What prophecy do you speak of ML?
Multiple Verses throughout several books. So many that its difficult to keep track of them in my head but I am not trying to do that. I may re-visit The Scriptures but the phrasing of ancient tongues puts me off, makes it hard to keep interest.
Plus that Olde Talk makes it very easy for me to take any Verse, Chapter or even entire Book and translate it to The Message I personally want it to be delivering. The same as many "Men of God" do, which is a Chief Problem now and has been forever.
For Example: Right now I could take Revelations 13 (IIRC) and twist them "7 Beasts with 10 Horns" to be the 7 Nations on The Travel Ban list and make them 10 horns be 10 Leaders among those countries or 10 Armies, Main Groups like Revolutionary Guard or Primary "Hamas" type Political Organizations within those groups.
"Rose up from the sea and on his Head the name of Blasphemy"
I could work out twisting that to for what I needed, with time to accomplish that.
Point Being, of course: "Translation. Lies with The Selfish Desires and Egos of Men."
So anything I say to you about Biblical Prophecy can only ever be Conjecture. Unless I feel like convincing you that I am Muhammad.
Or Jesus. Which I don't feel like doing.
The Randomness and Pure Conjecture Guesswork/ Tool for Men to employ to Control other (wo)men aspects of Translation aside
The Chief Scriptures that concern me right now are those which suggests that "(wo)men will become as to be as shockingly BLIND to The Beast, even coming to Bow Down to Him" and such, and others along that line that address Odd Behavior of People near to the day of The Great Battle.
I've been concerned for awhile now, prior to recent developments, about those Chapters that address "Mystery Babylon".
Other verses also.....jumping back to our current situation. And that not just where regards Islam but also Russia, China and North Korea.
On Islam in particular though: Some of their behaviors and symbolism are straight up On Point with what The Bible describes as The Beast.
Per "my take" on this anyways. Again: Never Lose Sight of the fact that anything anyone tells you about "this verse means this or that" is total guesswork on their part that 99% of the time they are putting forth to accomplish some sort of Elevated Status for their own self.
Be that just finagling a Perception that they are Smart or, as in the instance of Muhammad, a goal much more Sinister: so that they can better indulge their pedophiliac disease and get money, power, control, praise then Worship unto themself and better (+ more) Opium.
Muhammad was no thing more than a Stone-Aged Crackhead Pedophile. Those who are capable of reaching the conclusion that he is a Prophet and then Worship Him, these people are a Curse upon this Planet.
Plus who would Choose a Religion so obviously Evil and that also required you, 5 times a day, to pray in the following manner with your Ass up in the air totally vulnerable to an unexpected attack that was designed to end in forced anal sex? Which Islamic Males happen to be very fond of.
Some dude that is not me's translation of both The Q'uran and Rev 13 claims:
"The verses of the Quran are called, "miraculous signs," and Revelation 13 says that the false prophet deceives people with "miraculous signs" (NIV).
Which if accurate is a bit off-putting.
Probably not completely accurate tho, difficult to imagine it'd be that easy. That Dude putting that out there prolly to get Clicks to his website.
Many US Women are seemingly Mesmerized, Hypnotized.
They Claim to "Care" about Women but their Actions are to Stand Up for this. The Ideology that has single-handedly brought more suffering, torment, torture, abuse and Death to Female Adults and Children than any other Ideology in World History. By Far.
Swedish Men will not stand up against Islam, to save their nation. Nor will German Men.
Their Manhood has been stripped away from them, mysteriously and so very very terrifyingly.
There are Valid Reasons, per translations of our Scriptures, to reach the conclusion that indeed Evil as described therein is upon Us
and The Great Battle is at Hand.
Any thots that you have including any of your own Translations of Scripture, I'd appreciate hearing them.
I know guys are not supposed to be "down" with Religious Talk here (or anywhere, many guys) but thats "Preaching" which this woukld not be. Its just Discussion.
A sharing of viewpoints, knowledge, understanding.
The only thing Big Picture that mattered about all of this anyways and I will never ever tell anyone how I know this so: pointless to ask so: don't do that is:
There is No Reason for Us to Fear Death. Some Thing does await us and you will be absolutely Amazed by what it is.
And how Simple...How "non-complex" the "answer" here was.
This is the last thing I will say, on that. Within this discussion.