took some MICH and put a little mich ML in some pars. I've been doing a little ML pars and getting some decent return. Usually home teams in FB and BB just gotta win, bet a few so one upset wont kill me.
I work in Tampa, building a house in RIVERVIEW about 15 minutes south/east of TB, I'm in Sarasota until the house is completed. BTW, ITS A BEAUTIFUL DAY HERE.
2 comments...1) In GA/KTY game ..EVEN I knew KTY was going to fake the FG!!! and 2) Can't believe Paterno did not go for 1st dwn at mid field..too old needs to retire ..I am happy though since I have Mich St-6
I'm on Michigan and Mich. State cedar. I see no way Ohio ST. keeps up with Michigan offensively, their QB C. Krenzel blows in my opinion......................5teamer, I'm not too far from ya, your right, it is a beautiful day here