I hope he enjoyed his first all star appearance because it will be his last. This guy is an average major league ballplayer. At best. He has no range at second base. He has a lot of holes in his swing and I can't believe teams haven't figured him out yet.
..I respectfully disagree..he had the worst game of his life under a microscope..One error was a horrible bounce that would have taken the reflexes of a squirrel to catch..He miss one that was smoked..but he should have caught it..Give me 7 more guys like Dan Uggla on my team and I`ll see you in the playoffs in October..I watch this guy day in day out..Not once a year....not bad stats for an average player..
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SB</td></tr><tr class="bg2" align="right" height="17" valign="middle"><td align="center">301</td><td align="center">23</td><td align="center">.286</td><td align="center">59</td><td align="center">58</td><td align="center">4</td></tr></tbody></table>
Guys on pace to have 100 RBI..100 Rs scored and maybe over 40 HRs