Fringe is Back!!!


And if the Road Warrior says it, it must be true..
Sep 21, 2004
Season 2 resumes this show.:toast:

And if the Road Warrior says it, it must be true..
Sep 21, 2004
Today's TV Addict Top 5: Reasons Why You MUST Tune into Tonight's Return of FRINGE!

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by April 1, 2010 10:19 AM Categories: TV Show Talk

The episode doesn’t waste a moment.
When we last left FRINGE, Olivia had finally discovered what fans of the show had known since May’s season finale. Namely, there is a very good reason why Peter doesn’t quite fit into our universe. Thus, when FRINGE returns tonight — following that is a cold open unlike anything you’ve seen before (trust us!), Walter will sit down and reveal to Olivia the heartbreaking circumstances surrounding Peter’s journey from over there. No [April Fool's] joke we swear, appropriately titled “Pete,” tonight’s episode is far and away the series finest hour to date.

It’s Walterpalooza!
Because no Peter origin story would be complete without a trip to the alternate universe, tonight’s episode will not only provide fans with their first glimpse of the “Walternate,” but a younger pre-institutionalized version of the Walter we’ve come to know and love. “It’s quite interesting having played Walter twenty-five years younger he’s actually quite a likeable man,” teased actor John Noble on our recent visit to the set of FRINGE. “He’s married to a wonderful woman, seems to enjoy his what he does and is driven to succeed working with the army. Unfortunately, he does make choices and makes that one error.”

A mistake is made.
As hesitant as we are to disagree with anything that comes out of John Noble’s mouth, calling the pivotal choice Walter makes tonight an “error” is akin to calling GLEE’s April return only slightly overhyped by FOX. “It will cause this tumbling effect,” explains the actor. “What Walter really was trying to do was play God really. In fact, he even says, ‘There is only one God in this lab and it’s not your!’ That’s quite an interesting thing that I find about Walter through the two seasons thus far, he’s mentioned that a few times. He played God and the repercussion on a broader sense is that he ends up being hoisted by his own petard. It’s not his intention, but he ruins both of their lives [Referring to younger Walter and his wife.]”

Everything changes.
Seriously. From here on in, nothing between Olivia and Peter or Peter and Walter for that matter will ever be the same. “There is this build-up towards Peter finding out, which is strangulating. Peter doesn’t know, Olivia does know, and then finally, he finds out and we tumble, we literally tumble into these extraordinary last two or three episodes,” promises Noble when asked to tease the life-altering moment that will take place when Walter comes clean to Peter. “But like a beautiful Grecian Vase that gets broken it will be repaired by a master repairer. There is breaking apart and slow mending and I don’t know how that mending is going to take place but sometimes things that are mended that are stronger than they were before they were broken and that’s what I have a feeling will happen with Walter and Peter.”

Say goodbye to standalone episodes.
“There are so many stories to be told and I can’t see how we can go back to the ‘Monster of the Week’ too much to be honest with you,” exclaimed Noble. “I think now we’ve decided to go the mythology route and I think fans will be very happy with that from what I heard.”

And if the Road Warrior says it, it must be true..
Sep 21, 2004
Season 3 resumes this show

And if the Road Warrior says it, it must be true..
Sep 21, 2004
5 Reasons to Get Excited for the 'Fringe' Season 3 Premiere

When Fringe returns Thursday, September 23 at 9pm on FOX, it's coming back a brand new show. After crossing over to the alternate universe in the season 2 finale, Fringe abandoned its roots as a sci-fi procedural and moved into full-on serialized science fiction greatness.

Now, with the real Olivia trapped in the alternate universe and her evil doppelganger posing as her in our world, season 3 is set to be full of intrigue and strange sci-fi phenomena. The first episode of the season, simply titled "Olivia," is a great start to the new Fringe, and here are five reasons to watch.

There's a Reason It's Called "Olivia"

The premiere's title, "Olivia," is an accurate depiction of the episode, because star Anna Torv is in nearly every scene. And she takes full advantage of the opportunity, doing a great job with both the action and the emotion. See for yourself:

Clever Alternate Universe Jokes

The people behind the scenes of Fringe are clearly having a lot of fun designing signs and props in the alternate universe. In particular, the season premiere features two hilarious gags. The first is a sign on Olivia's taxi for a smash hit Broadway musical in the alternate universe. The second is simply a man riding his bike in the park. Keep an eye out for both and prepare to chucle.

Guest Star Andre Royo

When the science fiction is as interesting as it is on Fringe, you don't need great actors delivering great performances. But Fringe does it anyway, and the premiere features a strong guest performance by Andre Royo (Bubbles from The Wire). Based on how his story ends, the show could definitely bring him back since he might be more than meets the eye.

