Sorry , my memory suxeddie is on the phils not the rockies
yes nike the play is on the rockies ML. Stacks, to be honest brother, my buddy texts me the play. its not from any capper of that nature. hes got a "reliable source" per se, and releases the game C's and D's after the first 2. for example, the dodgers can be one tonight also, as they qualify. however, the only game D tonight is on the rockies
bout d your sytem plays are not smart at all there is no sysem that exist your an idiot if you think you will keep winning your wrong they ubuilt those casinos in vegas on guys likeyou 16 -0 ha hA HA WHY ARE YOU ON THIS SITE YOUR SANTA CLAUSE. IF I HAD A GUARENNTEED WINNER WHY GIVE IT TO THE WHHOLE WORLD THE INE WILL HURT ME IN THE LONG RUN O DO NOT LISTEN TO THIS IDOT PICK YOUR OWN TEAMS AND GET TIPS FROM THIS SITE THE GUYS A SCAM I KNOW MORE ABOUT BB THAN YOU COULD EVER DREAM ABOUT AND 16-0 DREAMER STAY AWAY FROM THIS IDIOT