of them than I'd like to admit.


RUSH: But even if we nominate, say, a Bobby Jindal --

CALLER: I love him!

RUSH: I do, too.

CALLER: I love him.

RUSH: Not in a biblical sense, but I do too.

CALLER: Oh, no. Right. Well, I'm a married woman.

RUSH: The thing is the moderate establishment GOP is going to be out to destroy Bobby Jindal, too.

CALLER: You really think so? Because I'm starting to get a little miffed at that.

RUSH: What are they trying to do to Sarah Palin? They're scared to death that Sarah Palin will also run in 2012. That's what this is all about. They're trying to destroy her within the Republican Party. She was more popular than McCain. These people are not learning. Anyway, I gotta run here, Joanne. Get off the ledge. I don't want to go back out there myself.

RUSH: Back to the phones to Huntington, Indiana. This is Duane, and you're up, sir. Nice to have you with us.

CALLER: Thank you, Rush. You and Bo and the staff are doing God's work, thank you. My remark is addressed to Senator McCain and any of the staff that might be listening. I have one final suggestion for you, senator, from a 59-year conservative activist in the party. Reach out, take a step, reach out across the aisle one more time, grope for a comfortable seat, sit down and remain there. We have no more room for Democrat-light.

RUSH: Duane. I just want to make sure that I understand your command to Senator McCain.


RUSH: You're saying that when he walks across the aisle again, to stay there?

CALLER: Right.

RUSH: You want him to officially become a Democrat?

CALLER: Yes. And perhaps the people of Arizona next time can find a Republican.

RUSH: Well, let me see.

CALLER: I have one more footnote, if you have time.

RUSH: Well, I'm still pondering this. He could at least become an independent since his party rejected him.

CALLER: I think it's high time that we told these moderates who are nothing more than Democrat-light that they go over where they're more comfortable. They can perhaps help The Messiah with his program of marginalizing the Americans.

RUSH: I could not agree with you more. I myself said as much on previous occasions on this program. What are you guys messing around trying to screw up our party for? Just join the people that you have all this love for. Do you like literary people, do you like writers, do you like people you think can communicate very well, doesn't matter what they say, doesn't matter, they could be socialist, doesn't matter, you think they could be extreme leftists, you like 'em, go join 'em. Make it official. Leave us alone. Don't try to reform our party. You already have a party that you like or that you admire, go join them. This is going to be an epic battle I fear 'cause it's going to come down to what it always comes down to. It's going to come down to people that think they're the smart people, the elites, versus the people they think are not smart people and hicks, and that would be all of us, including you and me, and try to say we're the reason all these elections are being lost. They are the reason. It's going to be a big, big, big, big battle.

RX Senior
Apr 20, 2002
Interesting transcript.

No more goofing around for you guys, you better bring a hard core conserve who doesnt think the earth is 6000 years old in 2012

Mar 7, 2005
Interesting transcript.

No more goofing around for you guys, you better bring a hard core conserve who doesnt think the earth is 6000 years old in 2012

It might not take much at all if we have a President that thinks raising taxes is going to help right now.

Hoover II in the making if he screws this up.

RX Senior
Apr 20, 2002
Rush essentially seems to be throwing McCain under the bus as if he is disgusted by him. And then McCains team seems to be throwing Palin out to the dogs.

Would it be fair to say you guys don't take kindly to losers?!

I mean, when Kerry lost I was bummed out and upset with him for running such a lousy campaign down the stretch but I don't recall saying he souldnt be in our party anymore.

New member
Jul 21, 2006
i said this before, will say it again. conservative party has to quit excluding minorities from the process. there going to have no chance with the changing demographics of the country. plus america is more liberal than it was 40 years ago.

Breaking Bad Snob
Dec 5, 2004
The far right needs to get past the "our way or the highway" mentality. Like it or not, they need the moderates.

New member
Jul 21, 2006
lot of people think moderates killed the party. they need someone like obama on the right who is far right. moderates dont work anymore.

Mar 7, 2005
Rush essentially seems to be throwing McCain under the bus as if he is disgusted by him. And then McCains team seems to be throwing Palin out to the dogs.

Would it be fair to say you guys don't take kindly to losers?!

I mean, when Kerry lost I was bummed out and upset with him for running such a lousy campaign down the stretch but I don't recall saying he souldnt be in our party anymore.

I think Rush makes it clear that McCain isn't really a Republican...which also explains very well why McCains's failed team would throw Sarah under the bus so easily.

RX Senior
Apr 20, 2002
i said this before, will say it again. conservative party has to quit excluding minorities from the process. there going to have no chance with the changing demographics of the country. plus america is more liberal than it was 40 years ago.
The republicans just don't seem to be able to agree with one another on ideals right now.

The democrats have pretty much been sharing a common goal for the last 5 years or so. Kick back to the middle class and get out of Iraq.

L5Y, USC is 4-0 vs SEC, outscoring them 167-48!!!
Sep 20, 2004
lot of people think moderates killed the party. they need someone like obama on the right who is far right. moderates dont work anymore.

Ever see the racial makeup of an RNC rally? Oof, its brutal I'm not sure if they're chanting "USA" or "KKK".

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Watching the GOP further marginalize themselves will be almost as fun as watching the Dems kick ass last Tuesday.

New member
Jul 21, 2006
im not saying racially exactly, even though there going to have to get more minority leaders to have any chance, i'm talking about the mindset. you know obama was a leftie. you don't know what the hell john mccain was.

RX Senior
Apr 20, 2002
One of Obama's law professors at Harvard thought he was a republican
because Barack came across as conservative to him.

Honey Badger Don't Give A Shit
Sep 21, 2004
Just to clarify - what exactly are the two battles?

heh...I too read the transcript and remained unclear

I love the idea that at least some Republicans perceive the coming months as a "battle".

Such thinking disempowers most folks. Far better to focus on Building something of significance that will attract increased attention and support from voters.

Two ways to have the tallest building in town.

#1 - Tear down all the other buildings

RX Senior
Apr 20, 2002
Barman, is Rush not clearly expressing that there is some inner conflict in the republican party?

These guys got 2 years to get the ship right,
and this seems to be a cleansing process of sorts before they get going again.

I'm not being matter of fact, just kind of throwing that out for possible discussion.

Honey Badger Don't Give A Shit
Sep 21, 2004
FUNK, I do think that in the 21st century with increased access to accurate scientific knowledge for the voter at large, the FundyChristian influence on Republican party is bound to diminish.

While respecting the right to practice whatever form of religion suits you best, with each passing month, an increasing number of Republicans are reluctant to put someone in power who is clearly out to lunch with regard to basic junior high and high school level science and history.

Honey Badger Don't Give A Shit
Sep 21, 2004
RUSH likes to play like he's an Economist on the radio, but get him alone and even he would admit it's 90% schtick founded wholly on just disagreeing with whatever the leading Democratic policy makers are promoting and Bingo! - he's satisfied his core radio audience.

He knows full well that the two highest spikes in federal government spending during his lifetime occurred during the Reagan years and during the GW Bush years.

And Nixon? Nixon promoted and backed a fucking government mandated wage and price freeze nationally while also running for office (succesfully) on a platform of raising the federal income tax for high earners.

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