Watch Andre Royo in action below

Two Olivias, Two Walters

If you like doppelgangers, this is the show for you. The premiere features both versions of Walter and Olivia, as well as more of Broyles and Astrid's alternate versions. The show is very smart to get two characters for the price of one.

Go behind the scenes with this clip of the cast talking about the alternate universe.

A Good Shot

In the history of TV, every gun fight features a barrage of bullets missing the target and, invariably, no one ever gets shot. But on the Fringe season premiere, there must be a shortage of ammunition, because the marksmanship is superb.

Don't take our word for it. Check out a longer preview below:

Will you tune in to the new season of Fringe?

New member
Dec 20, 2003
The ending last year was great. I hope the new season meets my expectations.

And if the Road Warrior says it, it must be true..
Sep 21, 2004
Joshua Jackson teases 'Fringe' episode

Thursday, September 30 2010, 11:50am EDTBy Catriona Wightman, TV Reporter
Warning: This article contains spoilers that some readers may prefer to avoid....You have been warned



Joshua Jackson has revealed details of the next episode of Fringe.

Speaking to Fancast, Jackson explained that Alt-livia (Anna Torv) will be desperately trying to find a mysterious box.

Her search will end up killing a number of people, causing Walter (John Noble) and Jackson's character Peter to get involved without knowing that Alt-livia is the person pursuing the box.

"This machine is the key to [Peter's] fate," Jackson explained. "The driving theme for him... is to figure out what that thing is, or does."

He continued: "It's like Prometheus with the fire - he wants it built, but at the same time he's terrified of what it will mean when it is built... He can't run from it."

Jackson also suggested that Peter and Alt-livia will become close very quickly, saying: "I think there's something to the fact that they're both from the same universe, that the reason Peter responds to the other Olivia is because [over there] that would be 'his' Olivia."

He added that he wants the audience to begin to question the two worlds, saying: "If we can get to a place where you're morally conflicted between the two sides, that would be a high watermark for our show."

Fringe continues tonight at 9/8c on Fox.

And if the Road Warrior says it, it must be true..
Sep 21, 2004
Fringe: Season 3 Episode 2: The Box – TV Review

Oct 01, 2010 - By Krystal Clark 3 Episode 2: The Box – TV Review&src=sp

This week on “Fringe” Walter and Peter are back! The episode entitled “The Box,” more than made up for the small appearance the duo made during the season premiere. With that said, Alt-Olivia is also showcased (ugh), which means we have to watch her lie and manipulate everyone the real Olivia cares about. How long will we have to put up with her?
Check out the review…

The Players:

  • Director: Jeffrey G. Hunt
  • Writers: Josh Singer and Graham Roland
  • Cast: Joshua Jackson, Anna Torv, John Noble, Lance Reddick, Jasika Nicole, Blair Brown
Episode Title: ” The Box”

The story alternates to the Fringe Team “over here” where they investigate a mystifying case that people are discovered in a trance-like state that ultimately leads to their death. The unlikely suspect: a mysterious box. As Peter and Walter collaborate to study its properties, alternate Olivia presses on and turns up the heat on an unsuspecting Peter. Meanwhile, key information about the future is revealed when Walter and Nina meet at Massive Dynamic for the emotional reading of the last will and testament of William Bell.
The Good:

  • Walter’s Dialogue: After the season premiere, which was heavy on Olivia and light on everyone else I realized how much Walter’s amazing one liners are for the show. Here are some of his greatest hits from this week’s episode.

  1. Walter to Astrid, “Aspirin! We need to go to the market.”
  2. Walter to Peter, “Silent but deadly. Speaking of which, you might want to take a step away.”
  3. Walter to Peter, “Kent Street. I frequented a massage parlor just around the corner. I used to get off right here.” Peter replies, “I sure hope you’re talking about the station Walter.”
  4. Peter to Broyles, “We’re talking about two universes here. Two of each one of us. At this point would anything really surprise you? Walter says, “Bacon-flavored pudding. That would surprise me.”

