Last time mccain was as low as 44 percent was in july. He is at a 3 month low and nothing is going his way. things can change, but he needs a miracle at this point.
Well Bush was president the last 8 years and we have a financial crisis and failed war. Its tough for mccain to overcome that. He just picked the wrong year to win the nomination.
I'll give you the financial crisis although congress is controlled by dems.
A failed war? Um...we haven't failed but keep those pessimistic goggles on. You look great!
A failed war? Um...we haven't failed but keep those pessimistic goggles on. You look great!
LOL of course its a failed war.
Nothing is going to change over there and you didnt get any of the spoils of war so I'd call it a failed war.
By the way I'm all for the States kicking ass but you should of cut your losses a couple years ago. The only bad thing about leaving is it will make Iran stronger so its either stay there for many many more years to come which I dont think america can afford to do or leave now and see what happens which probaly means dealing with iran and if they get nukes before then your fucked.
So basicly Iran has won the war between the States and Iraq.
Like I siad before I'm all for a good war but the iraq war is the biggest mistake in american history.
We are going to be over there forever. Get fucking used to it. No failure in what we have done or what we will do in the future. Things are progressing quite nicely.
Put down the crack pipe fellas!
who says the surge is working. general patreaus and fox news, means nothing. what do you think there going to say. that its not working? have you been over there? those people have a strong mindset and won't let a surge work, they will fight to the death and they have us way outnumbered.
i agree with obama though that if we were going to do anything, it shouldve been afghanistan. saddam is nothing compared to bin laden.
So you can sit on your ass, smoke pot and respond to my jabs. That is what you are looking at there.
the surge worked, stop lying to yourself