  • Walter/Astrid: I love Walter and Astrid’s relationship. She’s his confidant and caretaker. The way he opened up to her about Peter and Belly was a testament to how much he cares about her and values her opinion.
  • Belly’s Gift: At the Will reading for William Bell, Walter received an envelope with a key to a safety deposit box. While initially afraid to open it he eventually bit the bullet and learned that Belly made him the sole shareholder of Massive Dynamic! Do you know what that means? More Walter and Nina scenes. Can those two just get together already? They’re like the middle age versions of Peter and [real] Olivia.
The So-So:

  • Peter/Alt-Olivia: There was a lot of affection between these two in this episode and it would have been great had it been genuine. Well, it’s real for Peter but just work for Alt-Olivia. It’s clear that she’ll serve a greater purpose later in the season but it hurts to see her all over Peter knowing it’s a sham. Like most viewers, I wanted to see him with Olivia but not this way.
The Bad:

  • They Shoot Deaf People Don’t They?: As if it wasn’t already lame for Alt-Olivia to kill the deaf guy who brought her the box, she drug his body across the floor, then paused to check the door when Peter made an unexpected visit. I’m not a murderer but if you just shot someone would you stop and answer the door with a lifeless body in the middle of your floor? Would you even answer the door at all? Alt-Olivia is slipping.

This week’s “Fringe” was a great episode. Things are about to get heavy now that Walter owns Massive Dynamic. Not only will he be Nina’s boss, but he could arrange it so that all of the company’s technology can be used to aid Fringe investigations. Kind of like what happened during the last couple season’s of “Angel” when he took over Wolfram & Hart.
Rating: 9/10

“Fringe” airs Thursdays at 9PM on Fox

And if the Road Warrior says it, it must be true..
Sep 21, 2004
Last nights episode was excellent. IMO This is by far the best show they have on FOX.....and probably a top 10 show this season on all networks. The dual worlds allows us the viewer to view the great acting by all the stars on this show.

If u didnt watch last nights episode i suggest u do....

And if the Road Warrior says it, it must be true..
Sep 21, 2004
'Fringe' recap: Don’t eat my pudding

October 15, 2010 | 6:21 am
For the last few weeks, I've been heaping praise on "Fringe." Rightfully so. It's been firing on all cylinders all season. I'd say all the episodes so far easily make the "Fringe" top 10 of all time. But I have a bone to pick with "Fringe" this week. Well, that might be a little severe. It's more of a warning: Be careful with your promos.
Now, I love "Fringe" promos as much as the next guy. I watch them very carefully, in fact. Mostly to see if I got quoted in them. Watching promos that closely is a double-edged sword. I can't help but feel that the opening sequence would have been much more dramatic if I hadn't known Sen. Van Horn was going to turn out to be a shapeshifting super soldier from another dimension. As far as bones to pick go, a small one.

This week, we flip back to our universe, or the Bluniverse, as I like to call it. I mean, I'm pretty sure it was our universe. The kids running a lemonade stand threw me for a minute. Does that still happen over here? Even though we're once again on our side of the looking glass, this week's "Fringe" focuses on the enemy. Those living among us. Spies. Sleeper agents. Monsters, if you will. Each dealing with the question of how far will you go in the line of duty. First, we have Bolivia contemplating literally "how far" she will go to complete her mission. Bolivia has been trying to get close to Peter without him figuring out she's not his Olivia, but it doesn't help that the real Olivia professed her love to Peter in order to get him to return from the other universe. Bolivia needs to figure out if she's ready to be intimate with Peter to keep up her charade, and he's not making it any easier on her. I mean, talking about his understanding of an old rich guy bagging a young girlfriend and then transition it into knowing they haven't slept together based on body language? Not the greatest come-on ever, but I guess when you're Joshua Jackson, you don't to work as hard impressing the ladies.
Then we have Thomas Newton. He doesn't even have to contemplate how far he'll go for the mission. He shoots up a hospital trying to retrieve one of his fellow shapeshifting super soldiers, and when Broyles gets him locked down, Newton puts a bullet in the eye of his operative and then jumps down a stairwell. That's dedication.
Last, there's the sleeper agent shapeshifter who's been living the life of a random police office for the last five years. He's eating dinner with his family, getting his son to eat vegetables with promises of smelly urine, and overall living what the beer company ads call "the good life." That is until Newton shows up and tells him to drop everything to stop Walter and then vanish into the night -- after, you know, killing the wife and kid so there isn't any evidence. (Newton is one hard-core bad guy).
Ultimately they all decide where the line must be drawn. The sleeper agent can't give up the cop's family. He's been programmed so well to mimic emotions that he won't leave the wife and kid, which takes shooting them right off the table.
Newton shows that no life is more important than the mission. Not the sleeper agent. Newton gives him a bullet to the head and a seat in the trunk for refusing to follow orders. And when Newton himself is captured by Fringe Division, he swallows the cyanide microchip and makes his final transformation into a corpse.
And Bolivia decides to go all the way for the mission as well. In order to quell all doubts that Peter didn’t really seem to be having, Bolivia sleeps with him. "Fringe" didn’t show that, of course, but Bolivia's general shirtlessness and the swelling music strongly implied it.
The episode wasn't completely about "them." Walter began to embrace his new role as majority shareholder in Massive Dynamic, staring with an LCD-fueled board meeting full of elaborate imagery, shouting and George W. Bush-style uncomfortable back rubs. I'm excited to see Walter move into the Massive Dynamic lab to do his investigating. Sure, it's sad to see him leave the Harvard basement, but that place never felt the same to me since production moved to Canada. It'll make me all that more appreciative when they go back. I mean, they have to go back eventually, right?
Overall, "Fringe" continues its hot streak known as Season 3. This episode loses a few points because I'm still not buying into the Peter/Olivia romance quite yet. I know that it's Bolivia pretending to be Olivia and that she spent the entire episode afraid of being discovered as a spy, but I keep thinking that Peter has to pick up on that. Where are his con man skills? Too late now. I'm guessing after they took their relationship to a more intimate level, Peter will be wearing even bigger blinders to Bolivia's inconsistencies. We'll have to wait until Nov. 4 to find out.
Astrid Action -- Like "Fringe" itself, Astrid has been on a streak this season. Our Astrid is more of a confidante of Walter this year, and she even mentions how she's less grossed out by the bizarre experiments she walks in on. But also like "Fringe," Astrid stumbles occasionally. Letting Walter leave the cafeteria by himself after he's had a "eureka" moment? Astrid should know better than that. Though I'll forgive her this once. The stegosaurus was my favorite dinosaur too.
Spot the Observer -– Apparently the Observer was observing when Olivia, Peter, Broyles and Walter met in the lobby of Massive Dynamic to swap information. I didn't catch him this time. Luckily the Internet did it for me. Though I did spot something else ...
Most Obscure Reference –- I used to do this for my old "Cleveland Show"/"Family Guy"/"American Dad!" Show Tracker, picking out the most obscure reference. Believe me, they had plenty to choose from. This week, "Fringe" had a few. The episode's title, "Do Shapeshifters Dream of Electric Sheep" is a reference to the Phillip K. Dick story that became the movie "Blade Runner." Near the end, Peter drinks in a bar where "Forbidden Planet" is playing on the TV. I'm willing to bet that anyone reading this knows the name of that robot (prove me right in the comments). But the most obscure reference had to be Walter saying "Ownership has its privileges." I'd say few viewers know which company had a slogan similar to that (prove me wrong on that one).
-- Andrew Hanson

And if the Road Warrior says it, it must be true..
Sep 21, 2004
another great episode last night....I love this show.

And if the Road Warrior says it, it must be true..
Sep 21, 2004
Anyone else watch this show??? Just saw last nights episode....great episode

New member
Aug 12, 2006
Anyone else watch this show??? Just saw last nights episode....great episode

Fringe is probably my favorite regular network TV show right now. I rate the shows on cable a little different because they get away with using nudity and profanity. Loved the episode last night. It did seem a little like a ratings sweep episode though because they advanced the storyline pretty far in the matter of just one commercial break.

I think when the season is done we are going to end up with one world and the survivors from the world that gets destroyed will crossover into the other world. Out of all of the main characters there is only doppelgangers of Walter and Olivia left. I think Walter from the other world will die and we will have two Olivia's living in the surviving world.

I hope this show lasts a couple of more seasons. I love good mind bending sci fi shows.
Dec 1, 2008
Without a doubt, Fringe is the highlight of my television week. They masterfully morphed the show from an ep-to-ep "whodunit" into an arc-based, ever-evolving story into which all the characters/actors have settled in with obvious comfort. Having Joshua Jackson as a protagonist is just icing on the cake; he'll always be Pacey to me, from Dawson's Creek. That was the defining TV series of my adolescence, and I think it was the first to portray a gay teen with a male-male kiss on screen. It's hard to believe that he's a part of two different series that have impacted my life in two decades, all before the age of 33.

New member
Aug 12, 2006
Without a doubt, Fringe is the highlight of my television week. They masterfully morphed the show from an ep-to-ep "whodunit" into an arc-based, ever-evolving story into which all the characters/actors have settled in with obvious comfort. Having Joshua Jackson as a protagonist is just icing on the cake; he'll always be Pacey to me, from Dawson's Creek. That was the defining TV series of my adolescence, and I think it was the first to portray a gay teen with a male-male kiss on screen. It's hard to believe that he's a part of two different series that have impacted my life in two decades, all before the age of 33.

I kinda felt sorry for the actor who played Jack on Dawson's Creek. Just think you audition for a role to play Katie Holmes boyfriend in a reoccurring capacity with on screen kissing and grinding. You have to be stoked and bragging to your firends. Then the writers tell you that they are bumping your character into contract status so you are thinking maybe I will pop Katie Holmes (Joey's) on screen cherry. Then BLAM the writers tell you "Oh yeah another thing... Your character is going to be gay from here on out and your gonna be kissing dudes on screen."

Talk about misdirection. LOL!!!

New member
Mar 4, 2007
I totally agree with the thread that Fringe rocks. I missed the first few eps from this yr, then decided not to watch any later eps, for fear of spoiling the first few. Can someone offer me advice on that? If I jumped back into the show in the middle of the season would my 'future knowledge' ruin the early episodes, or have they stopped doing the sequential 'alternate reality' series? It's kind of a double edged sword: I like the show a lot, so I'm willing to wait until reruns start, but I like the show a lot, so I don't want to.

Yipes. I just talked to a buddy of mine who practices entertainment law in LA and he told me, in true gambler's fashion, that the line he'd set on Fringe being renewed for next season is: Yes +140, No -160. I said to him, 'some friend, charging me juice!' (jk)

Anyway, here's hoping my buddy's wrong,

And if the Road Warrior says it, it must be true..
Sep 21, 2004
I totally agree with the thread that Fringe rocks. I missed the first few eps from this yr, then decided not to watch any later eps, for fear of spoiling the first few. Can someone offer me advice on that? If I jumped back into the show in the middle of the season would my 'future knowledge' ruin the early episodes, or have they stopped doing the sequential 'alternate reality' series? It's kind of a double edged sword: I like the show a lot, so I'm willing to wait until reruns start, but I like the show a lot, so I don't want to.

Yipes. I just talked to a buddy of mine who practices entertainment law in LA and he told me, in true gambler's fashion, that the line he'd set on Fringe being renewed for next season is: Yes +140, No -160. I said to him, 'some friend, charging me juice!' (jk)

Anyway, here's hoping my buddy's wrong,

Why wait for the reruns???

You can see every episode here...
I use the WiseVid, Videoweed, and my fav is MegaVideo (but I hate the time constraints)

And if the Road Warrior says it, it must be true..
Sep 21, 2004
Fringe Moves To Fridays, Walternate Closer To Victory

Monday, November 22nd, 2010 at 6:00am

Somewhere in an alternate universe, Fringe is a ratings juggernaut, the crown jewel in Fox’s programming slate that makes American Idol look like Lone Star.
Sadly, we do not live in that universe. In our reality, Fringe is struggling in the ratings despite the fact that it’s enjoying its most critically acclaimed season to date — and sadly, it appears that strong reviews and a core fan base might not be enough to save the science fiction series from cancellation.
In news that isn’t entirely unsurprising but is nonetheless wholly disappointing, Fox has decided to air Fringe on Friday nights starting in January. By moving into what is commonly referred to as “the Friday night death slot,” Fringe saddles up alongside other ill-fated shows with devoted fans that got similarly booted to the Friday spot, including Dollhouse and Firefly, while simultaneously finding itself in competition with successful Friday night lineups that include The CW’s winning Smallville and Supernatural combo.
For many, the move from Thursdays to Fridays is the beginning of the end for Fringe: at a current average viewership of less than 5 million, Fringe isn’t likely to swing upwards in the ratings in its new time slot. That said, Fox entertainment president Kevin Reilly brings up a fair point, telling Deadline that if Fringe can maintain its “current levels, we’ll get a big trade-up on Friday and will solve our problem there.”
So, is the move to Friday nights that big of a deal? For a program that gets most of its audience from DVR, DVDs and other assorted media, not to mention the fact that the most loyal Fringe fans aren’t likely to go anywhere despite the show’s move, it’s possible that Fringe could flourish on Fridays, just as The X-Files once did. Besides, it’s not as if Fringe ever stood much of a chance during its highly competitive Thursday night slot — perhaps a move to another night, even Friday, is a step in the right direction.
But that’s an optimistic viewpoint, to say the least; the track record for shows succeeding after a move to the Friday death slot, particularly on Fox, is far from great. The best advice I can give is pray for the best, prepare for the worst: after this latest development, it’s entirely likely that Olivia Dunham’s days of dealing with shape-shifters and bald-headed know-it-alls are inching closer to an end.
Head here for more on Fox’s midseason scheduling decisions.

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